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Lohmar ASHAR

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  1. Hi sorry for the late reply, I've solved the problem by looking at the script that it is lunched. the problem was that the "program" was looking for IE8's setup with the name that starts with IE8, and I had the setup from the catalog.update.microsoft.com and it's name was something like "X86-en-ie8-windowsxp-x86-enu" Every thing works fine. i also used it to build DirectX and WMP11 (eng and ita), added with nLite. the installations it's working ok and also the softwares after the installation is done. Thanks for sharing this fine piece of software. Good luck
  2. Hi, I've tried to use DXUPAC.exe from these links (seems to be version, it worked ok for directx for example, but for ie8 it's not working, it doesn't produce the entries.ini in the archive. I tried running on my laptop on genuine win7 Ultimate and on a virtualBox VM on XP professional SP3. with the same result. should i try another version ? i did something wrong ? where there any steps that i should do beside just clicking/selecting the options on the gui that apears ? thanks in advance