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Everything posted by EB1000

  1. EB1000 replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    Hi I was wondering if there is a way to make the addons installation fully automatic w/o the need to click on start on first logon? Thanks
  2. EB1000 replied to Brandon Phelan's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    bitlockek is not used unless you have drived that were inscripted using this feature. Under remove components you can select the bitlocker to be removed... BTW,Truecript is much more useful that this bitlocker
  3. EB1000 replied to EB1000's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    BTW, with all other previous versions of w7t, addons installation always involves cab files opened using windows explorer and remain open even after the addodn install setup is complete... But with the latest version, no matter what, i always endup with a windows asking me for extract destination folder... I need to check each addon and see if it was installed successfully... I'll report back
  4. EB1000 replied to EB1000's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    I"m not sure at wich addon it get this message. i need to check again. But here are all the addons used:
  5. EB1000 posted a post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    Hi again I"ve integrated some addons using w7t ver 98 into ultimate 64. After installation was complete on virtual machine, windows was left with a cab file opened in windows explorer and additional windows that asking where do i wand to extract the files, as if some addond is not fully automated...? Is this a new bug? Should'nt the addons installation be seemles and fully automated? thanks
  6. My reg file is attached. It is a huge collection of many tweaks I collected from the internet. Thanks Post_mod.reg
  7. Thanks yes, My reg file does afect the currentcontrolset. It did work fine before version 87
  8. OK I did further testings. The problem IS NOT RELATED TO ADDONS!!!! I integrated all of Solor's updates and removed components. All worked fine. then I only integrated a reg tweak file, and rebuild the image, now getting the BSOD Did the very same with th 84 version' no BSOD. Looks like a magor reg integration bug in the 90+ version. This can also happen to addons that make use og a regfile depending on the integration method. Looks like any version above 84 is virtually useless...
  9. Thanks. I"ll look into it.
  10. OK, Did some more testing. If I use the "all in one" at one session i do get the BSOD with the Unlocker addon, as well with the KB2533552 update which for some reason is being treated as a addon (creates a Apps directory), but if i first install updtaes, then remove features, and last, install some addons using 3 seperate sessions (including umlocker64 but not whatsinstartup) I do not get the BSOD... So the problem remains (compared to pre 84 version). Since I do not have the ability to virtually test a 64bit built (my second PC is 32bit), I so far wasted 6 DVD medias.. So i think I"ll wait untill this issue if fully fixed (unless someone knows how to virtually test a 64bit image on 32bit machine)
  11. Many thanks. It did fix the issue.
  12. Hi I"ve been using the same reg file for some time with older w7t 1.3 version w/o a problem. But with the latest builds when I try to install windows on any machine, after first time logon attemnpt I get a BSOD with stop 0x67 config_initialization_failed. I notied that in the chage log the reg file intergation was chnged. Could this be the problem? Thanks
  13. can you please give more info on this? thanks
  14. Hi I would like to create a generic AutoUnattend.xml that will always place the UserProfile and Progradata folders on the first physical disk (disk 0) at the second partion (partition 1) inside folders named users and programdata. If I use the drive letter like: <ProfilesDirectory>D:\Users</ProfilesDirectory> it will work on some of the computers that only have one phisical disks, but on other cpmputers the second partition of the first disk is E:\ or f:\ not always D:\. What I need is a generic path name to "disk 0 \ patition 1\ <folder name>" Is this possible?? Many thanks
  15. Thanks, but the bios solution does not work for me. Dell support told me that all drivers must be installed manually or using their utility. Automatic installation cannot be supported by them. They also recommended for integrating only chipset and storage drivers, as only those are critical during boot time but still I wand to create a fully ready installation disk to be used on many computers w/o the need to manually install drivers...
  16. Thanks for the replies. I dont think integration order nor inf file naming makes any difference. The order is set by Windows I assume according to the order of detected devices. Perhaps by hardware ID's? There most be a way to cause Windows to delay the installation of specific devices. Maybe Legolash2o will have an answer
  17. Hi I"m using the great Toolkit to integrate drivers into Windows 7 installation DVD. On most of the computers it works great, but with one of my laptops - Dell Insperion, I end up with Intel Graphic HD 3000 drivers not functioning with error code 12 that says the graphic adapter cannot find free resources. I called Del support and they told me that I must install the graphic drivers before I install the USB3 drivers or else the USB3 will take the resources of the graphic drivers. It was correct. If I manually Install the the drivers at the following order: 1) chipset, 2) Graphics 3) USB3 all works OK w/o the code 12 error. But when integrating drivers, it seems that Windows instals them in a different order. So Is there a way to pre-set the drivers install order? Thanks
  18. Hi Anytime I try to do any type of image editing using this tool I end up with corrupt installation file error after setup finishes extpanding the image... I"m trying to edit a windows 7 64bit sp1 ISO on a windows 7 32 bit machine... Any segestions what could cause this? Thanks
  19. EB1000 posted a post in a topic in Microsoft Windows 7
    Hi I've installed Win7 32bit SP1. Everything was working fine including Auto updates but since yesterday I cannot run Auto updates anymore. I get a message that "Some settings are managed by your system Administrator.." I am the system Admin. I've checked Group policies and under Windows updates everything are set to default "not configured". Also ran Automatic updates troubleshooter and it found an error with the automatic updates component, "fixed" it for me' but the problem remains the same. I also tried loging using the Administrator account instead of my default user, same issue.. My copy is Genuine of course, and I am running the latest Avira antivirus plus Zonealarm FW. Also tried to disable then but did not help... Any suggestions before I'll have to format and re-install Windows..? Thanks
  20. You can still use more than 3.5GB ram limit in any 32bit os by using the entire unassigned memory as a RAMDISK and then using this randisk to place the pagefile' so technically you have a full use of the entire installed ram. Look for a software named Ramdisk plus (ver 11) by Superspeed... I have Win7 32bit with 16GB memory in full use (3.25GB by OS and the remaining converted to a Ramdisk emulating a fixed HD with Partition table available very early during startup so can be safely used as pagefile location) See here: http://www.ocztechnologyforum.com/forum/showthread.php?55238-Guide-for-Win-Xp-installation-with-Diskpar-%28alignment%29-nLite-Ramdrive-Page-file-Tweaks-Browser-Tweaks-My-Doc-folder-move-and-Print-Spooler-on-Vertex
  21. Dear Fabio: Can you please tell me how do I install or integrate the pack WITHOUT IE8? Is there a switch to disable IE8 installation? perhaps in winnt.sif just like disabling Windows search? Are you planning to include IE9 in future release instead of IE8? Thanks
  22. Hello I hope I can find an answer here. I want to create XP setup cd that by default will cause xp boot to use grub4dos as bootloader. So I know I can rename ntldr to ntldrxp and rename grldr to ntldr and put it inside i386 to be copied by xp setup. The problem is I also need to modify the boot.ini file. But when I look for it inside i386 setup I cannot find it. I guess that XP setup generates it during initial setup. So my question is is there a way to modify the boot.ini file generation? I want it to include the following lines by default: title Microsoft Windows XP SP2 Pro (Find and Load) find --set-root /ntldrxp chainloader /ntldrxp Thanks
  23. Thanks, but it does not work! it gives a blank white icon.. and the previous version is not much useful by the way. It will not update the bar even after you format the drive.. nice try anyway...
  24. I wouldn't recommend installing any type of disk defragmentation software. No one of the available tools does a good job anyway, and they tend to cause more problems and take a lot of resources running processes in background. the best way to keep a fragment free disk is to use Mydefrag 4.x.x and run it's Monthly script OFFLINE using a live windows CD (Windows PE based).
  25. Thanks! I'll wait. I'm sure you are aware of many available updates since 3.7.0 release, including DirectX 9 June 2010 http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/4/A/84A35BF1-DAFE-4AE8-82AF-AD2AE20B6B14/directx_Jun2010_redist.exe