Icon size help!
I have seen many icons on net but they are either in png form which when i convert,their size gets reduced or the icons which are in ico form are creating errors.Please anyone help me that how to convert in .ico form without loosing size or how can i get 256x256 icons which are useful ones. Plzz reply
Registry Tweak Help!
A million thanks to u bro. M speechless for ur help.
Registry Tweak Help!
here is the tweaks:tweaks.rar
Windows Xp Help Needed!
yup i patched it it is in the properties-->themes but it is not geeting set as default.
Windows Xp Help Needed!
Problem is that the theme is not getting set by default when xp starts my theme is Vista Xp. PLzz tell me one proper way so that the theme will be applied by default in my new xp.
Registry Tweak Help!
yes bro i m using nlite.
Registry Tweak Help!
Dear Friends, Please tell me that how can i put .reg files in my new xp so that they will silently get added to the registry after the install.The reg files will enable run.control panel in my computer. I want to add only reg files and not programs.Plzz specify the proper way and help me. Waiting for ur replies.
Windows Xp Help Needed!
thanks a ton for ur help but i want to use default theme which should be get applied when windows xp get installed. CAn u plzz tell me how can i achieve this??
Windows Xp Help Needed!
Friends please tell me that how can i add vista sounds in xp using resource hacker. Also plzz tell me that how can i set default theme in xp and how to edit text as shown in image below I want to edit windows xp professional edition here..
Using AutoIt for silent install
can anyone tell me how can i change the icon of my newly made installer after using autoit.It is showing "A" icon on my setup exe.
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