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  1. Incoming Newb question..........where are the ".avi" files supposed to be placed....I've extracted and looked in "Extra, Programs & Resources" Any idea why they were removed?.....just curious.
  2. I made a newb mistake when I recabbed. I use tugzip and I right clicked the folder and created the cab instead of selecting all the files and creating the cab that way. All fixed though, works great. thanks again for all your hard work in putting this package together.
  3. Thanks Amnesia, appreciate the help. I saw ryanvm just release RVMUpdatePack2.2.1b4.7z so I used that and the problem didn't occur again. thanks for your patch.rar......good to have a manual way to integrate these on a running os. thanks again, Bubba
  4. This pack works great until I run windows updates, then most of the icons go back to default xp. I slipstreamed boggys wmp11, used the onepiece ie7 addon, along with ryan's packs. Any idea's as to what I'm doing wrong? Is there anyway to just repatch something since I know the .res files are already there. If so how would I go about doing that? Thanks for any help And thanks Rick for this very cool release and all the work you do.
  5. Thanks Luz....If I wanted to change some of the wallpapers, you have a suggestion oh how to got about it. I picked some different wallpapers, and for simplicity sake just renamed them to match your names, then recabbed AIOVISTA.cab then the whole package again. But that didn't work. None of the themes showed up after I messed with it. thanks again, bubba