[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
Hi, yes I have read some Problems, most with Vista X64 or high DPI(over 96) Setting, here: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en...a3-c961ffdab0f8 or http://www.microsoft.com/communities/newsg...ng=en&cr=us Example: http://www.microsoft.com/communities/newsg...amp;m=1&p=1
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
Hi Guys, I recommend you to use the new Version 1.2.4 of DriveInfo Gadget: http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.asp...p;bt=1&pl=1 I have fixed many Problems and add new Functions since V1.0 from Kris Thompson. Vista SP2 is out, MS will have reduced the Memory use in the new Version of Sidebar, I hope the new Version works with Alky 1.1 too. If you have more than two sidebar.exe Processes, terminate all sidebar.exe Processes and start the Sidebar new. Greets
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
I have make a German noSkin Version 18000, very small 1197 KB (save 54 KB) after patching with Alky 1.1. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/104067564/side...8000de.zip.html Exit the Sidebar(Tray Icon), rename sidebar.exe to sidebar_org.exe, and copy the new sidebar.exe to the Main Sidebar Folder.
Windows Sidebar AddOn Translations Request
At time I have the German Sidebar Build 17052, that works with Alky 1.1 Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/103821409/Wind...idebar.zip.html Contains: - original Sidebar 17052 patched with Alky 1.1 - Sidebar 17052 with noSkin, patched with Alky 1.1 - unpatched Files - "de-De" Folder - new German Gadgets, see : http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/...n/MS07-048.mspx - RegSidebar.cmd and UnRegSidebar.cmd Have fun!
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
You are the best !! I used the patched sidebar.exe from Package. Now it works fine, my Glass Gadgets needs a transparent Background. Download, Sidebar Build 18000 "en-US" with no Skin (ready to use, patched with Alky 1.1): http://rapidshare.com/files/103196504/Wind...idebar.rar.html Thank you Rick !
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
Hi Rick, I will have a Sidebar without Shadow(Background), like the old Sidebar 16386. When I patch the Sidebar.exe with Restorator 2007 , change only RCData (the PNG 20034 and 20035) the Sidebar will not work. Can you help ?
[Alky] Windows Sidebar Installer [August 1 2007]
What kind of weather bug ? Perhaps this do help: Search the Folder "weather" ("Microsoft\Windows Live\Services\Cache\weather") and delete all xml Files, then open the Settings Menu from Weather Gadget and click only OK. Greets Spiderman
[Alky] Windows Sidebar Installer [August 1 2007]
With Alky the Sidebar runs with your locale speech. All People with non en-US locale speech must change all "en-US" Folder in Gadgets to the right locale Code es-ES , nl-NL , de-DE ... Exit the Sidebar before do changes. Greets Spiderman-3
Adding Gadgets To XP Sidebar
Yes, with Alky the WLAN Gadgets works, also the "de-DE" Folder and the Weather is in German. Thanks to Rafael and the Alky Team, good Work. My Win XP Desktop: http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/2418/xpdesktoppe8.jpg Greets Spiderman
Adding Gadgets To XP Sidebar
Hi Rick, it's not a VAIO Bug, the Sidebar.exe need a wlanutil.dll found in Vista System32 After I copied the dll from Vista to XP, the WiFi Gadgets don't cause a error. Please add the wlanutil.dll into your Sidebar Installer. Thanks Greets Spiderman-3
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