How To Integrate/Slipstream 'SP3' Into MS Office 2007
How To Integrate SP3 Into MS Office 2007 Here is a quick guide on how to Integrate or Slipstream MS Office SP3 2007 into the installation CD/DVD. Right now 'Create A New Folder' to anywhere of your choice, I named mine 'Office 2007'; Now I created my new folder on my G:\ Drive Ok to be able to Integrate or Slipstream MS Office SP3 2007 into the installation CD/DVD first thing you will need to do is Download the "office2007sp3-kb2526086-fullfile-en-us.exe" file. Click on the link here to Download MS Office 2007 SP3 - http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=27838 (Now Download this to the same location as your as your new folder you just created.) As in the image above. (Ignore the MS Office 2007 Enterprise SP3 as this was my test run) Ok now you will need to 'Copy the Contents of your MS Office 2007 CD/DVD' to the new folder "Office2007" Ok now all you will need to do is open Command Prompt as Admin and Enter the following command > G:\office2007sp3-kb2526086-fullfile-en-us.exe /extract:G:\Office2007\Updates\ Remember, where I have G:\ your's maybe different, so Replace G with whatever drive letter you used. Once you have Entered the Command, Press Enter......... You will see a new Window pop up 'Microsoft Software License Terms' for 2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 3 (SP3) Here you just need to accept and Click on Continue to proceed...... Now the files are being extracted from the SP3 file you downloaded and placed into the updates folder of the Microsoft Office Installation Files you copied from your CD/DVD The reason we have had to Integrate or Slipstream the SP3 file this way is because the update needs to be in the .msp file format to be able to install from the updates folder from your Microsoft Office 2007 Installation CD/DVD Ok in a matter of seconds, it is all done! Click ok...... Now burn your new Microsoft Office 2007 SP3 Installation back to a CD/DVD. Tried and tested on MS Office 2007 Enterprise and Professional.
Here is a simple guide on how to perform CHKDSK in Windows 7/Vista
Yes that isn't a problem you can use which ever ones you wish ;-)
Here is a simple guide on how to perform CHKDSK in Windows 7/Vista
Yes they are all mine 100% created by myself, all in all I have over 60 tutorials most of them are on my computer help forum ;-)
How To Remove Old Restore Points
(You must only use this feature if you are 100% sure you will not need the old system restore points, because once they have been deleted... they are gone for good!) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ System Restore automatically creates restore points by making shadow copies of Windows, these copies can take up memory and build up quickly as you use your computer. By cleaning up System Restore points by Deleting all but the last restore point will free up memory and maybe slightly improve windows performance. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To remove all but the last system restore point follow these simple steps... Click the Start Button and type CleanMgr and Press Enter; Choose your Default Hard Drive (normally Drive C) and click ok; The clean Manager will now Search through your system for files to delete; When Clean Manager is done Calculating, click on clean up my system files; And again select your drive; It is now calculating the system files to delete; Now click The Clean Up Tab under "System Restore and Shadow Copies", to remove all but the most recent restore point; Hope you found this useful!
Just A Quick Guide On How to change Advanced Appearance Settings
This Is Just A Quick Guide On How to change Advanced Appearance Settings Below I Have Shown A Couple Of Examples; I tried to make this guide as simple as i could Right click on a empty space on the desktop and click on Personalize; Click on Window Colour; Click on Advanced Appearance settings; Select the Item that you want to Modify; (Not all of these items will have the option to change the font/size/colour) Example 1 How To Change the Font > Size > Bold > Italic > for Icon's; 1. Click on the drop down menu under Item then select Icon 2. Now use the drop down munu under Size and select your required size. 3. Now select B for Bold to make the text more predominant. 4. Now select I for Italic to change the style. Ok now you have changed your Font Size and Style for your Desktop & personal folder's. Example 2 How to change the Active Title Bar > Fonts > Size > Bold; 1. Click on the drop down menu under Item then select Active Title Bar 2. Now use the drop down menu under Size then select your required size. 3. Now select B For Bold to make the text more predominant. 4. Now select I for Italic to change the style click on the Italic Button to highlight as you did above for the Boldness. 5. Now to change the colour there are 2 boxes to choose from here. Now these are just a couple of examples but there are so many things you can change to re style the way your windows look. Now it looks hard but it is really easy. So go on have and have a bit of fun!
Driver Sweeper (Free Download)
Download Driver Sweeper Here The current supported drivers are NVIDIA (Display and Chipset), ATI (Display), Creative (Sound) Realtek (Sound), Ageia (PhysX) and Microsoft (Mouse). To Read More & Download Go Here.....
Bootable AntiVirus Rescue CDs (Free Download)
A safe way to remove viruses from a computer without the risk of getting infected All the rescue CDs listed here can scan and clean both FAT and NTFS drives. Kaspersky Rescue Disk See Here For More Info And Download Kaspersky Rescue Disk AVG Rescue CD See Here For More Info And Download AVG Rescue CD Improved Avira AntiVir Rescue System See Here For More Info And Download Avira AntiVir Rescue System Bootable Antivirus Rescue CD from BitDefender See Here For More Info And Download Bootable Antivirus Rescue CD from BitDefender Trinity Rescue Kit | CPR for your computer See Here For More Info And Download Trinity Rescue Kit F-Secure Rescue CD See Here For More Info And Download F-Secure Rescue CD Panda SafeCD See Here For More Info And Download Panda SafeCD All Information and Downloads are directed straight at Sources.
How To Run System File Scan
Here is just a Basic Guide on how to a perform System File Scan within Windows 7/Vista; (For Windows XP Users you will need to insert the Installation CD to use this function) Go to Start > All Program > Accessories > Right Click Command Prompt and Run As Administrator; Type In sfc /scannow and hit enter then let it complete the scan. (Remember to put a space after sfc ) Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Once the scan is complete type Exit and then Reboot your Computer The System File Checker will look for any system files/.dll file's that are corrupt and will attempt to fix these normally following a re start of your computer. This can also be run in safemode too by selecting Safemode with command prompt privilage. Hope you found this useful!
Rebuiding Icon Cache For Windows Vista & 7
Great Guides there, excellent btw
List Of A Few Good Programs/Software's
Yep thats a good one too, maybe i should of added the GOM Player in the list as i have used it and found it to be very good
Here is a simple guide on how to perform CHKDSK in Windows 7/Vista
Here is a simple guide on how to perform CHKDSK in Windows 7/Vista _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Chkdsk analyzes the physical structure of a disk to make sure that it is healthy and It can repair problems related to bad sectors, lost clusters, and directory errors. These types of problems can be caused in many different ways ie. System crashes or freezes, power glitches, incorrectly turning off a computer can also cause corruption in the system files etc.. Physically bumping or knocking a computer can cause the head that reads disks to hit the surface and damage sectors. Once some sort of error occurs it can end up creating more errors so a regularly scheduled disk check is part of good system maintenance. Chkdsk can also serve as an early warning that a hard drive is deteriorating, disks will gradually wear out and sectors may become bad. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Go to Computer in the start menu, Right click on the drive you want to scan and select Properties, Then click on Tools tab > Click on Check Now under the error checking section, Ok, here you will have a couple of options within the CHKDSK tool. It's recommended you leave the automatically fix file system errors checked,This option will attempt to repair any problems found. To perform a deeper scan, Check > scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors. This option will take a bit longer, When you have made your selection just hit the Start Button, If you are attempting to scan a Drive that is in use you will be faced with the image below, so just click on schedule disk check and the next time you reboot your computer it will run the CHKDSK scan. To perform This CHKDSK scan VIA command prompt; CHKDSK x: /F /R where X is your drive letter. Hope you found this useful!
How To Install Windows 7 Or Windows Vista Via USB
Thats great news :thumbsup_anim:
Rebuiding Icon Cache For Windows Vista & 7
Not at all, You help yourself Vivified Pirate, I have alot more guides and info, but its taking a bit of time to compile them Thanks
List Of A Few Good Programs/Software's
Here are just a few Free Good common programs/softwares in the one place; Security Software; Microsoft Security Essentials Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection for your home PC that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. Microsoft Security Essentials is a free download from Microsoft that is simple to install, easy to use, and always kept up to date so you can be assured your PC is protected by the latest technology. It's easy to tell if your PC is secure when you're green, you're good. It's that simple. Microsoft Security Essentials runs quietly and efficiently in the background so that you are free to use your Windows-based PC the way you want without interruptions or long computer wait times. MalwareBytes Free Malwarebytes is a site dedicated to fighting malware. Malwarebytes has developed a variety of tools that can identify and remove malicious software from your computer. When your computer becomes infected, Malwarebytes can provide the needed assistance to remove the infection and restore the machine back to optimum performance. Alternative To MalwareBytes; SuperAntiSpyWare Free SUPERAntiSpyware is the most thorough scanner on the market. Our Multi-Dimensional Scanning and Process Interrogation Technology will detect spyware that other products miss! SUPERAntiSpyware will remove ALL the Spyware, NOT just the easy ones! Other Software; CCleaner is the number-one tool for cleaning your Windows PC. It protects your privacy online and makes your computer faster and more secure. Easy to use and a small, fast download. Defraggler to defrag your entire hard drive, or individual files - unique in the industry. This compact and portable Windows application supports NTFS and FAT32 file systems. Recuva Accidentally deleted an important file? Lost something important when your computer crashed? No problem! Recuva recovers files deleted from your Windows computer, Recycle Bin, digital camera card, or MP3 player. And it's free! Speccy is an advanced System Information tool for your PC. Need to find out what's inside your computer? No problem! Speccy will give you all the information you need. Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL Licence. Based on a powerful editing component Scintilla, Notepad++ is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size. By optimizing as many routines as possible without losing user friendliness, Notepad++ is trying to reduce the world carbon dioxide emissions. When using less CPU power, the PC can throttle down and reduce power consumption, resulting in a greener environment. Foxit Reader is a free PDF document viewer, with incredible small size, breezing-fast launch speed and rich feature set. Its core function is compatible with PDF Standard 1.7. Nitro PDF Reader Free Create PDF files from over 300 different formats. Comment, review, and collaborate. Fill and save PDF forms. Extract text and images. Type text directly onto the page. it's everything you ever wanted in a free PDF reader
Selected Graphics Drivers Here
Selected Graphics Driver Here If you are looking for your latest Graphics Driver's for your machine just click the relavant link below; NVIDIA DRIVER'S "Beta Website" NVIDIA DRIVER'S ATI DRIVER'S INTEL DRIVER'S MATROX DRIVER'S Always make sure you keep your system's driver's upto date! for more info on your computer driver's visit the Computer's Manufacturer Websites. Hope You Found This Useful