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    haiter got a reaction from AMIRZ in Windows WinStyle 2009 - Translation project   
    WinStyle 2009 Eng is on the way!!!

    Hi! everybody, I have just translated all the WinStyle 2009 resources.
    Some ScreenShoot:
    My BootScreen:

    My Setup Screen (winntbbu.dll & winntbba.dll):

    Starting Screen (winbrand.dll):

    Welcome Screen (newmark1.jpg & newmark8.jpg):

    LogOn Screen (logonui.exe):

    System Properties with the animation Logo (sysdm.cpl):

    Review: sysdm.cpl file download
    Windows Media Player 11:

    Some wizard windows:

    Shutdown & LogOff:

    Copy & Delete files:

    Text in animation is not need because the dialog have its title...
    All Mod Images: Mod Images
    Have fun!!!
  2. Like
    haiter got a reaction from NIM in Windows WinStyle 2009 - Translation project   
    WinStyle 2009 Eng is on the way!!!

    Hi! everybody, I have just translated all the WinStyle 2009 resources.
    Some ScreenShoot:
    My BootScreen:

    My Setup Screen (winntbbu.dll & winntbba.dll):

    Starting Screen (winbrand.dll):

    Welcome Screen (newmark1.jpg & newmark8.jpg):

    LogOn Screen (logonui.exe):

    System Properties with the animation Logo (sysdm.cpl):

    Review: sysdm.cpl file download
    Windows Media Player 11:

    Some wizard windows:

    Shutdown & LogOff:

    Copy & Delete files:

    Text in animation is not need because the dialog have its title...
    All Mod Images: Mod Images
    Have fun!!!