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  1. MBrys331 posted a post in a topic in Win Toolkit Requests
    i would like to be able to change the boot screen can you please add this into Win Toolkit as a feature thank you
  2. i extract ie11 with 7 zip I cant find msu or cab file I would like to use win toolkit ie11 do not know how or where to find cab or msu file at please help thank you
  3. yes please I don't know what commnad line to use to use with dism trying to intergrate servie pack thank you for your help
  4. the videos are very helpful thank you for them my question is i am trying to use dism windows 7 service pack i have no luck with it yet is there a video for that thank you for your help
  5. MBrys331 replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit Guides
    i was going to make the external hard drive active for bootable and i was going to add windows 7 files to the drive just like the {flash drive} has wintoolkit to pre pair the drive and have the external drive as primary and work from the external drive
  6. MBrys331 replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit Guides
    i am asking can i boot os from this Toshiba - Canvio 1.50 TB External Hard Drive is it the same process as a flash drive and thank you for help
  7. MBrys331 replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit Guides
    i've manual add few tweaks to registry and i ran the iso file and it didn't work not sure why?
  8. MBrys331 replied to MBrys331's post in a topic in Win Toolkit Requests
    i have Windows 7 32-bit trying to learn how to customize windows 7 (Desktop Computer) Video Card: Product Type: Geforce Product Series: Geforce 500 Series operating System: Windows 7 32 -bit
  9. MBrys331 replied to MBrys331's post in a topic in Win Toolkit Requests
    how do you add the drivers into the install.wim file i have no idea how to do this at all very do not not sure at all to me i located the files and drivers how to add drivers into the build using Win Toolkit thank you for your help Exception: Unknown Error 2: Status: Installing Driver: 1 of (CL_82296.INF) ATI Display
  10. MBrys331 posted a post in a topic in Win Toolkit Requests
    how do you add drivers how to convert drivers inf files into Win Toolkit i have no idea how to do this please help please advice what other program do i need for this to happend can you please add convert exe to inf file into Win Toolkit
  11. Thank you for Excellent Program keep up the Excellent Work
  12. Thank you for creating Win Toolkit Excellent work!!! :thumbsup:
  13. can you please add these into Win Toolkit Please so that can be availiable to remove from image file pleaase!!! Accessibility Calculator Mobility Center On-Screen Magnifier People near me Projector Connectivity Speech Support Stickey Notes Welcome Center Windows Fax and Scanner Windows Sidebar what about adding Drivers like a list which drivers do you want to remove Windows Sideshow Driver What about adding Printers like a list where you can remove Printers except the one that you have What about adding Scanners like a list where you can remove Scanners except the one that you have Tv Turner BlueTooth Fax Floppy Drive What about adding wherer you can remove Languages: except the ones that you want to keep Mobile Pc Presentation Sample Music and Video Windows Media Center Connect To Network Projector Remote Desktop Assistance Remote Desktop Connection Bluetooth Fax Media Center Extender Service Parential Controls Tablet Pc Input Services Windows Card Space Windows Media Center Receciver Services Windows Media Center Schedular Services Narrator Tablet Pc Windows Easy Transfer Thank you for your help keep up the excellent Work!!
  14. MBrys331 posted a post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    i have lots of tweak that i am trying to add into the install i have imported the registry file saved image and rebuild image and ran a test on virtual box and they are not there at all what is the secret do i have enter one at a time please help thank you for your hep
  15. i am new to this i have no idea how to set this correctly Remove/ Hide Start Button Want to free up more space on Windows taskbar ? Why not remove Start button or Start Orb from the taskbar? If you are really looking for a cool way to free up more space on your taskbar, then Program is the perfect solution. Program is a small free application for Windows that help you to free up more space on your taskbar by removing Start button or Start Orb from the taskbar. Don’t be worried. You can still access or open Start menu either by pressing Windows key or Ctrl + Esc. Once you install and run the Program , an icon will be placed in the System Tray. You can access all the settings related to the Program from the system tray icon. Just close the program to get back the Start button in your taskbar This is where I found it http://www.intowindo...h-start-killer/ Download http://www.mediafire...egia745qaodfz09