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Mark Strelecki

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Everything posted by Mark Strelecki

  1. Thank you, my friends. You are right on target. The folder on the SSD and the SDHC card was named DRIVERS, and knowing that it was an intended feature makes me feel better. A little. Haha. Live and learn, I guess. I am also reminded that these forums are watched by some some pretty smart folks who are willing to help, so thank you! I took the same image and installed into a Virtualbox VM on another machine and saw no RunOnce driver setup screen, so I knew the image was not the issue. I think the idea of looking to a particular folder at setup time for drivers is just a bit inspired, and would definitely benefit the brave souls who trek into this "clean install" wilderness, if they are aware of it. Best wishes from this Padawan in Atlanta. MARK STRELECKI
  2. I found out what was wrong, and I'm still confused, but here goes... I was installing Win7Pro on an SSD that had a partition I was not erasing and it had a TON of drivers for this Thinkpad11e laptop. This time I blasted the SSD clean and popped out the SDHC card (that also had the drivers on it) and now the driver installer DOES NOT RUN at first desktop/RunOnce. OK, so I figured out it was my problem, but why would the setup load these drivers when I never asked it to? I'm embarrassed but wiser, and everybody knows it now.
  3. Just now built another WITHOUT the CR and the same thing happened: at RunOnce a TON of drivers start getting installed. It's gotta be me, it's obviously NOT the CR.
  4. What the heck is going on here? Everything works fine, and always has, with a registered copy of WinToolkit version Recently I went to make a new installer and Lo and Behold, at 1st desktop (RunOnce), the Driver Installer opens and wants to install HUNDREDS of drivers. I did NOT ask for them, and I did NOT integrate any drivers with WTK. All I want/need to do is STOP THE RUNONCE DRIVER INSTALLATION. Please let me know what you need from me, if anything. I'm using an Install.wim that has the new Convenience Rollup integrated (and before you ask I did it the right way, using KUC and getting help from an expert). I know the CR has something like 53 new drivers added to it, so maybe that's the cause? PLEASE don't let that be the reason. I LOVE WTK 'cuz I can control SO MANY settings (tweaks). Is there a new version planned anytime soon? Best wishes from hot and steamy Atlanta. MARK STRELECKI
  5. I can verify that Rick's technical skill and experience are fantastic. He will find a way to help you make it go. He's creative, resourceful, very quck and immensely talented. If you need this kinda help, you can't do better that to Call Rick. He's showed me many times that he has a better grasp on this than I ever will. I highly recommend his services without reservation. Mark Strelecki Computing and Programming Since 1975 Atlanta, GA. USA
  6. I have a dumb question. :g: I was using presets created in older versions of WTK in and my settings were not integrated properly. I saw the same error message shown above. I know, you want details, but I don't have 'em atm. I got past my issue by NOT using any old presets and recreating them from my notes. Just wondering if that was ever an issue. Can't wait to see your V2 product. I will use it the day you release it. Best wishes from a Big Fan in Atlanta, GA. Mark Strelecki
  7. Mark Strelecki replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    Best wishes from a big fan in Atlanta!
  8. Mark Strelecki replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Atlanta, GA. USA
  9. Mark Strelecki replied to AshranPewter's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    I've been seeing this for several days. Glad you mentioned it. @ricktendo, nice to see you here! MARK STRELECKI Atlanta, GA. USA
  10. I see that same error message, and will be patient while The Creator makes it go again. :cap: Mark Strelecki ATLANTA, GA.
  11. Mark Strelecki replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    Rick - I am certain that the ICH10 is AT LEAST a SATA II interface. Maybe Sata III. And YES, an SSD will make ANY Sata-based system boot faster, run faster, and shut down faster. You will wonder how you ever did without it, once you get an SSD into your rig. I am a BIG fan of the Samsung 830 series (I have a 64GB and 2 128GB) and all my stuff is Sata II, except for the add-in boards that use either sata III or PCIe (smokin!). The Apricorn folks have a new model http://www.apricorn.com/products/desktop-ssd-hdd-upgrade-kits/vel-solox2.html that can RAID tow drives together on the Sata III bus. Remember that RAID controllers for the most part do NOT support TRIM. BOTTOM LINE: get the biggest SSD you can afford, connect it to the fastest motherboard-based connection, and do a clean install of windows. Awe-Some! See you at Warp Speed, bro. MARK STRELECKI Atlanta, GA. USA
  12. Mark Strelecki replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    I like to use WinInfo or Speccy to get hardware information. The SaveHWIDs.exe console app works to produce a text file loaded into Notepad. Hope all is well with you, Ricktendo. Best wishes from your friend "up north". MARK STRELECKI Atlanta, GA. USA
  13. Mark Strelecki replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    This is the PCIe add-in card that I described earlier: http://www.microcenter.com/product/398333/Apricorn_Velocity_Solo_x2_PCIe_20_x2_to_SATA_6Gb-s_Solid_State_Drive_Adapter I got it at Microcenter retail in Atlanta and it works great! MARK STRELECKI Atlanta, GA. USA
  14. Mark Strelecki replied to Legolash2o's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    My 1st SSD was a Corsair. I'm sure I got it because it was the best value at the time (120GB). I've really come to appreciate the Samsung 830 Series as they are very fast and make everything work more smoothly. There is also a PCIe x1 card that you slide an SSD into and then install in the computer. It has a SATA III interface so it can upgrade any box that only has SATA II onboard. It's a bootable card, and has an extra internal SATA III port for a 2nd drive, if you wish. Works great and costs around $50 US. My condolences on the development downtime; I understand this may be a frustrating interlude. But just think: you'll make a Clean Install of the OS when it comes back, and you'll be better than before. <grin> Thank you for everything you do, my friend. I love your work and tell everyone about it. You are a giant whose shoulders many of us stand upon. Best wishes from Atlanta, GA. USA. MARK STRELECKI
  15. Hey Rick. Please stop making this really difficult stuff look so darned easy. <grin>
  16. Fellow techies, the fact remains that the best tool for any particular user is the one that provides them with the results they require. To build up one tool as another is torn down is merely a demonstration of personal opinion. Can we agree that WinToolkit is a great tool for those (like me) who can wield it's power successfully? I have used RT7Lite and VLite (and nLite!) and will try many more that might not even be available today. Your choice, what's BEST for you, is whatever does what you need, and that's all. Let's not be down on RT7Lite, as it was a powerhouse, and does a lot of wonderful stuff. But software changes, and our needs change, and growth and experience will always be a factor for us in the work we do. We have more to celebrate and share - let's try to stay focused on that. I have a universe of things to learn from all of you, and I hope to be able to reciprocate. Meanwhile I remain positive and forward-looking. Thank you kindly for all the good things you do.
  17. I cleaned up everything and ran the same setup MINUS the Logon Background and she completed without hangs or errors. Will look for a log file and get it to you asap. Thanks again! MARK STRELECKI Atlanta, GA. EDIT: The log file has a lot of this in it: Description: Unable to save as JPG. Status: Filename: C:\WinToolkit\Mount\Windows\System32\oobe\Info\backgrounds\backgroundDefault.jpg | Compression: 43 Exception: Parameter is not valid. Errors_120922.rar
  18. I saw this in an earlier version but had not seen it again until today. Normally when I run WinToolkit, I do it in the foreground without doing anything else. Today I was browsing the web with WT in the background working away. It's been stuck at this status prompt for over 30 minutes: "Integrating Reg [Compressing]: 51 of 69 (Change Logon Background)" I just clicked Cancel and the status bar says "Stopping, please wait..." No real movement here, either. Will force quit and reboot to try again. It's my intent to start over again in about two minutes. Is there a log I can send you? Many thanks from an appreciative user in Atlanta. MARK STRELECKI
  19. I found that by using SSDs, the build time is greatly reduced. Image mounted on one drive, updates on another. My Core i3-550 box (6GB RAM) at work took more than 4 hours to do a recent build on ONE image (ULT). It has a single platter HD. The Core i7-920 station at home (24GB RAM) boots from a Revo Drive 3 and works with a 2nd 64GB SSD. Did same work in less than one hour! I would certainly suggest starting simple, just slipstreaming the hundreds of updates available since SP1. THEN, maybe, move forward with the other stuff. Having a 2nd hard drive will be a BIG help for what you're doing. They don't need to be SSDs. (But it goes REALLY FAST if they are!) Good luck, from rainy and stormy Atlanta (thanks to Isaac). Mark Strelecki ATLANTA, GA.
  20. I had LOTS of trouble with the Vertex 3, likely firmware related. WIN7 would install, then randomly VANISH and the SSD would not be seen in BIOS. Returned it for a Samsung 830 series (64 and 128GB sizes) and was in Warp Ten after that. Installed 8 on a lappy with SSD - no problems, amigo. MARK STRELECKI Atlanta, GA. USA
  21. Tried v.59 and saw this in a popup dialog box: The system cannot find the file specified D:\W7T\Reshacker.exe -addoverwrite "C:\WinToolkit\Mount\Windows\System32\spwizimg.dll", "C:\WinToolkit\Mount\Windows\System32\spwizimg.dll", "C:\WinToolkit\Background.bmp", BITMAP,517,1033 The status bar in the WinToolkit windows said: Changing Setup Background... I thought this might be an issue with v.59, so I deleted that executable and replaced it with v.57. Same results. Tell me what you need and I'll get it to you tomorrow. My building and testing time is over for today, but I'll be happy to resume tomorrow evening. I love your program, Legolash2o! MARK STRELECKI Atlanta, GA. USA
  22. Mark Strelecki posted a post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    Using v .56 I had a nasty HANG (1st time seeing this) on the Logon Wallpaper, so instead of taking about 40 minutes on my Core i7/OCZ Revo 3 workstation, I had to cancel at an hour and twenty minutes with a status bar saying something about Logon Wallpaper. Clicked Cancel, looked at "Stopping, please wait..." for way too long, and used Task Manager to terminate the WinToolkit process. After cleanup and rebooting, I loaded the preset I previously created and eliminated the Logon Wallpaper option. Build completed without issue in the nominal 40 minutes. Install worked fine on Core2Duo laptop. MARK STRELECKI Atlanta, GA. USA
  23. I see this behavior with .56. MARK STRELECKI Atlanta, GA. USA
  24. I can confirm I was using the Disable Mapped Drive Checking on Startup::Disable Checking tweak. Sounds like you discovered it and fixed it. Congratulations! I will resume building activities after 6PM EDT tonight. It will be great to be back in the saddle again. MARK STRELECKI Atlanta, GA. USA
  25. Count me in the club that's seeing the CONFIG_INITIALIZATION_FAILED Stop 0x67 error. I had a successful build last on July 16, so I fall back to that for clean installs. No build since then has been anything but this BSOD on 1st reboot. "Help me, Legolash2o. You're my only hope!" --------- BTW - I'm not seeing the Setup wallpaper I specified, either. All the BSOD error 67 builds have had NO SETUP WALLPAPER. I do have the Vista Api.dll file in my W7T folder, timestamped with this latest crashing build. Using v52 (always use your latest!). Thanks for your direction and analysis. I will say this: in all the years of using Windows build tools, this is the very first time I've EVER seen this particular BSOD. ----------- This is interesting. I reverted back to your executable dated 7-15-2012, used the .INI file created by v.52 with everything else beingthe same, and NO BSOD. The logon wallpaper works as does the default desktop wallpaper, but no setup wallpaper (black background). That's all for tonight. The morning comes early here on the east coast. Will hit this hard again tomorrow. Good luck in finding the culprit! Mark Strelecki, Atlanta, GA. USA