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ianymaty got a reaction from Jan Krohn in Win 7 / Office 2010: Monthly Download Days starting October 1 (experimental)You can look into this database for all the info you need to compare. https://www.heidoc.net/php/myvsdump.php
Usually Windows 7 images can be obtained only at 1st day of the month. Next will be 1st March if Microsoft don't decide to take them down till then.
Other thing you can try is to search the database for the hash of the image you need and Google it by hash. As long as the file you downloaded match the hash, you can be sure it's the file you want.
ianymaty got a reaction from Jan Krohn in Windows 10 Home/ProNow, if you don't want to reinstall as Jan Krohn advised you, you can just upgrade using the generic key.
Do it like this:
- disconnect from the internet
- run an elevated cmd window
- insert the command slmgr -ipk VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T
- hit Enter
- connect to internet
ianymaty got a reaction from PDXmatt in Where can I download Windows 7 Toolkit? (Pre-Win Toolkit version)I found it in my collection and uploaded it for you HERE
ianymaty got a reaction from moerderpuppe in ISO - Windows 7 Ultimate - Where to downloadhttps://software-download.microsoft.com/db/Win7_Ult_SP1_Portuguese_COEM_x32.iso?t=0fa70a45-1a53-477d-8424-11adc0f9daf9&e=1508008796&h=02cc57492a56e84b1bd77ebb73a009a8
Link will expire in 24 hours
ianymaty got a reaction from Ali Sahandi in silent installAs far as I know .wa files are directly integrated with WinToolkit.
.wa files are addons not installers so they are already silently added into the instalation.
Are you using them correctly as addons in WinToolkit?
ianymaty got a reaction from bphlpt in Forums upgradedNo problem. I plan this days an upgrade to Windows 10 to get the free upgrade. Than I'll install back Windows 7 from scratch since this install is from 30.11.2013.
Than we'll see if there it's something botched in my system now. I'll keep you informed.
ianymaty got a reaction from karlderheinz in Updates are integrated but not installedWindows Updates will always show some updates to install. Mostly are superseded and not needed.
You can safely hide them or you can install them to shut up WU.
ianymaty got a reaction from alfreire in can't download any versionHere is the latest v1 that was available
WinToolkit_1.5.4.3_Portable http://www.datafilehost.com/d/642d61ae
ianymaty got a reaction from alfreire in can't download any versionHere you go.
WinToolkitv2 version 2.0.5651.42757 http://www.datafilehost.com/d/2b73ce8b
ianymaty got a reaction from alfreire in Hints needed for %DVD% variableHi Thiersee,
I didn't test this method but I find people using this.
Set a distinguishable file in the ISO (ex: myfile.txt) than ad this to the code
@echo offfor %%a in (d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%a:\myfile.txt" set "drv=%%a:" -
ianymaty got a reaction from mooms in can't download any versionHere you go.
WinToolkitv2 version 2.0.5651.42757 http://www.datafilehost.com/d/2b73ce8b
ianymaty got a reaction from mooms in can't download any versionHere is the latest v1 that was available
WinToolkit_1.5.4.3_Portable http://www.datafilehost.com/d/642d61ae
ianymaty got a reaction from mmigasmike in Office Professional Plus 2010w SP1 Integrate UpdatesIn Win Toolkit go to Tools > MSP Extractor that will help you to extract the MSU from MSP and put those in the Updates folder of the Office install source.
ianymaty got a reaction from RicaNeaga in KB3025980 integration errorI had a similar problem with other KB's I can't remember now. I remember the lack of the date. I wanted to look in the package than I saw the problem.
The problem is that is a .msu in a .msu package. I don't know why it comes like that. Extract it a and should be fine.
ianymaty got a reaction from dareckibmw in Driverpacks integration1. The parent folder named "Drivers" is needed. All the other subfolders are recommended for a better organization. The program will look in all subfolders of the parent folder.
2. Do not delete any of the files that are in the folders along with an .inf file.
ianymaty got a reaction from احمد صالح in TranslationYou can find the test version in the signature of the developer Legolash2o under the Latest builds link.
ianymaty got a reaction from Tuesday77 in WTK: Archive for earlier versions?I kept all of them that I can get my hands on.
I'll put a link in your PM.
ianymaty got a reaction from sukh in drivers installation in "all in one integrator"Please do not open multiple threads on same problem.
Answered here
ianymaty got a reaction from janrockt in Windows Hotfix DownloaderAs I remember it the update catalog worked better than current WHD implementation.
For ex:
1. The new updates were auto-selected and presented on top of the list
2. All supersedded updates that are not in the curent list were moved to "Old" folder
That's what I still remember and wish they remain the same.
ianymaty got a reaction from RicaNeaga in [Solved] Language not integrated@ Rica: this is the image I was testing on and it should work as it is original Microsoft image and as you can see the other languages integrated fine, the problem was the English pack.
In romanian answer: Salut. Nu cred ca e vreun avantaj intr-un sens sau altul. Pur si simplu am la dispozitie o imagine si adaug orice pachet de limba de care cred ca o sa am nevoie. Nu ar trebui sa fie nici o eroare pentru ca poti efectiv sa inlocuiesti limba din imagine adaugand una care o vrei si stergand prima limba cu care a venit imaginea. Asa a gandit Microsoft. Probabil ca la origine e imaginea en-us pe care Microsoft a convertit-o in toate limbile individual insa a lansat si limbile separat. pentru instalare ulterioara. Avand in vedere ca pot fi integrate in imagine ca si actualizare e un bonus. Bineinteles ca asta mai ocupa si spatiu dupa instalare pentru ca le ai la dispozitie si le poti schimba din control panel (doar la Ultimate) ca la un telefon, dar baniuesc ca stii deja asta. Eu am nevoie de cateva limbi pentru ca am mai multe cerinte: un frate in Germania, o sora in Austria, mama unguroaica, un prieten in Italia care toti la rândul lor mai au prieteni daca ma intelegi...
@ Lego: I didn't tested the install, just what I saw in the integrated list but as I said it just quicly goes to save the image. Don't know if it has the time to actual integrate the language comparing the time that it spends on the English pack to the other languages that it integrates.
Yes, as it shows the other languages it should show the English too on the integrated.
I'll wait for a test build with this fixed and i'll test it again with the install in VM too.
ianymaty got a reaction from latino in propiedades del Sistemahttp://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/35653-System-Logo-Changer
ianymaty got a reaction from amaltom61 in Asus P5QPL-AM Audiohttp://www.ebay.com/dsc/Cables-Connectors-/31491/i.html?_nkw=asus+spdif&LH_TitleDesc=1&_armrs=1&_from=R41&_ipg=&_pcats=58058&_sop=1
ianymaty reacted to Legolash2o in Win Toolkit v1.5.0.1 Release?Finally my University stuff has finished!
ianymaty got a reaction from upgrade in Option to Select ISO imageThe same behaviour should be when you select the DVD drive in case you have a Windows disc.
I mean, make the option to Browse for DVD drive so you can point the source to DVD drive than Win Toolkit asks where to extract (and create the folder if needed).