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  1. Hi, I'm not sure if this would be a good idea, cause the chance to break several things are high. U will be able to remove wmp, but as soon as the system try to update anything related to it, it might not be able to, due to missing files, causing a loop in windows update. The best way to test it: Have a not updated windows 8.1 source with wmc installed.( which i don't have at the moment) Try to remove wmp in the windows applications and resources(not sure the name in english, i use the portuguese version), inside control panel. If u don't get any kind of warnings it should work and then u will be fine. If that breaks windows media center, u can try the following method: Do a system scan with "regshot" or any similar app that will allow u to compare ur system. disable wmp. Take another shot and compare. enable wmp remove(but backup) manually the files that were modified when u had disabled it. test wmc, when u start wmc u will probably get some error due to missing files, now we may have the hard job, start to place the removed files as u get errors. Most errors related to missing files will give hints about the missing file, so it won't be a big trouble.
  2. Well, i've used driver genius, but looking up in google i'vwe seen this one that may be a good one: http://sourceforge.n...ojects/drvback/ But I agree that, as said by monkee that downloading the drivers from their oficial website is the best option. In anyway, if you can't do it for some reason you can go through the harder way, which is to copy the entire windows partition to a backup and then run the search for each driver on this backup after you have reformatted the computer, it will work for sure, you may have to find one or two drivers manually as it sometimes will pop you up for a missing file, which you will need to direct it to the folder, by using search tool first.
  3. Thank you both for the help! We can consider this as resolved!
  4. Weird, same thing, and same drivers, really weird bug, anyone knows how this is originated, is this coming from dism itself or from ,wintoolkit? Log: 2012-09-16_00:08AM: 'D:\TEMPS\NovaPasta\DP_Webcam_wnt6-x86_1103\x86\3\Webcam\Logitech\3\lvPEPI2s.inf' 2012-09-16_00:08AM: 'D:\TEMPS\NovaPasta\DP_Webcam_wnt6-x86_1103\x86\3\Webcam\Logitech\3\lvPEPI2v.inf' 2012-09-16_00:08AM: 'D:\TEMPS\NovaPasta\DP_Webcam_wnt6-x86_1103\x86\3\Webcam\Logitech\4\lvPRO5s.inf' 2012-09-16_00:08AM: 'D:\TEMPS\NovaPasta\DP_Webcam_wnt6-x86_1103\x86\3\Webcam\Logitech\4\lvPRO5v.inf'
  5. Thanks, that makes sense, will check later and report back with the results.
  6. [sOLVED] Missing files on driverpack. This may be a bug on dism or in the tool, i'm not sure. I was integrating the drivers i downloaded from the driverpack. Source: pt_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677457.iso (only left the ultimate and i was working on it) Method: All in one integrator Driver: everything from there, also integrating all options to boot.wim Errorlog: 2012-09-14_18:30PM: 'D:\TEMPS\Nova pasta\DP_Webcam_wnt6-x86_1103\x86\3\Webcam\Logitech\3\lvPEPI2s.inf' 2012-09-14_18:30PM: 'D:\TEMPS\Nova pasta\DP_Webcam_wnt6-x86_1103\x86\3\Webcam\Logitech\3\lvPEPI2v.inf' 2012-09-14_18:30PM: 'D:\TEMPS\Nova pasta\DP_Webcam_wnt6-x86_1103\x86\3\Webcam\Logitech\4\lvPRO5s.inf' 2012-09-14_18:30PM: 'D:\TEMPS\Nova pasta\DP_Webcam_wnt6-x86_1103\x86\3\Webcam\Logitech\4\lvPRO5v.inf' Checking the files they were all in the folders and i made sure to check spelling and case (upper/lower), everything was exactly the same, so this doesn't seem to be an error.
  7. Hehehe, tu não éh português, tu eh brasileiro, lol, se não estou enganado a inegração de language pack só integra o idioma do sistema em si, não vai mudar nada o setup do mesmo, então creio que não mude durante a instalação(tem um jeito de integrar o boot.wim tbm, mas n me recordo). I'm brazilian too. As I said in brazilian portuguese, if i'm not wrong integrating language packs doesn't change the setup itself, it will only change the windows system, not the boot.wim, which is the "setup"(not sure though).
  8. Man, I'm crazy here. I'm trying to use this wonderful tool but i can't. Somehow it won't mount the image, so i can't do anything, there is no error log so i can't even try to deploy this damm error, aff, i hate when this happens. I'm using Windows 7 x86 PT-BR SP1 7601 and KB3AIK_BR i've tried to move the toolkit and start it from different locations none worked. I've somethings different from a default installation but this shouldn't block anything. Installation differences: Symlink folder Program files folder to a exclusive partition which is dynamic from two real HDs Accessing the folder in cmd using %programfiles% works normal, so should be the error. The WAIK is BR, but this should work too?! Please give me some help?! Or fix if this is an error on the toolkit! This a great tool, is hard to live without it !!! Edit: Just to be more specific, if selected to mount to a folder i will mount. Unmount works but gives me the corrupt source on the gui, if unmount again it will work. When trying to export the image the error shown is "an error has occured" (by the way occured is misspelled, rsrsrs) the tittle of the box says "error (2)" Deleting images to live only the one that i want works also i was able to rebuild, but nothing further so far. Edit 2: I may have manage to figure out the issue, so far i was able to make it run up to the integrationg point and it is integrating most of the update i want, i believe the error was caused by multiple initial images (IE: HomeBasic, Premium, Professional, ...), i dropped them and i'm using only ultimate. PS: I believe that when removing the other images and leaving only one image the other .cfg files should have been deleted too( i did this manually).
  9. Errors/Problems on 19B: The error in addon creator happens if you select a registry file to be add, also the addon creator asks for a folder to where to add the registry file OR entries, the error also happens if you ask to the addon creator to copy a folder, and never happens if you just select file by file to be copied and after you build the addon you insert the reg file in the addon using 7z. I've had another issue, when integrating any kind of update to the image it gives me an error message, and after everything even if not selected to rebuild the image it does rebuild, and if i do select to rebuild it tries to rebuild twice. Features to add: 1.Some kind off window showing step by step, during integration of addons and updates would be a lot appreciated, something that could be turned on or off in the options, this would be very helpful to detect errors in the problem or from the user. 2.The ability to open and edit already created addons. 3.I don't know but, would it be possible to create an addon integrator that could accept addons created for nlite, rvm and hfslip? if could be possible would be very good. I do talk more specifically about accepting ".inf" installs. Is there a 20B already? Can't wait. PS: I can't use RT7lite because it can't accept my PT-BR windows version, i may be wrong but i think it only works with EN-EN. Many thanks
  10. Is there any way make the same addon for a PT_BR OR WAVE1 SP1 since this one you've made seems only to be used on english or wave0. Thanks Reaper always good contributions.
  11. Since you kinda complained none has had any problems with the latest version 0.8.5, well lets start: Not sure which one but one of the options inside de iso maker tool is breaking the image of windows 7 x86. CAPTURE IMAGE: On the address of capturing an image to a new .wim file we need to capture from a partition itself not from a folder, this was the only way i could make it work just removing the \ after the origin path like in > imagex /capture d: d:\imaging\data.wim "Drive D" where d: means the origin path, so in the command line used for capturing an image the origin would be a partition. Mount Registry ever fails if you use PT_BR Enterprise Windows 7 using the same version in an english EN_EN version it works normally because when mounting the registry it needs to give access rights to the "group" "everyone" which in the portuguese brazilian version does not exist, there is only a version called "todos", so you could add a function to check what is the language base from the system where the person is using to build and then adapt the translation. Some additional problems have happened when integrating addons mainly related to registry in which i used a W7 EN_EN x86 base install and a W7 PT_BR x86 as work image, the main failures were related to runonceex and some other registry. EX: K-lite pack does not get installed(i used the k-lite available for download. Thanks for the great tools. Soon a will come back to give some help.