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Everything posted by dareckibmw

  1. cool !!!! I'm gonna test it asap and let you all know how it went cause I've had no luck with the other addons of IE7, even though it says KB960714 integrated but after checking MU site that hotfix still show :noexpression: EDIT ...Yes, its working (doesn't appears on MU site anymore) BUT... (( there has to be a BUT ) it has an old IE6 icon on desktop, just there...and when I double clicked, it created another shortcut to it (I hope its not an operator error)
  2. hey buddy :)

    if u get a chance get on skype or something !!! I need that new vista boot screen (blue progress bar)

  3. ....just go to Add/Remove Programs and uninstall KB956841 hotfix, restart and....voila (worked on my 2 pc's) ....or do not download it :evil: ....at least not now .
  4. ....This Auto Addon Maker works just fine !!!! with a new WinRAR 3.80 ...
  5. Thanks Orbit :thumbsup_anim:
  6. ...thats what I did with a photoshop...first time
  7. XP Pro would be nice with this one... ...or this one... :thumbsup_anim:
  8. Thanks Sull for the info...I guess those ppl. r out of luck today @ hngovr1 ... :worthy: ...again
  9. well, it worked for me, I already got 5-6 pc's running fine with it but some people getting that error "ntoskrnl.exe is missing or corrupted" ...how is this possible :g: is there a way to fix it, I mean in .iso or on already installed OS.
  10. I think he meant download link, it does work
  11. sp3 5508 blue, works like a charm (live install....not in VMware) :thumbsup_anim: Thanks orbit30 :worthy:
  12. I like the blue one, it will match with rest of my stuff how about blue one for 5508 Thanks :thumbsup_anim:
  13. hngovr1...You the man :thumbsup_anim: 5508 works like a charm !!! Thanks...
  14. I'll test it out...hngovr1 sent that to me...stay tuned
  15. @ hngovr1 Thanks a lot buddy !!! :thumbsup_anim: It works like a charm with sp3 rc2 build 3300 :icon_cool: ps. I hope You got my last PM
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