Silent Install Switches
Auto IT is scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI. I made a Auto IT script for KMPlayer. First download it and put in the same place with KMPlayer. Rename your KMplayer to KMPlayer (If another name). Now run kmplayer_Auto (Run as administrator for Windows 7 or later). It'll install your KMPlayer silently.
Silent Install Switches
Use this: /S Best Regards & Cheers /S switch doesn't work for KMPlayer. It worked for old version. Auto IT will work.
Some more silent install switches for installers
Silent Install Switches
Any silent switch for Avast?
A small, as I can, complete step-by-step guide to WinToolkit
Very happy with this tool. But I need remove Language Component option. NTLite uses it but I don't get it in Wintoolkit. Two screenshot of NTLite & Wintoolkit.
- [Solved] Autounattended file not working
SETUPCOMPLETE.CMD makes my Windows Trial
OK, Thanks Kelsenellenelvian and bphlpt . I won’t continue this topics.
SETUPCOMPLETE.CMD makes my Windows Trial
I don't have product key with DVD. All windows versions are pre-activated. Please see the screenshot.
Windows 7 Installation ISO -> .Reg questions and generally
1. For start menu you should modify both of two written bellow a. Shortcut: %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\StartMenu b. Reg Settings: HKCU \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartPage2 2. For Pinned Program you should modify both of two written bellow a. Shortcut: %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar b. Reg Settings: [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Taskband] 3. It is default profile settings that apply after installation of windows or created new User account. So it will change default profile settings. You should better replace with your modified one. 4. It is very good option for security. I think it should not be removed.
SETUPCOMPLETE.CMD makes my Windows Trial
I added Autounattend.xml file to my Windows 7 AIO OEM (Pre activated) disk. It works fine. Recently I addedSETUPCOMPLETE.CMD file ( by $OEM$ folder) to this disk for some silent install software. It also works fine. But it makes my Windows trial for 30 days. I tried many ways but couldn't find solution. My software in SETUPCOMPLETE.CMD file: 7zip, Winrar, vlc, Foxit_Reader, dopdf, Firefox, K-Lite_Codec_Pack, KMPlayer, PowerDVD_Ultra_10, revosetup, Auslogics Disk Defrag, Wise Registry Cleaner, GoogleChrome.
Create your own Autounattend.xml All-In-One (x86/amd64)
I added Autounatten.xml file to my Windows 7 AIO OEM (Pre activated) disk. It works fine. Recently I added SETUPCOMPLETE.CMD file ( by $OEM$ folder) to this disk for some silent install software. It also works fine. But it makes my Windows trial for 30 days. I tried many ways but couldn't find solution. My software in SETUPCOMPLETE.CMD file: 7zip, Winrar, vlc, Foxit_Reader, dopdf, Firefox, K-Lite_Codec_Pack, KMPlayer, PowerDVD_Ultra_10, revosetup, Auslogics Disk Defrag, Wise Registry Cleaner, GoogleChrome.
Need Idm.inf to make XP Addon
Thanks bphlpt . Your links are very helpful.
Need Idm.inf to make XP Addon
I need Idm.inf to make XP Addon. I visisted this topics. But the download link is death.
Pinned Start Menu Shortcuts problem in XP
Sorry to be late. Donwload PintoStartMenu_ROE. 1. Arrange your Start menu as you like. For example Right click>Pin to Start Menu or drag your progams. 2.Backup the Registry script of following path. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartPage] "FavoritesResolve"= "Favorites"= "FavoritesChanges"= 3. Just restore the script when you like.
Pinned Start Menu Shortcuts problem in XP
Thanks a lot Geej. I'm successful. Your Startup folder tips worked fine. 1st I created a shortcut of PintoStartMenu_ROE.exe (of course I created new one) and copied it to Startup folder with runonces command. Then I made my addon with a del command to delete the shotcut after it runs. For your kind attraction I added my command bellow. regedit /s Startmenu.reg del "%userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Startmenu.lnk" /f /q exit I didn't try your last PintoStartMenu_Startup_addon.cab but I downloaded and I'll try it too. I thank you again for your help and wise advices. Your important links helped me so much.