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    malakoulis reacted to StopLooking in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Welcome everyone :tired:
    This Days it is not so difficult to install windows form scratch, However it is can be time consuming becuase after installing windows , and one of the process that can take along time to complete is the downlaoad and insatlling of runtime Package and the third party
    such as .NET Framework , Java plugin , Flash palyer , silverlight , DirectX , adobe air , and etc.
    Although this runtime  consider to be optional software , but they are becoming a necssity today due the larg number of software that
    requires to run Properly ,In Our ' AiO Runtime Pack ' that contains all this Kind of runtime , without need to download each runtime or software separately , all what you need to do is download the ' AiO Runtime Pack ' , and run the " Package_xxx.exe" file that will start the Installtion Process , A really nice Feature on ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is ability to automatically choose the right components that are compatible with the system architecture , and the ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is offline installer which mean all the runtime are already included in the setup file without an internet connection required also offline Package will get outdated after sometimes due the constant update of the runtime wich is updated continuously so make sure you have the latest version of the package .
     What is Included :

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    So any suggestion & idea will be great to support this project .
    Hope  all of  you enjoy this work