Everything posted by Wanako1
GTA V SkinPack For Win 7 / 8.1 [ Multilingual]
Nice.. Thanks I have to test it
XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack for Windows XP Post-SP3 20160510
Thanks a lot. Great Job Man.
Integrate Language Packs into Vista SP1
I Have another easy way.... Make a BackUp or Copy of your Language Pack and change the extension .exe to .cab Ready!! I Hope this will help you!! :dancing:
CabPack 1.4a Español
Gracias.... Links caidos
- Start Menu X (32bit)
- [Traducci
Nuevo Tutorial para realizar un Bootscreen
Buen Tema..... Lastima que los links del post Principal estan inservibles..... Gracias.
[AddOn] CAD2009 Espa
Bueno.... Este es mi primer Aporte con la Comunidad AddOn : CAD2009 Traducido al Español v1.6 ------------- img 1 -------------------- img 2 ---------- Click Para ver Imagenes Ampliadas http://i42.tinypic.com/2rpdxyc.jpg (img 1) http://i41.tinypic.com/34rewk0.jpg (img 2) No Posee Sonidos (es decir Narrador), Eliminados (estaban en inglés) Si alguien tiene los sonidos (narrador) en Español y quiere ayudarme con este proyecto.... Bienvenid@s y gracias!!! http://www.mediafire...b597xdbqcdo17bn
[Addon] Cab Maker V 3.3
Thanks Man..... On Time..... i want to to re-build a .cab :dancing:
- [AddOn] WinStyle 7 - 7.3.0 Español XP SP3 - IE8 - WMP11
How to Integrate Addons (*.WA)
Thanks Man!!! :dancing:
[Addon] Animated Cpl's; Dll's; Exe's; Etc for XP
Nice Job!! Thanks a Lot :dancing:
[SVCPACK] Adobe Reader XI Lite v11.0.06 (Español)
Gracias, pero el link no sirve!!
[Enero] Update Pack Latino v2.0.6
Hey Gracias Man excelente Aportaso!!! a utilizarlo lo mas pronto posible
Win Toolkit
- 210 reviews
XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack for Windows XP Post-SP3 20160510
Thanks a Lot... Testing it. Nice Job!! :dancing:
- Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
How to run WPI after installation Windows XP?
WOW Easy like That... Thanks Man!! Now is gonna be easy for A lot of people. Thanks :dancing:
- [AddOn] SuperBar xp
- AutoIt
[Addon] Microsoft .NET Framework AIO ROE x86 - 20131008
Thanks a Lot Man... I have to try it... Thanks for this great Tool !!!
Thanks man, I want to try this tool But the link is not working
Office 2007, Unattended Setup & Fine-tuning
Nice!!!! I Will Try It. Thanks!! :evil:
XBMC (XBox Media Center)
Thanks Man
[AddOn] Media Center 2005 (English) January 24 2012
Thanks Man... I will Try it (Finally :naughty: ) Just 1 question: How to Integrate with RVMI Who has any Tutorial o manual :shy: Thanks a Lot :evil: