Everything posted by Behdadsoft
cursor is hide after run WPI
Hi. I added my WPI to windows 10 for install software but when WPI is running cursor is hide and I can't control check boxes for select or deselect them. anyone know where is the problem? Thanks.
Create AIO Windows 7 & Windows 8
Hi. I want Create A Disk that have Windows 7 and WIndows 8 (AIO).I create it with All-in-One disk Creator at Toolkit but When I install windows 7, Windows Interface during Installing is Windows 8. how can make AIO that No change Interface during Installing? Thanks Merry Christmas :guitar:
Windows 8 Gadgets
Hi. I Installed windows 8 Desktop Gadgets on windows 8, but don't run automatic windows sidebar. I add this registry for run automatic but after restart pc, remove it automatical from registry . Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]"Sidebar"="C:\\Program Files\\Windows Sidebar\\sidebar.exe /autoRun"also i think for run custom gadgets should add tem in settings.ini. this is my settings.ini: but I don't know that is correct or no. [Root]SettingsVersion=,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x5,Section0=1Section1=2Section2=3Section3=4Section4=5[Section 1]PrivateSetting_GadgetName=%PROGRAMFILES%\windows sidebar\gadgets\FirefoxClock.gadgetPrivateSetting_Enabled=true[Section 2]PrivateSetting_GadgetName=%PROGRAMFILES%\windows sidebar\gadgets\Calender.gadgetPrivateSetting_Enabled=true[Section 3]PrivateSetting_GadgetName=%PROGRAMFILES%\windows sidebar\gadgets\ControlSystemWithClock.gadgetPrivateSetting_Enabled=true[Section 4]PrivateSetting_GadgetName=%PROGRAMFILES%\windows sidebar\gadgets\MultiMeter_2.gadgetPrivateSetting_Enabled=true[Section 5]PrivateSetting_GadgetName=%PROGRAMFILES%\windows sidebar\gadgets\RecycleBin.gadgetPrivateSetting_Enabled=trueloadFirstTime=defaultGadgetcan anyone help me? Thanks
Problem integrating Legacy Dot Net Framework 2.0, 3.0 & 3.5 on Windows 8.1
I'am put unattended.xml to dvd root. or must run it with SetupComplete.cmd?? I want Integrated Installing Windows .Net3.5 is enabled.
Problem integrating Legacy Dot Net Framework 2.0, 3.0 & 3.5 on Windows 8.1
Hi. I made a unattedned.xml and paste this code to it. but don't enable .Net 3.5 after Installing Windows 8.1. https://www.dropbox.com/s/drgmawwwplsorpk/unattended.xml Please Guide Me.
Install App
Hi. I have a Software and I want run it when desktop is shown. Thanks.
change DestinationName
I solved this Problem. Thanks
change DestinationName
Not welcome I need change DisplayName, Is there another way for rename DisplayName? THANKS
change DestinationName
- change DestinationName
Hello. I changed windows 8 DestinationName win toolkit but when write my dvd, don't change DestinationName. Please Guide Me.- help run
Thank you. but don't work this way. I want run wpi this page :- help run
Hi. I want run wpi on windows XP installation. I use Run.cmd in Cmdlines.txt, but when run wpi Windows installation will not stop and When programs are installed on the Windows installation ends and the system will restart. I've download the Run.cmd file: mode con: cols=20 lines=4 for /f "delims=: tokens=1" %%i in ("%~dp0") do set drive=%%i: set wpipath=%drive%\wpi SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %KEY%\WPI /V 1 /D "%wpipath%\WPI.exe" /f Exit Please Guide ME. THANKS A LOT.- run wpi
Hi. I want run WPI in Registering componenets :- .NET 3.5 Offline Install
I do not receive an error message. my code work in windows very well but, I want run this script automatic from $OEM$ folder after installing windows. THANKS A LOT- .NET 3.5 Offline Install
Hi. I want Enable MS.Net3.5 in windows 8 during install windows, and I use this script for enable Ms.net3.5 but it don't work. Please Guide Me. dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:%WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts\sxs /LimitAccess @echo off Exit - change DestinationName