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    New in version v4.2!
    v4 Changelog:

    Iso Creator is now script-style

    Vista Switcher v1.1.4
    Resource Hacker v3.6.0.92
    NotePad2-Mod v4.2.25.720
    Unlocker v1.9.1

    Full list of things that are included.
    Main Additions
    NotePad2-Mod v4.2.25.720
    RegShot v2.1.0.70 Unicode (Uninstallable)
    Replacer v2.63
    Service Tweaker v1
    Unlocker v1.9.1 (Includes Unlocker Assistant and is uninstallable)
    SendTo Menu Additions (Uninstallable)
    Cabmaker v3.3
    FGCBA v0.897
    Iso Creator Script-Style
    MSI Unpacker (Performs a admin install of .msi files to %homedrive%\admin)
    Reg2Inf v0.46
    Resource Hacker v3.6.0.92
    Shell Extensions
    .dll/.ocx/.ax Register/Unregister Regtweak
    Advanced .inf install/uninstall Regtweak
    Febooti CaSe v3
    HashCheck v2.1.11.0(Uninstallable)
    Mainsoft ClipName v1.3
    Open CMD Promt v2.0.2.1 (Uninstallable)
    Run with arguments v2.6.0.2
    Vista Switcher v1.1.4

    Size - 2.46 megs
    MD5Hash =
    File: Win7_UberPacK_v4.2.exe
    CRC-32: 22205b42
    MD4: 93f0c5719912d4fc6cd61a3af8882bce
    MD5: e3ccfab203db580637f7da2e50fa3fd6
    SHA-1: 81419129aaa4807e096a6a1a7b11d8fd34c64a20