Everything posted by Wesmosis
[Installer] Windows Sidebar 1.7 XP/2003
Link is Down
[SVCPACK] VMware Workstation Lite 6.5.3 build-185404
VistaDrive Indicator Dark!
[AddOn] ToolTipFixer v1.0.1
[AddOn] Visual ToolTip 2.2 (27/06/07)
OnePiece's Internet Explorer 7 True Addon w/updates
thanx man but I was confused from the zillion versions upthere I just need a silent switchless file to be installed from WPI without slipstreaming can I have it?
VistaDrive Indicator Dark!
thanx Kel any screen shots for this tool?
[Addon] Kel's CPL All-in-One v12.6
you da man! thanx
[AddOn] Vista Sounds Replacement
is this workable with SP3 and Post-SP3 Ryan's Updates?
[AddOn] Windows Vista Wallpapers
[AddOn] Vista RTM Fonts v1.1
[Themes] Kel's Ultimate Visual Styles Pack
the link http://www.wpiw.net/downloads/addon/Kels_V...on_abstract.CAB is down plz can you correct it?
[SVCPACK] VMware Workstation Lite 6.5.3 build-185404
thanx so much
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
5.6 Themes
got it , thanx
5.6 Themes
ok I'll do my best one more thing Kelsen, how to edit the top word (Windows Post-Install Wizard) for instance in Dyna Theme I've changed the 7th line in wpi.html but it didn't help, also editedd the gif image, also failed to change the above comment (which I like but I want to add some letters)
5.6 Themes
thanx and waiting for more