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  1. New version FastAero 1.3 ! http://fastaero.pl/english http://fastaero.pl/forum FastAero : Glass, Blur in Windows XP !
  2. ricktendo64,thanks . Unfortunately, our server is horrible :crying_anim02: you're using FA 0751f . Hehe, this is old build.... Newest , FastAero 1.2 -> http://fastaero.pl/download/fa_download.php?id=8 or , if you want, simple beta of FastAero v1.3 , not published yet ! more : PM) :thumbsup_anim: Screenshot from Fa 1.3 : *"Aero Diamond" skin is made by R0UNDER . This is only converted to FastAero engine (and other software). Original skin for vista -> http://r0under.deviantart.com/art/Aero-Dia...-Final-69663294
  3. FastAero v1.3 2nd Preview http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=VrkhhqiMFbs
  4. FastAero 1.3 Preview : http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=ehAnlqMkwuU :thumbsup_anim: Download HighQuality video - http://www.sendspace.com/file/zrh6ua :icon_cool:
  5. yes, I want release the languge pack for it. FastAero 2 will have full language support. Links fixed
  6. Hi, far far away...fastaero beta.... now : FastAero REBACK ! Fastxero released last version of FA - 1.0, and he resigned from the continued production of the program. Since then WE are the main autors of FasAero. New Site - http://fastaero.pl (for English, http://fastaero.pl/english/index.html New Forum - http://fastaero.pl/forum (special EnglishZone, you can write in this section without the need to register) New Version - FastAero 1.2 http://fastaero.pl/english/download (+ screenshot) In this time, we are working on new version, FastAero 2 ! It base on new code (WinAPI language), beta will be release in September. More information on forum. barteknowacki
  7. I download new,fixed wlsrvc.dll , replace and path. But after start-up Sidebar, the Weather Gadget still not working. Old Sidebar's Weather gadget on VAIO worked.... :icon_question:
  8. I installed dotNET 3.0 and click Windows Sidebar Styler icon and see the Windows Sidebar Styler window! Thanks! :icon_rolleyes: --------- One problem. The Wether gadget is not working! :crying_anim02: Why ? Because I come from Poland ? "Service not.........." :ermm:
  9. Alky 1.0 installed, Sidebar installed and.... it works ! :thumbsup_anim: ---- The Windows Sidebar Styler never worked on my computer, but it no problem.
  10. yyyyy, yes, I will send, but at first I must translate "kmahajani AT hotmail dot com" on address e-mail Such -> kmahajani@hotmail.com ? EDIT: Send !
  11. Aha, ok, I wait to Monday Off Topic: The FastAero 0751d it's original app. FastAero 0751 + my special modified skin + simple installer Link for English Installer : http://www.badongo.com/file/3937347 Screen's : (first - original, second - my modification (it is old 0751c version) http://forum.osbeta.org/postlink/9895.htm#9895 Version's Story : +0751 original version +0751b first modified version +0751c second modified version +0751d - last version of my modification Next version - probably next week A creator original is "fastxero" but his page http://fastaero.wordpress.com/ is not active . I don't know, why.....
  12. < - WHY ? What it's "Alky for Applications" ?? It's some new Alky's software? or Alky's DirectX 10 ?