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  1. Geej yes it worked in vm your attachment one but if i try to make guide method it doesnot work..! is there any betterway to make silent installation some good tool so i can use it in nlite and vlite..thank you for ur kind support....
  2. sir it didnt work same problem... :confused02:
  3. thx i will try and see
  4. i want to make silent install application for nlite with serial i want to check it with autoit my example soft is teleport i did exactly as mentioned in the guide check the code plz..show me the solution..thanks..4 early reply..thank you. #region ---Au3Recorder generated code Start --- Opt("WinWaitDelay",100) Opt("WinDetectHiddenText",1) Opt("MouseCoordMode",0) Run('C:\Documents and Settings\sameera\Desktop\t\teleport.exe') _WinWaitActivate("Teleport Pro 1.59 Setup","") Send("{ENTER}") _WinWaitActivate("Teleport Pro 1.59 Setup ","") Send("{ENTER}") _WinWaitActivate("Teleport Pro 1.59 Setup","") Send("{ENTER}{ENTER}") $SF_1 = "teleport.exe" If WinExists ( $SF_1 ) Then Exit AutoItWinSetTitle ( $SF_1) #region --- Internal functions Au3Recorder Start --- Func _WinWaitActivate($title,$text,$timeout=0) WinWait($title,$text,$timeout) If Not WinActive($title,$text) Then WinActivate($title,$text) WinWaitActive($title,$text,$timeout) EndFunc #endregion --- Internal functions Au3Recorder End --- #endregion --- Au3Recorder generated code End ---
  5. @ricktendo64 i followed ur guide but i get error the compiled EXE kept running it self again and again even using this code at the end of script $SF_1 = "app.exe" If WinExists ( $SF_1 ) Then Exit AutoItWinSetTitle ( $SF_1) nothing happens no installation...kindly help out what to do..thanks in advance..!