(SOLVED) **Addon Request** Notepad Replacement Addon!
Thanks Working Great!
How to Patch Pidgen.dll
i had the same problem i used RVM Integrator 1.6 to integrate SP3 And It Worked Like A Charm!
(SOLVED) **Addon Request** Notepad Replacement Addon!
can someone make me an addon that overwrites the default "notepad.ex_" i have uploaded the Notepad++ Launcher in the .EX_ format (its already compressed) in a zip file needs to be for RVM Integrator 1.6 thanks! :questionmark: NOTEPAD.zip
[AddOn] Media Center 2005 (English) January 24 2012
does this require a Media Center Edition Product Key?
(SOLVED) Need Help Creating A Batch File
Well I Downloaded A 9-IN-1 XPCD From A Torrent Site And I Need The XP PRO Version! So I Wanted To Make A Batch File That Would Mount The 9in1 ISO then with CDIMAGE Make An XP PRO ISO! Then Move That ISO To The WinXP Folder Unmount The 9-in-1! Then Mount The XP PRO ISO Copy All Files And Folders To The WinXP\XPCD Unmount The XP PRO ISO That Way I Can Integrate SP3! And Add My Own Genuine Product Key! Yes I Own XP Pro! My CD Broke! To Many Scratch's C:\WinXP\XPCDTOOLS\miso.exe NULL -mnt 1 "C:\WinXP\WinXP9-in-1.iso" (This Mouts The 9-in-1 ISO To Virtual Drive 1) C:\WinXP\XPCDTOOLS\miso.exe NULL -umnt 1 (This Unmounts The 9-in-1 ISO) COPY C:\VRMPVO~1.ISO "C:\WinXP" /Y /V (Copies XP PRO ISO To C:\WinXP) DEL "C:\VRMPVOL_EN.ISO" (Deletes The XP PRO ISO From C:\) C:\WinXP\XPCDTOOLS\miso.exe NULL -mnt 1 "C:\WinXP\VRMPVO~1.ISO" (Mounts The XP PRO ISO) set w=s for /d %x in ( A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ) do if exist %x:\WIN51IP.SP2 set w=%x (SCANS For Certain Files To Get Drive Leter Of The Virtual Drive) XCOPY %w%:\ "C:\WinXP\XPCD" /Y /H /E (Copies All Files And Folders To C:\WinXP\XPCD) C:\WinXP\XPCDTOOLS\miso.exe NULL -umnt 1 (UnMounts XP PRO ISO)
(SOLVED) Need Help Creating A Batch File
ok i got it working for /d %x in ( A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ) do if exist %x:\WIN51IP.SP2 set w=%x Should Be for /d %%x in ( A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ) do if exist %%x:\WIN51IP.SP2 set w=%%x When Executing it in a batch file!
(SOLVED) Need Help Creating A Batch File
ok first of all i change the code @ECHO OFF C:\WinXP\XPCDTOOLS\miso.exe NULL -mnt 1 "C:\WinXP\WinXP9-in-1.iso" ECHO. ECHO STEP 1: In The Window That Pops Up Click Create Windows XP CD Images ECHO. ECHO STEP 2: Click Create Windows XP Professional CD Image ECHO. ECHO STEP 3: Click Windows XP Professional Corporate CD IMage ECHO. ECHO STEP 4: Click Exit ECHO. pause ECHO. C:\WinXP\XPCDTOOLS\miso.exe NULL -umnt 1 ECHO. ECHO Copying New ISO To Working Area COPY C:\VRMPVO~1.ISO "C:\WinXP" /Y /V ECHO. ECHO Deleting New ISO From TEMP Storage DEL "C:\VRMPVOL_EN.ISO" pause ECHO. ECHO Mounting Windows XP Professional Corp ISO; C:\WinXP\XPCDTOOLS\miso.exe NULL -mnt 1 "C:\WinXP\VRMPVO~1.ISO" pause set w=s ECHO. ECHO Copying Searching For XP Pro Crop Setup Files for /d %x in ( A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ) do if exist %x:\WIN51IP.SP2 set w=%x ECHO. pause ECHO. ECHO Copying XP Pro Crop Setup Files To C:\WinXP\XPCD XCOPY %w%:\ "C:\WinXP\XPCD" /Y /H /E pause ECHO. C:\WinXP\XPCDTOOLS\miso.exe NULL -umnt 1 2nd i used quick batch file compiler and it seems to screw up on Line Of for /d %x in ( A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ) do if exist %x:\WIN51IP.SP2 set w=%x so why is it workin when i copy and paste it into the command prompt window but not when i use the install.bat
(SOLVED) Need Help Creating A Batch File
it Works Fine If I Do It Like That it Just Won't Let My Execute the code from install.bat
(SOLVED) Need Help Creating A Batch File
Hi Im Tryin To Create A Batch File For A Program and i need help! set w=s C:\WinXP\XPCDTOOLS\miso.exe NULL -mnt 1 "C:\WinXP\WinXP9-in-1.iso" pause COPY C:\VRMPVO~1.ISO "C:\WinXP" /Y /V DEL "C:\VRMPVOL_EN.ISO" C:\WinXP\XPCDTOOLS\miso.exe NULL -mnt 1 "C:\WinXP\VRMPVO~1.ISO" for /d %x in ( A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ) do if exist %x:\WIN51IP.SP2 set w=%x XCOPY %w%:\ "C:\WinXP\XPCD" /Y /H /E but when i click on the install.bat the command prompt window pops up but close's what am i doin wrong?
(Addon Request) Microsoft SilverLight
(Addon Request) Microsoft SilverLight
Hi All I Need A SilverLight Addon for nlite! *Edit:* Oops I Put This In The Wrong Forum
Update Pack B4 SP3?
Where Can I Get The Newest Update Pack? I Don't Wanna Use The Wrong One!!
Update Pack B4 SP3?
Do I Have To Integrate An Update Pack B4 i Integrate SP3 For It To Be UpToDate?
Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final *Official*
hi i found this in the microsoft.com download center http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.as...isplaylang%3den SP3 ISO Image
WPI 6.4
What Language Is WPI Programmed In?