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Everything posted by Yesnovato

  1. Thanks for reply, I going to test and let you know. Thank you so much
  2. Hello I want to copy a file in Program Files (x86), I don't know where is my error. I'm using WPI7.7 {FILECOPY} %wpipath%\\Install\\Foldername\\filename.xxx %programfiles%\\filename.xxx Somebody can help me.Thanks in advance
  3. Hello rick I've been reading about tweaks, WPI and XML, and now I understand everything much better. but of course I still have many doubts. I used a USB driver as you told me to put the WPI, and work well but I could not fully automate the installation of programs that have S/N, so I have to do it manually, Could you told how to add the S/N automatically, Some programs ask me by the S/N at the beginning of the installation and others after the installationn. Thanks in advance. "WRONG the WPI in the USB driver no working for me" . :ranting:
  4. So I did not know how to explain. Now, let me ask a question, I've been learning WPI, I have put several programs (winrar, UISO, Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat, Office and Pinnacle) I made an ISO file and test it using VM, all work well but the ISO file has around 6GB as I do to split it into two DVD and this one work, could you guidance. Thanks in advance
  5. Hello ricktendo64 First let me thank you for all the help you give me in the past, it seems that you applied the repercussions that you mentioned in your last post, I feel it really was not my intention to hurt anybody, but there is no bad word what the word is misunderstood (sorry my English)(No hay palabra mal dicha sino mal interpretada). I used the word that caused the trouble because I was referring specifically to Pinnacle Studio, the version that bought is version 9.0 and when I do the update on the web side of Pinnacle they use the word P...., in the same way that Microsoft uses. Anyway I go to apologize to you and this great forum. Ah the repercussions also helped me because I had to read a lot to make an application to integrate windows. Thanks for your great help, I'm sure not will be the last.
  6. Sorry...Sorry. do not worry will not happen again thanks
  7. Hi Rick Thanks to the videos I could understand many things that previously could not understand. I've been able to integrate drivers, updates and a few of tweaks. Really what I want to make is to create a windows that allows me to choose the installation of some programs such as Photoshop, winrar, Pinnacle, ultraiso. Could you tell me where to read or find a tutorial about that, where can I see some examples. I'm using W7x64 Thanks in advance
  8. Thanks for reply. I'm going to test right now
  9. Hello Rick Well, I made the ISO using 7Costumizer(I would like do it with oscdimg for learning)and install it using the VMware image, below is a summary of my image Included: a) drivers (worked perfect) The latest updates from MS, including Windows Defender (OK, but I don't know how to integrated the .exe updates) c) Set-timezone (OK) d) Set-Productkey (I could not activate Windows(3 days) , I do not know how to do it) e) Disable some features, like games (OK, although I do not know about other features, I was reading about .xml, but I don't know how to do it and where to put it and for what) f) My Favorites (did not work, Windows installs the default) g) Changed the user acccount pictures(OK) h) Wallpaper (did not work, I don't know how do it) for me, I had a step forward, it has been for your help and others like you have helped me in other forums. Thank you so much
  10. Hello Rick Thanks for reply. I've been playing with the mounted image, I have really integrated the drivers, the updates, and disable a few features, but there are many things that are not very clear for me because I am a total newbie in programming, by now I would like to try my image in the vmware, so I need to do the Iso. could you tell me how to use oscdimg.exe to make the ISO. I've been reading the help in WAIK but I can not achieve anything. Thank you for your usual help. and believe me I've been learning a lot with you.Sorry the language, the english is not my nature language. :sleeping: :sleeping:
  11. Hi Rick I have some doubts regarding the video # 2 1) What can I copy directly from my windows directory to the windows of my image. 2) What can I copy from system32 directory to my image 3) Can I directly copy the folders PerfLogs, Program Files, Program Files (x86), Program Data, Users and Windows to my image, that is a clone of my W7. Please let me know Thanks in advance I going to check the video #3
  12. Thanks for your reply. Now drivers and updates are clear to me. I'm trying to understand from the 2nd video the changes that are made directly on the mounted image(install.wim)
  13. Hi Rick, I'm learning a lot with the videos, they are very good. I have some doubts. 1) Can I integrate updates .msu 2) The drivers are integrated into boot.wim and also in install.wim Thanks in advance for your valuable help