Everything posted by MichaelBX
- [Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11
[Themes] Included 30 Visual Style And 10 Wallpaper
Is this supposed to work with SP3 because I haven't had any luck... Does it have to do with uxtheme.dll and the version that is in SP3 and the Entries file in this addon? or nlite 1.4.7 not properly patching the uxtheme.dll to allow unisigned themes to run? Thanks for the addon and your good taste.
[Release] PowerArchiver 2007
updated to 10.21 Thanks again!
Open for AddOn Requests
1. Registry Mechanic (new v7) 2. Registry Booster 3. Combined Community Codec Pack 4. Newest Power Archiver 5. SpyBot Search and Destroy Thank You! :crying_anim02:
[Release] PowerArchiver 2007
10.2 new version. Thanks for work on this addon. :thumbsup_anim:
[Editable] Vista Firefox (April 16-08)
new version released. Please update... and do I appreciate this plugin.... YA **** RIGHT! :thumb_yello:
xp boot screen
follow msfn's unattended xp guide. just google it. :smiley_superman2:
[Editable] Vista Firefox (April 16-08)
sweeeeeeet. like the next day service :thumbsup_anim: Thanks Ricktendo.
[Release] PowerArchiver 2007
new version of this software: 10.11 if u want to make it as a swtichless installer... I wouldn't mind... btw for the registry info is this what i do in an .inf: :icon_question: [Version] Signature=$Windows NT$ [Optional Components] PwrArch [DefaultInstall] OptionDesc ="Registry Entries" Tip ="Registry Entries" Modes =0,1,2,3 AddReg =REGEntries.AddReg [PwrArch] OptionDesc ="Registry Entries" Tip ="Registry Entries" Modes =0,1,2,3 AddReg =REGEntries.AddReg [REGEntries.AddReg] HKCU,"Software\PowerArchiver\General","Regname",0,"NAME" HKCU,"Software\PowerArchiver\General","Regnumber",0,"SERIAL" i basically just ripped it from ultra iso and just renamed it to go with powerarchiver.
[AddOn] Registry Mechanic v6.0.0.780
how would you go about adding the serial and name to the .inf for this addon?
[Request] Program AddOns (Split from topic)
love this program :thumbsup_anim: greatly appreciated! can i request registry booster, nod32, perfectdisk, and cuteftp? and also for codecs... i find that CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack) is much cleaner (less conflicts) and more efficient than k-lite mega codec pack... check it out and it'd be nice if it were made into a an addon :icon_rolleyes: darn (no * here haha) I'm a greedy bastard lol :whistle: oh one more thing... is it at all possible to slipstream office (2007) with windows xp... and if so I'm pretty sure I'd have to burn the iso to dvd...? am i just pulling at nothing or is this possible? thanks in advance... :thumb_yello: yeah.