Reputation Activity
filter reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5You're right, Mozilla have (once again) changed something about the profiles, version 5.5 of the maker is out, the only change is the example profile bundled was updated for Firefox 67+
filter reacted to Thiersee in WinToolkit version / volks,
the german user unantastbar on continues the development of WinToolkit version and has released the first new version, after Liam changed the program-code to open.
In this version there are some changes for Windows 10, but some for Windows 7 too (have look at pictures)
to move some KBs (not integrable off-line) to "Silent Installers"
and KB4490628 to "Prerequisites"
filter reacted to mooms in CCleaner SFX Maker 3.7.1Version 3.7.1 is out, corrected a typo.
filter reacted to mooms in WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4Version 3.1
Updated 7za to version 1805. Updated the icon of the sfx module from WinRAR 5.60. Added a theme in the Themes folder (the previous default theme of WinRAR). If you copy the file rar.reg in the setup folder, the old default theme will be applied. Rewritten the creation of the sfx config file: now the parameters are dynamically created when corresponding options are used (previously all parameters where added even if not used). If you embed theme(s) and create an AddOn, the sfx in the SVCPACK AddOn will be copied in a temp folder then executed at RunOnce (this way you can remove the install media after the install is finished). You can now install WinRAR 32 bits on a 64 bits Windows. -
filter reacted to mooms in WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4With this maker you can create switchless installers (and RVMi/nLite AddOn), with your own license file, in the language of your choice, and with themes & others customization.
- Download and extract this archive:
SHA-1: 1EDCDD7AF14DBC8E034B10B9F68BEF2E94B09B60
Size: 181 KB
Password: mooms
- Download a copy of the WinRAR installer(s) in your language:
You can grab both x86 & x64 versions to make an universal installer, the sfx will take care to install the correct version.
- Place the installer(s) in the setup folder. (keep the original names)
- Optional: put a valid WinRAR license file (rarreg.key) in the setup folder
- Optional: put the theme(s) you want to add in the themes folder, then copy the themes folder in the setup folder.
Do not extract or rename the themes.
Themes can be downloaded here:
- Optional: If you want to add custom prefs to your WinRAR install (like enabling a theme you have added),
you can edit the file rar.reg accordingly and place it in the setup folder.
- Optional: If you want to create an AddOn for RVMi/nLite, edit the script and change the value to "set addon=1"
Note that starting with version 6.10, WinRAR is not compatible anymore with Windows XP.
- Run WinRAR_SFX_Maker.cmd
The switchless installer and AddOn are created in the output folder.
7-zip must be installed.
As long as the WinRAR installer routine is not modified this maker will work, so keep it, it will be useful again when WinRAR will be updated.
(Read this thread for an in depth explanation of the capability of this maker)
filter reacted to Thiersee in Java Multi MakerAnd you will not find it!
There is no x86.
filter reacted to mooms in CCleaner SFX Maker 3.7.1Version 3.1 is out:
Updated the download urls (changed from to
filter reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5Version 5.4:
Renamed the shortcut for Firefox 58+ -
filter reacted to mooms in Java Multi MakerHere is 3.6 beta2
works with Java 9 x86 & x64
You have to download the Java 9 x86 and/or x64 setup(s), copy it/them in the "JRE_setups" folder then launch "_JAVA_Multi_Maker.cmd".
Tested on Windows 10 x64, both normal and admin install works.
filter reacted to mooms in WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4Update:
Updated 7za and the sfx module. The setups are no longer renamed, the config file is now dynamically generated. The Binary folder has been renamed to setup, so it's clearer. Themes are now to be placed in the Themes folder. The AddOn is no longer created by default. It is still possible to create it if desired. Added error and success messages. In-depth review of the script. Removed the executable, the script is open source and I prefer. -
filter reacted to mooms in UltraISO SFX & AddOn MakerUpdated the maker, now the making of the AddOn is optionnal.
filter reacted to mooms in CCleaner SFX Maker 3.7.1Major update:
- The script is now able to download both Slim & Standard versions (it will always try to download Slim first ).
- Added an option to keep the Desktop icon (deleted by default, see Readme).
- nLite/RVMi AddOn will not be created by default anymore (see Readme).
- If the script can't download any versions, it will ask you to put the setup in "ccsetup" folder (offline mode).
filter reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5Version 5.1 is out, there was a last minute bug in the v5.0
filter reacted to abbodi1406 in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7Reworked .NET 4.7 addon:
- Implemented a workaround for auto MOFs compiling, no script required (thanks to @MSMG)
- NativeImages are now generated after OS installation, this allows to have fresh images that suits the OS features, and reduce the addone size)
filter reacted to abbodi1406 in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7added .NET 4.7
removed .NET 4.6.2
updated .NET 4.6.1
filter reacted to OnePiece in Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINALHi guys, about KB4012598 just integrate it with nLite after integrating Update Pack
Or, is simple hotfix that includes only 2 files so anyone who wants will be able to integrate it in updatepack
1 - extrack hotfix - WindowsXP-KB4012598-x86-custom-ENU.exe -x:"C:\WindowsXP-KB4012598-x86-ENU" /Q
2 - Take from the C:\WindowsXP-KB4012598-x86-ENU\SP3QFE "xpsp4res.dll" and "srv.sys"
3 - extrack UpdatePack e Copy\Replace inside these two files, Also copy "KB4012598.CAT" in SvcPack folder
4 - This hotfix puts obsolete the KB2508429, so if you want, you can delete from the svcpack folder, and replace all (KB2508429 with KB4012598) in OPMWXPUP.inf, replace KB4012598.AddReg section with
[KB4012598.AddReg] HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598", "Description", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_SECURITY_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KB4012598)" HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598", "InstalledBy", %REG_SZ%, "%NAME%" HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598", "InstalledDate", %REG_SZ%, "%VERSION%" HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598", "Type", %REG_SZ%, "Update" HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\0", "FileName", %REG_SZ%, "srv.sys" HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\0", "Version", %REG_SZ%, "5.1.2600.7208" HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\0", "BuildDate", %REG_SZ%, "Sat Feb 11 21:38:35 2017" HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\0", "BuildCheckSum", %REG_SZ%, "5ddea" HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\0", "Location", %REG_SZ%, "%12%" HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\1", "FileName", %REG_SZ%, "xpsp4res.dll" HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\1", "Version", %REG_SZ%, "5.1.2600.7208" HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\1", "BuildDate", %REG_SZ%, "Sat Feb 11 19:54:15 2017" HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\1", "BuildCheckSum", %REG_SZ%, "ab63" HKLM, "%UpdateRegKey%\%PRODUCT_NAME%\SP%SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER%\KB4012598\Filelist\1", "Location", %REG_SZ%, "%11%" HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Backup Dir", %REG_SZ%, "" HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Comments", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_SECURITY_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KB4012598)" HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Fix Description", %REG_SZ%, "%LOC_SECURITY_UPDATE% for %PRODUCT_NAME% (KB4012598)" HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Installed", %REG_DWORD%, "1" HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Installed By", %REG_SZ%, "%NAME%" HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Installed On", %REG_SZ%, "%VERSION%" HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Service Pack", %REG_DWORD%, %SERVICE_PACK_NUMBER% HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598", "Valid", %REG_DWORD%, "1" HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598\File 1", "Flags", %REG_SZ%, "" HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598\File 1", "New File", %REG_SZ%, "" HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598\File 1", "New Link Date", %REG_SZ%, "" HKLM, "%KEY_HOTFIX%\KB4012598\File 1", "Old Link Date", %REG_SZ%, "" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\System\Srv","EventMessageFile",%REG_EXPAND_SZ%,"%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\xpsp4res.dll" archive UpdatePack with 7-Zip or WinRar or other (which nLite and RVMi supports) and is all OK.
Ciao a tutti.
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 ARA - (Arabic)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 3835131B82248D2471CA4B1F18F3B46C
Filesize: 22.91 MB (24026519 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 CHS - (Chinese Simplified)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 A6E05643DCF59100EE0F4EE0DFB6F130
Filesize: 22.87 MB (23979898 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 CHT - (Chinese Traditional)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 B7147986D2685DB517F84D4FA0585830
Filesize: 22.87 MB (23977850 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 CSY - (Czech)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 62436365B00DDEFF9FA3D32293102EAB
Filesize: 22.87 MB (23981402 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 DAN - (Danish)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 DE11F06E09C238630A5026F3D38B9EAC
Filesize: 22.86 MB (23966681 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 DEU - (German)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 752CF77E57732CFE2FFA6177DD252EF4
Filesize: 22.86 MB (23971264 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 ELL - (Greek)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 A59E4EF8528F61A7E187A5FFC8C791D9
Filesize: 22.9 MB (24008744 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 ENU - (English)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 D165288E21109551F229A2C38009BB46
Filesize: 22.78 MB (23886724 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 ESN - (Spanish)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 D156761E9AF530713AD429483CAF7AF0
Filesize: 22.87 MB (23978000 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 FIN - (Finnish)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 DC1C4E2C0C4183F9CD801F33C2039C99
Filesize: 22.86 MB (23966469 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 FRA - (French)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 5CA7E58FBA6969C1AE7C46F14B29ED09
Filesize: 22.87 MB (23979016 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 HEB - (Hebrew)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Filesize: 22.91 MB (24026633 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 HUN - (Hungarian)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 85F562ECE072A1CAC82660A253447390
Filesize: 22.87 MB (23980449 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 ITA - (Italiano)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 491673AA22A6CB46FFC67A40CCA71260
Filesize: 22.86 MB (23970988 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 JPN - (Japanese)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 462C8D438B78E5FCF912E32156D0C599
Filesize: 22.88 MB (23992001 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 KOR - (Korean)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 151F7C7C822235A6B5307AE0248E286A
Filesize: 22.88 MB (23989332 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 NLD - (Dutch)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 FFB40B24AD6EA8FF00A67722110BC0CC
Filesize: 22.87 MB (23983773 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 NOR - (Norwegian)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 95E61888498A6ED4D0CEF5A697B944A3
Filesize: 22.85 MB (23964189 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 PLK - (Polish)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 0653E641C3636D2A589B88757F31F217
Filesize: 22.87 MB (23980694 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 PTB - (Brazilian)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 B3923E66D24E751C18A1783A32319EA6
Filesize: 22.86 MB (23972417 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 PTG - (Portuguese)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 4AC7B46F6FD09B80ECE0DB4152496352
Filesize: 22.87 MB (23975828 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 RUS - (Russian)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 69CFBF380FB51529DDC58305F76660A2
Filesize: 22.86 MB (23968767 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 SVE - (Swedish)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 826FA667A38892027A94A30BA836E432
Filesize: 22.86 MB (23968575 bytes)
OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2016.12.16 TRK - (Turkish)
Update (21 December 2016)
Update (21 December 2016)
Hash MD5 110AAD201212C61C57AD872047FA6D0E
Filesize: 22.86 MB (23967892 bytes)
Onepiece's Windows XP Post-SP3 All-in-One QFE/LDR International Update Packs
Start from here: Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO En-US Update Pack FINAL
Made with DXUPAC! only DotNet LangPacks are not included (as they're useless) but if you want them too, integrate (download it from one of Onepiece's Files Repositories) after UpdatePack.
How to: update the included Adobe Flash Player ActiveX
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL ARA - (Arabic)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 E9A0DE9CD1651C8EECF38AAF83721F3D
Filesize: 201.55 MB (211337537 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL CHS - (Chinese Simplified)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 C507D6C2DC13EF6B60C6E9232C3C07D0
Filesize: 207.08 MB (217138569 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL CHT - (Chinese Traditional)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 E2F2120C5F7B37A58AAEDB960800DC5C
Filesize: 206.78 MB (216824677 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL CSY - (Czech)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 483859A994C117FFE1DE0D21B6867875
Filesize: 207.18 MB (217247600 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL DAN - (Danish)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 9BB0241FB362EDA233E6E651FAF566DB
Filesize: 206.66 MB (216696247 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL DEU - (German)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 8C4CB679F6BF9DEC8B957B6946D1F8E8
Filesize: 207.44 MB (217518497 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL ELL - (Greek)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 68FA0EDF3EB5CCC81D2AA04ACEC48740
Filesize: 207.09 MB (217153266 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL ENU - (English)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 7A2AC7C5DD72BB4BC0C18D677A8B8FB1
Filesize: 206.18 MB (216198876 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL ESN - (Spanish)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 2E18AC3368D981EDEFE4F5A23A513501
Filesize: 207.38 MB (217449516 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL FIN - (Finnish)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 2842D2C0D147AB7298A3FE19250766FA
Filesize: 206.57 MB (216606818 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL FRA - (French)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 0782DE5A7D8F35FF21B5D21E23E59883
Filesize: 207.48 MB (217559512 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL HEB - (Hebrew)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 1AAD9BD36A7DE743F0BE28AA256CE645
Filesize: 201.14 MB (210914146 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL HUN - (Hungarian)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 E5CE1E19943730A0571DE21D477B3312
Filesize: 207.19 MB (217254814 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL ITA - (Italiano)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 1065BBC91E197A83BB1182D6707CDDB5
Filesize: 207.07 MB (217133052 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL JPN - (Japanese)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 AB07349C6226432744BAB6D8CCEE1228
Filesize: 207.92 MB (218019895 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL KOR - (Korean)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 717B45BB67C883C3CC40AB696656CF6B
Filesize: 207.46 MB (217540564 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL NLD - (Dutch)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 AFE345F0944970DAE4A2002C775896A5
Filesize: 207.05 MB (217111160 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL NOR - (Norwegian)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 846060F0CFFE251EE6390FC69A40906C
Filesize: 206.61 MB (216641910 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL PLK - (Polish)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 86D0924381CEAFCBE79E2830A13A071F
Filesize: 207.24 MB (217311638 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL PTB - (Brazilian)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 40E5130FF80C77FF559563ADF22DEE78
Filesize: 207.29 MB (217360212 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL PTG - (Portuguese)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 563C6F2B29397C59E04F6A457EF0E6C3
Filesize: 207.12 MB (217186283 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL RUS - (Russian)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 237F2879AC6D6920495915F5EA62938D
Filesize: 207.59 MB (217670355 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL SVE - (Swedish)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 4B76CD47C6F8561D255AE763E0A40258
Filesize: 206.94 MB (216994255 bytes)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL TRK - (Turkish)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 3ECFE702D78183F8AFFF90723C28D644
Filesize: 207.06 MB (217113805 bytes)
filter reacted to mooms in Java Multi MakerThanks for the feedback Thiersee, the uninstall GUID has changed slightly, this is fixed now.
Version 3.4 is out.
what's new:
filter reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5Version 4.1 is out.
What's new:
filter got a reaction from mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5I just fix the latest version of Firefox, with my personal settings, boomarks, extensions.... Works perfectly.
Thanks Mooms
filter reacted to mooms in Java Multi MakerVersion 3.3 is out.
filter reacted to Legolash2o in WinToolkit Developmentv1.5.4.6 released hopefully addressing those issues.
filter reacted to Thiersee in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5It takes a couple of days, but you can every time chose to download "specified version 32" (or 64) then you can chose 49.0.
filter got a reaction from dareckibmw in can't integrate KB3125574.Add this updates to Win Toolkit.
Right click in kb3020369 change it to PREREQUISITES.
Right click in kb3125574 change it to UPDATES.
Works to me