The file doesn't contain any virus. It was compressed with UPX which is why there are a few false alerts. (I wouldn't call three = "several"). Infact, if you upload the UPX binary itself, you'll see that there's a similar pattern of results : As you can see, the top AVs such as Kaspersky, NOD32 and BitDefender haven't detected it. Even Avast and AVG shows a negative. Please don't take the results of VirusTotal seriously, unless atleast 50% of the scanners show a positive. Finally, the best way to determine if a file is harmful or not is not by scanning with malware scanners, but by executing it in a sandboxed environment and monitoring it for what changes it makes to the system. You may also use a packet sniffer like WireShark to check what data a file is sending over the network (if any). Simply scanning a file with an AntiVirus doesn't prove the harmfulness or the harmlessness of a file. Oh, and incase your office network uses eSafe / Panda or WebWasher and you don't want their AVs to go bonkers, you can download the non-UPX compressed file from here: