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Everything posted by NTA-217

  1. i use "MyDefrag". its based on the JKDefrag software & on the windows defrag API (so it supports xp, vista & 7), works flawlessly for me, hasnt presented me any errors, has multiple options for System & Data disks AAAAANND its free. just sayin lol, .
  2. its just 1 more reason why AMD looks just that lil bit more attractive than INTEL.
  3. i hate using the driver packs, i only like using my specific drivers, that came with my motherboard. does this mean that you not gunna do these specific drivers for me then george???
  4. ok ok, next time ill do that. but for now (and just for now) im hoping goerge can help me out.
  5. :w00t: Nice 1, cheers m8. this is gunna make life so much easier for me. just make sure i can integerate this into xp using ryanVM integrator (and nLite if possible :naughty: ) :thumbsup_anim: . Thanks a million :worthy: EDIT: @George King i dont suppose i could come to you for stuff like this any other time could i? iv got a m8 who would really appreciate this aswell as me, hes getin a new pc at the end of feb (hes got the mobo and graphics card already & im buying him the rest of the parts) and he'd appreciate it if he had a windows xp disc with his drivers pre-installed for him. i havnt said anythin to him yet so that i dont get him all worked up & excited before i was to ask ya, just incase you said no. so, any chance of it then? Nieco.
  6. hey Kels, thats ok dude, dont worry about it. r u still onboard goerge? oh and kels, i do hope your wife gets better.
  7. sooooooooooo, erm.... ? whats the verdict then, any luck guys? :w00t:
  8. and be able to give the admin a password? :naughty: ill be happy to settle at that lol, EDIT: btw, when are you thinking about releasing the W7 Toolkit 0.9.0; end of feb, march, july?
  9. i am seeding this, im seeding through utorrent 2.2. are there sertain settings iv got to ajust to make the upload become quicker?
  10. thankyou for doin this for me, its a real life saver this. :dribble: and im sorry it took me so long to reply, i was supposed to come back on yeesturday but things didnt go to plan over here. still, thankyou so much for wjat you are doin, :worthy: .
  11. ok im gunna go afk until about 7pm - 7:20 pm my time (GMT greenwich mean time) so ill tlk to ya in about3 hours and 45 minutes dude, thanks for all yer help man. Nieco. EDIT: that could be a gd idea ricktendo64 but id still prefeer it if Kelsenellenelvian can do this for me. this is gunna seriously help me out. plus i think id screw up making my own driver pack, too complicated for me. thanks for your contribution tho. Nieco.
  12. sorry for taking so long to reply with the web addy for the torrent of the drivers folder, but here it is: http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/6140692 sorry it took so long but my sisters friends had walked in earlier and started talking to me and then . . . .ayeee. sorry. Nieco.
  13. ok then ill make a torrent of the drivers folder then, ill put it up on thepiratebay DOT org and ill seed it until you tell me uv got it. 1 sec, brb
  14. if i send you just the drivers folder then its about 1.33gb so id have to put it in a rar file and split it up into 7 parts to upload it to mediafire. would that be ok ?
  15. drivers: ---chipset: ------(Folders) ------890GX ---------(Folders) ---------Bin = 14 mb ---------Bin 64 = 18.3mb ---------Config = 3.54mb ---------Images = 166kb ---------Packages 348mb ------------(Folders) ------------apps = 234mb ---------------(Folders) ---------------ATIPCE ---------------CCC ---------------CIM ---------------dotnetfx ---------------NetFx64 ---------------RAIDXpert ---------------RAIDXpert_SB8xx ---------------VC8RTx64 ---------------VC8RTx86 ------------Drivers 114 mb ---------------(Folders) ---------------Display = 104mb ---------------SBDrv = 8.84mb ---------------WDM = 475kb ---------(Files) ---------asussetup.exe ---------asussetupini AsusSetup_32.ini ---------AsusSetup_64.ini ---------AsusSetup_XP32.ini ---------AsusSetup_XP64.ini ---------English.ini ---------German.ini ---------Japanese.ini ---------mfc80u.dll ---------Microsoft.VC80.ATL.manifest ---------Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest ---------Microsoft.VC80.MFC.manifest ---------Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC.manifest ---------French.ini ---------Microsoft.VC80.OpenMP.manifest ---------msvcp80.dll ---------msvcr80.dll ---------SChinese.ini ---------Setup.exe ---------Setup.exe.manifest ---------TChinese.ini ------RD890 ---------(Folders) ---------Bin = 14 mb ---------Bin 64 = 18.3mb ---------Config = 3.54mb ---------Images = 166kb ---------Packages = 193mb ------------(Folders) ------------Apps = 183mb ---------------(Folder) ---------------ATIPCE ---------------CIM ---------------dotnetfx ---------------NetFx64 ---------------RAIDXpert ---------------RAIDXpert_SB8xx ---------------VC8RTx64 ---------------VC8RTx86 ------------Drivers = 10.mb ---------------(Folders) ---------------SBDrv = 8.84mb ---------------WDM = 1.36mb ---------(Files) ---------asussetup.exe ---------asussetupini ---------AsusSetup_32.ini ---------AsusSetup_64.ini ---------AsusSetup_XP32.ini ---------AsusSetup_XP64.ini ---------English.ini ---------German.ini ---------Japanese.ini ---------mfc80u.dll ---------Microsoft.VC80.ATL.manifest ---------Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest ---------Microsoft.VC80.MFC.manifest ---------Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC.manifest ---------French.ini ---------Microsoft.VC80.OpenMP.manifest ---------msvcp80.dll ---------msvcr80.dll ---------SChinese.ini ---------Setup.exe ---------Setup.exe.manifest ---------TChinese.ini jesus christ, this just goes on forever. theres loads more that i havnt typed up here
  16. 1 sec, im about to post another files list of my chipset folder in a sec
  17. well you could get the exe from the website but its 300 some think mb and i only asked for the xp version, but i think its a multiplatform installer: AMD Chipset Driver V8.700(3.0.762.0) for Windows 32/64bit XP & 32/64bit Vista & 32/64bit 7.(WHQL) 338.15 (MBytes) and then theres just an upated version on the same webpage to go n take a look, go to: support.asus.com and click on download, and fill in the info as follows: Select Product = Motherboard Select Series = Socket am2/am2+/am3 Select Models = M4A89GTD PRO/USB3 then click search and then an in webpage popup will ask you what OS and select WinXP
  18. in the drivers folder: amd 15mb audio 200mb bcu 7.69mb chipset 621mb (WOW ) epu 21.6mb ExpressGate 392mb (Linux-based OS that boots before the bois does) gpu 10.4mb lan 42.4mb raid (including my Jmicron sata chip drivers) 30.5mb turboVevo 18.3mb (its software but for some reason in the drivers folder ) usb3 8.34mb it would also be real neet if we could include all my software off my drivers Disc in another (seperate) Addon, if thats cool with you. if you dont mind doin that aswell, not now of course but maby later. Nieco.
  19. ok we have here: (Folders) Bin = 29.7mb Drivers = 1.33gb Isolinux = 37.1mb LinuxDrivers = 94 bytes Manual = 237mb (Jesus!) Software = 435mb (Files) Asus.ico Autorun.inf Boot.catalog Fileslist.txt M4A89GTD.rom M4A89GU3.ROM M4A89TDP.ROM Readme.txt Setup.exe Setup.exe.manifest VER.TAG ill attatch the filelist text file with this post Nieco.
  20. hmmmmm, ok. i got a weird error mesage from winrar when it finished extracting, antho it looks like its something to do with something thats x64 bit. im not to worried cus i only want this for xp pro x86 (32 bit). heres the error message if your interested: ! I:\HDD 1 (Part 2)\ISO file's (Eg. ISO file's)\MB Support CD(Asus M4A89GTD PRO-USB3 AM3).iso: Cannot create Drivers\Chipset\890GX\Packages\Apps\VC8RTx64\vcredist_x64\Program Files(64)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Vc7\WinSXS\AMD64 catalogs\policy.9.00.Microsoft.VC90.DebugOpenMP.cat ! I:\HDD 1 (Part 2)\ISO file's (Eg. ISO file's)\MB Support CD(Asus M4A89GTD PRO-USB3 AM3).iso: Cannot create Drivers\Chipset\RD890\Packages\Apps\VC8RTx64\vcredist_x64\Program Files(64)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Vc7\WinSXS\AMD64 catalogs\policy.9.00.Microsoft.VC90.DebugOpenMP.cat ill right up a folders list and give some info on the disc in the next few minutes EDIT: im sorry i asked about your wife. i hope she gets better. id send some grapes but i think they would be of no use to be honest, and would probibly get battered in the delivery service, lol. well thank you for helping me out though.
  21. ok well im just extracting the iso to a folder right now, so ill come back real soon with some info for ya. btw im sorry to hear that your wifes in the hospital, is it anything serious???
  22. erm erm :sweatingbullets: oops, me no wanna get banned :crying_anim02: sorry, im so sorry for that. hmmmm well the motherboard iso is about 2.07 GB's big. i havnt got a premium rapidshare account, and dont know of any file hosting websites that allow more than 200 MB. i could stick the iso file in a .SFX (winrar) file as that would make it about (give or take) 12% of its original file size, then i could upload it to MediaFire. is there any specific place you want the .SFX file to unpack the iso file to (eg, desktop)? or would you prefeer me to use another program to super pack this iso in, and what settings do u want me to use. btw im still uploading them dirvers disc's using utorrent at full pelt if you want to get em that way instead. reply back soon (sooner than later please ) Nieco.
  23. 1). ahhhh right, so the dates feture is sortof already implemented, its just not active because of a down sql database, ok i get that (sortof). EDIT: u put u may add the date, my bad. so u might implement it in, its not already in and not active, ok now i get it. sorry, had to do a double take on that 1. so if there are updates to updates then your software will only use the latest version, thats good to know. i was hoping that was the case, i didnt like the idea of having an original update and a revised update both being implemented. could cause errors. 2). PLEASE & thankyou, :dribble: :thumbsup_anim: (oh and dnt forget about the oem info aswell) 3). and about the admin: ok so if setting the admin as active & as the main account is a bit worrying (and i no that it can be a bit dangerous when used constantly while online, eg web browsing while the main admin. NOT A GD IDEA :sweatingbullets: ) then how about a feature where you can activate the admin so you can log in as the admin if you log out from your user account, and the option to add a password to the admin account, as to add more security within it being active in the first place. just dont make the password option mandatory but instead optional (for people who dont want, need, or require a password. eg: for an offline pc). it would still be brill if you could still add the option to set the admin as the main account and to auto logon to that account (or other accounts). you could just add a popup warning when some 1 activates that option and advise against it, but still allow it at the users own discression. does that sound good ? EDIT: btw, when i was talking about the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool, i was only using as an example, i just wanted to know if it did that with all the updates. Nieco.