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  1. Hey thanks
  2. @ pete,what Rick meant was u had posted in the wrong section.I agree with what N1K said.You shlouldn't be so impolite.Beside, I don't agree with you saying rick did a lousy sidebar.His creation is great. I've been using his sidebar for almost 2yrs with no problem.If u think u can do a better job than him then prove it!!!
  3. Hey Rick,Thanks of the update.Somehow i found this build uses less RAM
  4. Hello rick,1st of all i thankyou for thoes wonderful works of yours .well, now the nero gadget for version 8113 lite/micro doesnt seems compatible with version 8280 lite/mirco.when i wanna copy dvd to dvd.the gadget will promt me saying burning engine error but i didnt have this problem when i do it with nero express or burning rom.can u pls kindly advise me what should i do.thankyou