VMWare Workstation Lite v.7.0.1-227600 Trial
Here an batch file to compile a 7z.EXE file. Drag and drop a file to compile. od build_7z_exe.rar
VMWare Workstation Lite v.7.0.1-227600 Trial
I read your post at RyanVM. Use 7zsplit to extract VMWare.txt, VMWare.7z and VMWare.sfx. Modify VMWare.txt to your serial, name and others, save file. Compile back and finish. 0d
VMWare Workstation Lite v.7.0.1-227600 Trial
Hi, friend. MSFN is offboard to maintenance. Check this post from user_hidden here. I use and work fine. 0d
VMWare Workstation Lite v.7.0.1-227600 Trial
Thanks, sir. I very appreciate your work. 0d
group addons (& switchless installers) & remove shortcuts in start menu
Hi kiki. To group my addons I modify the MSI file or use the switch "group" on many installer. Look sample below: PDF Creator - a Inno Setup Package PDFcfg.inf - the configuration file to PDF Creator program PDF_Creator - the command line to .7z switchless installer The line Group on .inf file create an custom group called "- Ferramentas -" at start menu. To modify a MSI file I use Orca editor. Below the AdobeRrd.txt show with create an shortcut to " - Ferramentas -\PDF" in start menu for Adobe Reader 8. The final start menu are: - Ferramentas - PDF PDF Creator Adobe Reader I wait this information help you. 0d PDFcfg.txt PDF_Creator.txt AdobeRrd.txt
[Addon] 7zCompress V1.0.0.0 (Send To Style)
@UtCollector: The the 7zCompress works fine for me if I add 7z.dll to system32. Thanks for the addon. :thumbsup_anim: 0d
[Addon] Nero Burning ROM
Yeah, I like this true addon but an svpcpack is more easy to update/localize or I'm wrong? My vote is for svcpack. Edit: oops, Uninstall not complete. Remove shorcuts only. 0d
[Addon] Nero Burning ROM
Thanks for the addon!! After read this tread I have modified the language to Brazilian Portuguese with sucess. 0d
[Addon] Kel's UberPacK v16.2 & Notepad2-Mod
Thanks for update, but ... have a minor glitch in changelog. 0d
[Addon] Kel's UberPacK v16.2 & Notepad2-Mod
@cool400 Download your language from this link: german Rename file to nativelang.xml Uncab the Notepad++ 5.0.3-addon from Kels, include the file in NOTE.CAB and modify [sourceDisksFiles] and [Note.main] in NOTE.INI to add nativelang.xml. Repack the addon, install and use Notepad++ in German language. I do it to use this addon in Portuguese Brazilian. Other languages disponbles at download section 0d
[AddOn] nLite v1.4.9.3 & WMP11 Slipstreamer 1.4.3
new version for WMP11 Slipstreamer out. Changelog history
[AddOn] nLite v1.4.9.3 & WMP11 Slipstreamer 1.4.3
Hi, rick Booogy released a new version: Changelog: - Regression fix from path handling improvements. This affected the case when we are copying files that overwrite in the standard architecture directory causing a crash with "Path format not supported". - Fixed adding updated wmp drivers to driver32.cab instead of driver.cab - Migrated code to subversion. Check here.
[AddOn] nLite v1.4.9.3 & WMP11 Slipstreamer 1.4.3
Boooggy WMP Slipstreamer update to version 1.2i, change log: 1. Complete rewrite of ini file editor, massive file editing speed increase (SimpleIniEditor renamed to IniParser) 2. Complete rewrite of cabinet.dll interface, problems with COMODO Defense+ fixed, now x64 compatible (can be compiled and work with 64-bit cabinet.dll) 3. Complete separation of Backend from user interface, switch to events. Cross-thread dialogs now open with the main window as its owner correctly. 4. Cleaned up Backend error handling. 5. Removal of embedded uxtheme.dll and msobmain.dll hotfixes. Slipstreamer will break unattended and display a warning if it finds that uxtheme or msobmain need updating, integrate those fixes before running the slipstreamer to avoid this. 6. Updated to support Windows XP Service Pack 3 (automatically applies wbem fix if required) 7. Fixed issues on x64 WMP11 8. Fixed issue presented here: [url="http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&showtopic=90635&view=findpost&p=761577/"]http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&...t&p=761577/[/url] Extracted from RyanVM forum 0d
[Addon] CabTool v1.8 in SendTo style Build2
Hi, Kelsenellenelvian. Do you have a Cabpack in SendTo style? 0d
[SVCPACK] VMware Workstation Lite 6.5.3 build-185404
Thanks, Rick!
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