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  1. Like
    This thread is very informative.  I appreciate the information provided.
    For additional useful information, (and those that still want the updates but not windows 10), there is an option to make sure the OS does not offer you a Windows 10 upgrade.  [Yes this still allows the updates, but for those computers that you just do not want the end user attempting to upgrade to Windows 10, this works wonders.]
    Save the following as a registry file and have Windows 7 load the file:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Gwx]"DisableGwx"=dword:00000001
  2. Like
    Source: VirtualBox-5.1.18-114002-Win.exe
    Released: 2017-03-15
    About: VirtualBox allows users to run nearly any operating system on a single machine and to freely switch between OS instances running simultaneously.
    Homepage: VirtualBox
    Tools used:
    - [Modded] InstEd (LZX21) by ricktendo for remove unwanted files/prog inside installer
    - gBurner 3.5 for remove unwanted drivers inside VBoxGuestAdditions.iso
    - dotNET45sfxMaker by ricktendo for making this installer with 7zSD_LZMA2.sfx
    - [Repack] Resource Hacker 4.2.5 by Vandit for replace setup icon and renaming installer properties
    - VBox Web Service
    - VBox Python support
    - UserManual.pdf
    - Translation files, except En, Fr, Ru
    - Drivers inside VBoxGuestAdditions.iso & ExtensionPacks, except Windows & Linux drivers
    integrated vbox-sha1.cer & VBoxCertUtil.exe with command -v add-trusted-publisher vbox-sha1.cer to get full silent install mode without popups when vbox installing network driver & USB driver [thanks to alfeire].
    integrated Extension Pack
    Silent Install command: /ai /gm2
    File: VirtualBox-5.1.18-114002-Win-Setup.exe
    Size: 70,3 MB
    MD5: F0BEE738E4E37BC55E1B638EF9A84794
    Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mtfert94mx7yjbd/VirtualBox-5.1.18-114002-Win-Setup.exe
    Btw, Thanks to ricktendo for great tools :thumbsup:
  3. Like
    Slim Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64
    Slim Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 Incl. Language Packs (ar cs da de el es fi fr he hu it ja ko nl no pl pt-BR pt-PT ru sv tr zh-Hans zh-Hant)

    Some tools and resources for (re)creating your own slim (intl) installer
  4. Like
    Here is what I am talking about, this is slimmed based on your installer, I rebuilt common.cab and the embedded product.cab's in each MSI installer... Then finally I replaced the ones in the original installer with those I rebuilt
    Download: http://adf.ly/1713566/vboxrpck
    MD5: 8cdb56d006f1874fc318d1a09bfe1678
    Size: 83.7 MB
    I hope you don't feel like I am stepping on your toes here, I of course will provide to you how I did this. Maybe you can use this to take your repacking skills a bit further

    http://xp.xpdnc.org/files/msi_vbs_examples.zip (Optional)https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/56155351/Tools/MsiTran.Exe (Optional)https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/56155351/Tools/vbox.7zMakeCab     (comes with Windows)InstEdRestorator 2007 MSI Instructions:
    - Extract VirtualBox installer files

    <installer>.exe -extract -path .\- Edit the MSI to make slim or apply the MST with InstEd or MsiTran (Note: I also remove vc2k10 runtimes)
    MsiTran.exe -a <mst_name>.mst <x86_and_or_amd64>.msi- Do an admin install of both MSI's, now copy common.DDF into ANYONE of the admin install location and rebuild common.cab
    makecab.exe /f common.DDF- Do the same to rebuild product.cab's (use 32 DDF for x86 and 64 for amd64)- Now we will add the product.cab back into the MSI, you can use InstEd but I prefer

    WiStream.vbs <msi_name>.msi product.cab- With InstEd change the admin install MSI's Sumary Information from Admin External. Long filenames to Compressed. Long filenames, you can also use this VBS command
    WiSumInf.vbs <msi_name>.msi Words=2EXE Instructions:Now that we have both installers repacked with none of the stuff we removed, we need to add them back into the EXE... You can simply open the original VirtualBox installer EXE in Restorator 2007, copy the files from within Windows Explorer and paste them into the RCData BIN's, but I rather add them to a RES file, then apply the res file with Restorator because the EXE date does not change and you wont get those ugly shortcut icons that Restorator leaves behind
    - Open provided RES file with Restorator 2007
    - In Windows Explorer copy (Ctrl+C) x86 MSI and paste (Ctrl+V) in RCData -> BIN_00
    - Do the same for x64 MSI (BIN_01) and common.cab (BIN_02) and save RES
    - Now open VirtualBox installer with Resource Hacker, now choose Action -> Update all Resources (apply the RES file)
    - Save and you are DONE!!!
    If you are wondering how to get the DDF, you can open the MSI in InstEd, go to Media, right click on CAB and choose Show ddf, I prefer to use

    WiMakCab.vbs <msi_name>.msi cabname /LIf I use WiMakCab.vbs I have to edit it a littleEdit: I just realized its easier for you to rebuild/embed the CAB's, just open your MSI in InstEd, go to Media, right click on CAB and choose Rebuild selected CAB
    Edit2: You can also save space if you remove the linux and os2 stuff from VBoxGuestAdditions.iso (28MB after removal)
  5. Like
    You can stick it in your autounattend.xml file.  I do it like this:
    1. Create the $OEM$ folder in the Windows source to dump the switchless into the %SystemRoot%\Temp folder, like so:
    (Windows installer source root)||-- $OEM$ | |-- $$ | |-- Temp2. Copy the switchless to "Temp".
    3. Set up your autounattend.xml to do a "SynchronousCommand" under "FirstLogonCommands" in the "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" settings, "oobeSystem" pass.  Here's a snippet from my autounattend.xml (Win7 Ultimate x64) using the VB/C++-only installer:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> <settings pass="oobeSystem"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <FirstLogonCommands> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>%SystemRoot%\Temp\VBCRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe /ai</CommandLine> <Description>Microsoft Visual B/C++ Redistributables (AIO)</Description> <Order>1</Order> </SynchronousCommand> </FirstLogonCommands> </component> </settings> <cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="wim:c:/win7dvd/grmculxfrer_en_dvd/sources/install.wim#Windows 7 ULTIMATE" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" /></unattend>You can run multiple commands as well if you only install certain components.  For example, to do VC++ 2005 and 2008 only executing the /ai5 and /ai8 switches:
    <FirstLogonCommands> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>%SystemRoot%\Temp\VBCRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe /ai5</CommandLine> <Description>Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable</Description> <Order>1</Order> </SynchronousCommand> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>%SystemRoot%\Temp\VBCRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe /ai8</CommandLine> <Description>Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable</Description> <Order>2</Order> </SynchronousCommand> </FirstLogonCommands>Add as many commands as you need, just bumping the "<Order>" number for each successive entry.
    -- You can change the install directory to whatever you want, so long as you put it in the proper $OEM$ folder structure.  I chose Windows\Temp so the installer gets auto-deleted after use.
    -- It must go under the "oobeSystem" pass to launch after user creation, or else you'll get the same errors as before.
    -- Same method should work for most programs that have the same requirement of being run after user creation.
    -- There are probably other methods of doing it which other posters could elaborate, but this one has worked flawlessly for me with this particular switchless.  And is good if you already use autounattend.xml and want to keep things nicely consolidated there.
    -- WSIM automates creation of autounattend.xml graphically if you don't want to deal with raw XML syntax.  Download the Windows ADK from Microsoft (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30652) if you need that tool.
  6. Like
    killswitch667 reacted to Geej in Addon Maker   
    Just my thought...
    Try running inf in RunOnce which support REG_EXPAND_SZ and you can use variable instead of hardcode path like C:\PROGRAM FILES.
    E.g In case of dual boot OS, something the OS might not install to C: drive. It could be D or E drive.
    In Everything Search Engine, post 11, I have a simple batch to create RunOnce key using REG_EXPAND_SZ variable.
  7. Like
    Everybody knows how to use ProfileItems to add/del shortcuts for your programs. And everybody knows the basic flags (so I will skip this part)
    Here is some exotic stuff you NEED and do NOT NEED to know about ProfileItems, including some new tips on how to add special types of shortcuts that do NOT go in the standard places like the All Programs group in your Start Menu.
    QuickLaunch Shortcut Example

    ProfileItems = Sidebar.QuickLaunch.AddShortcut

    Name = %SIDEBAR%,8,26
    CmdLine = 16422,%SIDEBAR%,sidebar.exe
    SubDir = %QUICK%
    WorkingDir = 16422,%SIDEBAR%
    InfoTip = "@%%ProgramFiles%%\%SIDEBAR%\sidebar.exe,-1012"
    DisplayResource = "%%ProgramFiles%%\%SIDEBAR%\sidebar.exe",1000

    SIDEBAR = "Windows Sidebar"
    QUICK = "Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"
    SendTo Shortcut Example
    This is a double wammy, in addition of showing you how to add a shortcut to SendTo folder it shows how its possible to use ProfileItmes to make shortcuts to CMD and other files that were not possible before.

    ProfileItems = Reg2Inf.SendTo.AddShortcut

    Name = Reg2Inf,8,9
    CmdLine = 11,,Reg2InfHandler.cmd
    WorkingDir = 11
    IconPath = 11,,shell32.dll
    IconIndex = 71;<- Include this for DLL/EXE files with multipple icons
    The secret of making links to files that cant normally be done using ProfileItems is IconPath and IconIndex, I point the CMD shortcut to the shell32.dll icon for CMD files but you can use any custom path to any icon. I prefer to point n7Epilson's Reg2Inf shortcut to regedit.exe like so

    IconPath = 10,,regedit.exe;<-You dont need a IconIndex for this, IconPath uses the first executable/library icon by default.
    How to add custom bookmark links for IE
    You can also Delete Bookmarks... More info bellow

    ProfileItems = RyanVM.AddBookmark

    Name = RyanVM's MSFN Files Page,8,6
    URL = "http://www.ryanvm.net/msfn/"
    IconPath = 16422,%IE%,IEXPLORE.EXE
    IconIndex = 1

    IE = "Internet Explorer"
    Desktop & Folder Shortcut Example
    Another double wammy, the following shows how to create a link to a Folder (%WinDir% or WINDOWS) in addition to creating it in %AllUsersProfile%\Desktop

    ProfileItems = Desktop.WinDir.AddShortcut

    Name = WINDOWS,8,25
    CmdLine = 10,,;<- Will NOT work without subdir commas
    WorkingDir = 0;<- Very Important you use Zero
    IconPath = 11,,shell32.dll
    IconIndex = 3;<- Folder icon number in shell32.dll
    Here are some of the special flags (more to come) you can use for all sorts of cool things (I have more flags but I wont post them because they lead to the Fonts and other useless directories)
    Not all of them work during Windows Setup
    In order to DELETE any of the same links as above using ProfileItems in your INF Uninstall, use the 0x0000000A,XX flag followed by the special number. Use the same one you used to add the link in the first place (just edit "XX").
    Example: The following deletes "Windows Update.LNK" from %AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu

    ProfileItems = MU.DelShortcut

    Name=Windows Update,0x0000000A,22
  8. Like
    killswitch667 reacted to ricktendo in DAEMON Tools Lite - (SPTD - 1.86)   
    DAEMON Tools Lite v4.49.1.356 (International)Info: Automatically detects and sets the correct language (if supported,) NO adware, also the follwing options have been DISABLED: Use tray agent, Autostart, Automount, Check for updates, Enable Media Info panel, Send anonymous usage statistics.
    MD5: 65ddf4027cc667d482992754013b94e3
    Size: 8.58 MB
    Download: http://adf.ly/1713566/dtlitewa
    Website: http://www.daemon-tools.cc
    SCSI Pass Through Direct a.k.a SPTD v1.86 (x86/x64)
    Info: Optional, for advanced functions
    MD5: ac4e5dbe6a2cea68d858fc71e4f8465d
    Size: 1.07 MB
    Download: http://adf.ly/1713566/sptdaio
    Website: http://www.duplexsecure.com
    Tips: You can customize the settings by extracting the .WA file and editing DTLite.inf. If you want the DAEMON Tools Windows Sidebar gadget installed, extract DT.gadget from the .WA file and integrate it with WinTK.
    To activate tray, open DTLite.inf and change %UNCHECK% to %CHECK% on this line:

    HKCU,"Software\DT Soft\DAEMON Tools Pro\Config","UseTrayAgent",0x10001,%CHECK% ; Use tray agentNow activate the Run regkeys by removing the semicolon ( ; ) from in front, should end up like this 

    [AutoRun.AddReg]HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run","DAEMON Tools Lite",,"""%16422%\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe"" -autorun"[AutoRun.AddReg64]HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run","DAEMON Tools Lite",,"""%16426%\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe"" -autorun"
  9. Like
    killswitch667 reacted to Legolash2o in Guide: Creating addons   
    For those who want files in the user profile folders...
    Use something like:
    if you have any registry values or shortcuts (.lnk) then use
    "%HomePath%\..." within those values/shortcut itself
    Every user account created will have the folders/files by default
  10. Like
    killswitch667 reacted to ricktendo in DAEMON Tools Pro - (SPTD - 1.86)   
    DAEMON Tools Pro v5.8.0.0388 (International) Info: Automatically detects and sets the correct language (if supported,) also the follwing options have been DISABLED: Use tray agent, Autostart, Automount, Check for updates, Enable Media Info panel, Send anonymous usage statistics.
    MD5: 33bebd876d6c27f21c20103822f5643e
    Size: 11.6 MB
    Download: http://adf.ly/1713566/dtprowa
    Website: http://www.daemon-tools.cc
    SCSI Pass Through Direct a.k.a SPTD v1.86 (x86/x64)
    Info: Optional, for advanced functions
    MD5: ac4e5dbe6a2cea68d858fc71e4f8465d
    Size: 1.07 MB
    Download: http://adf.ly/1713566/sptdaio
    Website: http://www.duplexsecure.com
    Tips: You can customize the settings by extracting the .WA file and editing DTPro.inf. If you want the DAEMON Tools Windows Sidebar gadget installed, extract DT.gadget from the .WA file and integrate it with WinTK.