Everything posted by JurgenDoe
Firefox 3.0 Beta 1
thanks cro-man but I uninstalled it already because the addons don't work with this version and I love my addons :pirate:
Some fun stuff for you N1K :icon_cool:
Windows 7 "top feature request list" leaked to the public
With Windows still managing to find its way to over 95 percent of the desktop computers sold each year, it's not surprising that one can find plenty of people interested in giving their feedback about what future versions of Windows should be able to do. A few years ago, before Windows Vista had even shipped, Microsoft sent out a wish list form asking people what features they would like to see in the next version of Windows, currently code-named Windows 7. The top wished-for features in this list were recently leaked to the public and have popped up at various sites (e.g., Neowin). While anonymous sources at Microsoft tell us that they bear no relationship to the actual feature set Microsoft is currently writing for Windows 7, the list does provide interesting insight into what the Windows-using public most wants from Windows. The features are listed in no particular order, but they break down into various categories depending on what part of Windows the feature request falls under. Many requests for improvements in Internet Explorer, such as a session restore function, are fairly obvious wishes for features that already exist in competitive products such as Firefox and Opera. Other suggestions, such as a tabbed Windows Explorer, look for features from web browsers to migrate into the general user interface. Some of the feature requests are clearly unrealistic, such as the desire to "back up" Xbox 360 games to the PC (yeah, I don't think Microsoft will be doing that one). Others are minor user interface enhancements that would be nice additions but wouldn't really change the Windows experience, such as a progress bar when hibernating the system. However, there are a few that make good sense and would be welcome additions to the operating system, such as a built-in video and audio codec manager. Read full Story HERE
TUTORIAL: Transform Windows XP into Windows Vista
Vishal my friend you are here :thumbsup_anim: Now we have one of the best computer freaks here at WinCert :icon_cool:
Just wanted to give a BIG THANKS to Rick
Did I read about a group hug here :icon_cool:
[Help] Name that baby
I kind of like WinUltimate too ... the best choice so far in my 2cents opinion :prop:
[AddOn] WindowBlinds 6 Enhanced (6.02 (build 43x86))
The best Vista like theme I've ever tried is from Jemaho
[AddOn] WindowBlinds 6 Enhanced (6.02 (build 43x86))
Don't mention it....any time for you :thumbsup_anim:
[AddOn] TeraCopy v2 beta 4a
Thanks Gorki ... a really great one :thumbsup_anim:
[Addon] Driver Compressor
got to give it a try...sounds really need :icon_cool:
Desktop Cube for Windows XP/Vista
thanks N1K for this. Dunno if I ever will use it because I have Flip33D and Yod but never used them either :icon_cool:
Windows XP Service Pack 3
After installing Windows XP Service Pack 3 my Bootscreen went back to the old ugly Windows XP one and I could not change it back. I tried with Rick everything but we couldn't change the Bootscreen to the Vista one I had. :thumbsdown_anim: **** that sucks :crying_anim02:
[AddOn] RumShot v1.1.0.0 (Updated 11/08/07)
Thanks Rick another great addon for my collection :thumbsup_anim:
Change a Letter Game
Al GORE is a great man :thumbsup_anim:
[Finalists] October 2007
I give my vote to scrat :thumbsup_anim:
Happy Birthday N1K
:crying_anim02: did I miss something here .... to much work makes me :sleeping_03anim: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy B-Day dude :pirate:
[Desktops] November 2007
Oki doki here is mine for the month... :icon_cool: Another one to make Wolf jealous :w00t:
[AddOn] 7-Zip Archiver v9.27 alpha (International)
Great work as usual Rick :thumbsup_anim:
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
nice wallpaper DilusionX...what city is this and care to share :icon_cool:
[SVCPACK] VMware Workstation Lite 6.5.3 build-185404
Wonderful Rick :thumbsup_anim:
What do you think about Objectdock??
I'm sticking with Rocket Dock ... like it much better then Object Dock :icon_cool:
[Desktops] October 2007
Since it is Fall time I thought to get me a nice Autumn Wallpaper Here is my newest one :icon_cool:
[Editable] Vista Firefox (April 16-08)
Great Rick .... just dl me the 2008 version :thumbsup_anim:
[AddOn] RegSeeker 1.55
Thanks Rick ... it's much appreciated :icon_cool:
bed sheets
:thumbsup_anim: LMAO ... This is a really good one :thumbsup_anim: