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Everything posted by JurgenDoe

  1. :thumbsup_anim: Thanks Gorki....I like clean and tidy Desktops too.... :nunchaku:
  2. HURT
  3. your wish is my order :thumbsup_anim:
  4. Without Fear :icon_rolleyes:
  5. harry potter :thumb_yello:
  6. I like your Desktop and this clock too :thumb_yello: @ Windowsguy.........it takes a while because I have to do many images and write to every image the tut :icon_rolleyes:
  7. SURF
  8. TURF
  9. :thumbsup_anim: Thanks Rick....the best service on net here @ Wincert :prop:
  10. TURN
  11. FARE
  12. Oki this is my August Desktop :icon_rolleyes: I just made this image and if anyone interested I'll write a tutorial for it how I did this
  13. I like both but I don't use Winamp :icon_rolleyes:
  14. HARM
  15. **** this guy must be really good....wish I could do half of them by myself :icon_rolleyes:
  16. Hopefully the waiting time is soon over......**** I want this Alky so badly
  17. I want it too....I want it too :icon_rolleyes:
  18. TARN
  19. TART
  20. Oh I see... I must be stupid....just found it :thumbsup_anim:
  21. Firefox v. is now out :thumb_yello:
  22. thanks Kel this is awesome :thumbsup_anim:
  23. You should see this one :thumbsup_anim: Video: Awesome !!! Police Vs a Biker I tried to add the embed Video but for some reason it want work by me
  24. JurgenDoe

    Stupid Cat

    :thumbsup_anim: LMAO this is really great :thumbsup_anim:
  25. I like the Vista one best. The last one you have to read to all sites before making any comments to it :thumbsup_anim:
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