Everything posted by shahed
[request] outpost firewall pro 4
there is another major problem as well. i sliptreamed outpost firewall pro to my xp dvd, but it runs the setup when windows is saving settings, and restarting. the installation never finishes, whats the problem there?
thanks i got it now working properly
[request] outpost firewall pro 4
hi ricks yes i made a script and followed your instructions, but when running the script everything goes fine, except the last bit where i have to click finish button myself to finish the installation on outpost firewall pro. i did also try the mouse recording option as well, same problem, please help me here, or try it urself to test it and give me a solution to that please. thank you
[request] outpost firewall pro 4
hey ricks your the best mate, now i can make any addons my self. i was lookin for this on how to use autoit tutorial video that i download from winaddons.com, but it was in bulgurian lang, but the now i can use autoit by your excellent link you provided above, its bloody so easy to use with the link you provided. your the best mate cheers!
[request] outpost firewall pro 4
wicked i tested it and it works, but its not complete silent, because during windows setup, when it comes to registering components an configuration wizard pops up, were i have to select user level. any solution for that?
hi i just cant seem to figure out what commands to use in wpi to get my custom settings to copy from cd to program files. what is the code to copy from cd to program files in wpi. please help me'
[request] outpost firewall pro 4
hi kels thanks for your help. i will test it and will let you know how it goes. thanks again
[request] outpost firewall pro 4
hi can someone please make me an addon for firewall 'outpost firewall pro v4.0', yes i know its a trial version, but i have my own serial. please also give me instructions on how to add my serial to the addon if possible. thank you
tired of looking for the best security. all of them are system resource hog. the best i cam across so far is nod32 for virus. the comodo firewall blocks my utorrent and keeps asking me for confirmation, and for spyware the best one i found is spyware terminator 2.0. (any better spyware app in mind) i just need help with the firewall, the comodo firewall blocks my utorrent, and keeps asking me for confirmation
kaspersky internet sec or zonealarm pro
tired of looking for the best security. all of them are system resource hog. the best i cam across so far is nod32 for virus. the comodo firewall blocks my utorrent and keeps asking me for confirmation, and for spyware the best one i found is spyware terminator 2.0. (any better spyware app in mind) i just need help with the firewall, the comodo firewall blocks my utorrent, and keeps asking me for confirmation
kaspersky internet sec or zonealarm pro
hi what do you think of spyware terminator v1.9?
hi what do you think of spyware terminator v1.9?
free and premium considering system resource, so i can choose which one to make, and yes norton is the biggest crap around, i know dat you know and almost everybody knows dat.
which premium ANTISPYWARE would you people recommend also considering system resources pleae vote as i will be making it an addon and will upload it to share with everyone, except the serials. but i can give you info on how to input your serial into the addon, depending on the software core.
kaspersky internet sec or zonealarm pro
All you people out there thank you so much for your help, and votes. ok after all these replys, votes and peoples recommendation, the result is: nod32 for virus comodo firewall for firewall but for ANTISPYWARE which one would you people recommend also considering system resources
kaspersky internet sec or zonealarm pro
any software name you would recommend?
kaspersky internet sec or zonealarm pro
which software is best for virus, spyware, basically all round protection? or is it better individual software like one for virus, one for spyware, and one for firewall considering system resources?
kaspersky internet sec or zonealarm pro
so many views and hardly any replys, am sure many people has already used these softwares
kaspersky internet sec or zonealarm pro
hi i want to create an addon for a premium security program, and will share it with everybody except the serials, but i need your help. please vote as which one would you people recommend for the BEST OVERALL security program: zonealarm pro 7 or kaspersky internet security 6
[AddOn] TransBar v1.4.2
hey rick does this start with windows automatically
Vista Inspirat Ultimate 2.0
hi is it possible to create a custom defined silent installation? if it is then please make me an addon or show me how to create a custom defined silent installation of this great pack. the original silent installation only transforms to vista look, but with no extras, like rocket dock uber icon, vista sound scheme, etc. please help me create a custom installation
hi i know there is an addon for this great program, but i would like someone to make this addon and please configure it to start automatically with windows on first boot. please make this addon for me configured to start with windows on first boot thank you
[reques] ubericon
hi can someone please make me this great addon please. and please try to configure the addon to start automatically with windows, without me starting it manually, and if its possible also hide the system tray icon thank you Download Link: http://files.punksoftware.com/UberIcon/UberIcon-v1.0.3.exe
Brico Pack Vista Inspirat Ultimate 2.0
hi is it possible to integrate Vista Inspirat into setup files, or make it a silent install to run with wpi?
[Help] Runonce ex.cmd
hi i created my own runonce ex.cmd batch file to automate my software installation, but what code do i write to restart my computer automatically from the runonce batch? please help