Everything posted by zzzzzz
[Repak] Universal Extractor
please, upload.ee links are down. is this the latest/best build of uniextract?
[Repak] Universal Extractor
Huge and please keep it up. Absolutely great app.
- [Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
[Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
Hello OnePiece! The topic Internet Explorer 8 x64 Addon v2012-02_1 (http://www.ryanvm.ne...513e4eb4e4ea85f) is about an Addon, not the updated installer that DXUPAC.exe also create and save at ...NonnoFabio...\Svcpack subfolder. This updated installer is very useful (and fast!) for support.
- [Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
- [Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
[Addon] Remote Desktop Connection Win7 for XPSP3
I've tried that before with no success, this EXE requires a XP source, but extracted files works fine... that's why I'm asking here a true addon... :crying_anim02:
[Addon] Remote Desktop Connection Win7 for XPSP3
applied, working, but the missing files were not updated (kidding, sorry)
[Addon] Remote Desktop Connection Win7 for XPSP3
My mistake, you're right. Version number can lead to this confusion. Thank you, I'll try ASAP. Edit: if you extract the XP Remote Desktop update from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyId=72158b4e-b527-45e4-af24-d02938a95683&displaylang=en , it includes more files to be updated (dependencies maybe, on my tests they were necessary to be updated too) aaclient.dll aaclient.dll.mui msrdpwebaccess.dll mstsc.exe mstsc.exe.mui mstscax.dll mstscax.dll.mui tsgqec.dll tsgqec.dll.mui tswbprxy.exe wksprt.exe wksprt.exe.mui wksprtps.dll
[Addon] Remote Desktop Connection Win7 for XPSP3
Hello JonnyBoy, This is version 6, right? latest is 7, a lot of improvements, a very wanted one specially on Windows Server 2003. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyId=72158b4e-b527-45e4-af24-d02938a95683&displaylang=en
[Request] Remote Desktop 7 true AddOn for Windows Server 2003
Hello everyone First of all, sorry if this thread should not belong here. Mods, feel free to move this thread somewhere else you think is better. I've tried myself and couldn't build one. If we extract the contents of http://support.microsoft.com/kb/969084 and then copy files on correct locations, this works perfectly on any 2003 Server. As seen on MSDN blog on launch there were a lot of users requesting it for Server 2003. Any possible workaround to integrate this would be greatly appreciated. An AddOn would be a *very* welcome addition. Kind regards and thanks, everyone!
[Addon] Remote Desktop Connection Win7 for XPSP3
Hello everyone, no news on a Remote Desktop Client 7 AddOn (silent installer would be useful too) that could be compatible with Server 2003 too? MS didn't updated 2003 client, and 7.0 has significant technical improvements. I'm using it on a daily basis on many Windows 2003 systems, but had to manually extract files, and they work perfectly with every feature. Kind regards!