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    rosario reacted to Mr_Smartepants in Windows 7 Toolkit News [IMPORTANT]   
    Whaaaaat? I thought you were going to barber college or be a plumber!
    Good luck mate!
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    rosario reacted to Legolash2o in Windows 7 Toolkit News [IMPORTANT]   
    It's nice to have a new laptop again! Just thought i let you know that from Friday 16th i will not be uploading new versions for a while (1-2 weeks) because i will be moving to University and i won't have an internet connection. I will only be releasing any bug fixes between now and Friday as i have to pack my stuff.
    Meanwhile in my spare time whilst i don't have the internet i will be trying to add some requests listed in the requests sub-forum.
    In case your wondering what i will be doing at University it will be BSc Computer Science: Computer Software Development.