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Everything posted by RicaNeaga

  1. Want some help with the website? Looks very ugly If yes, send me a pm, I've done many websites based on the wordpress CMS, even complex e-commerce ones. And your website is probably best suited for an e-commerce one, with Paypal & co direct payment for two digital products / downloads
  2. Sorry for the late reply. Everything was great after unarchiving. Thanks alot! Ticket closed.
  3. No problem, going to extract and retry the integration process. Thanks to both
  4. Hello! Sorry I was out for such a long period, I was busy with a new job. Also, until now, WinToolkit worked perfectly, so I hadn't any reason to complain See below the error - when trying to integrate 3025980 in an untouched Windows 7 HP x86 image, that error appeared. Can you please solve it soon? Thanks Title: 1 error(s) have occurredErrType: ErrorDescription: Win Toolkit has recorded errors which occurred during integration and have been stored via '>> Details'.Exception: An error occurred whilst integrating an update!Exception:Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\WinToolkit_1.5.3.12_Portable>chcp 65001C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\WinToolkit_1.5.3.12_Portable>Set SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS=1C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\WinToolkit_1.5.3.12_Portable>"C:\Windows\System32\Dism.exe" /Image:"C:\WinToolkit_Mount_150E41B91B105582D50C56EFD312D6B5" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\7lite\Updates\McRip Windows 7 x86\Windows6.1-KB3025980-x86.msu" /ScratchDir:"C:\Windows\WinToolkit_Temp\ScratchDir_542C68CAB34E6A9D59337580544FA734" /EnglishDeployment Image Servicing and Management toolVersion: 6.1.7600.16385Image Version: 6.1.7601.18489Processing 1 of 1 - C:\7lite\Updates\McRip Windows 7 x86\Windows6.1-KB3025980-x86.msu: An error occurred while expanding the .msu package into the temporary folder, C:\Windows\WinToolkit_Temp\ScratchDir_542C68CAB34E6A9D59337580544FA734\126885E7-309C-4385-BBBA-E523FEF4F541. Error: 0x8007065eError: 1630Data of this type is not supported.The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.logC:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\WinToolkit_1.5.3.12_Portable>exit----------------------------------
  5. Can you please provide a link for an updated aio pack? Thanks
  6. Is this updated to the latest version? I mean http://support2.microsoft.com/kb/2982792 Also, please update the links for rootsupd, rkvroots and rootsaio, none of them are working Thanks
  7. Can you please explain a little more with what is your installers different than other two great installers (ricktendo's and yumeyao's)? ''directx for managed code'' is for developers only? Thanks
  8. On a fresh install I get KB2972216 as a needed update. Probably it's superseded but please add something not to show it.
  9. Looks like void solved both our requests, and the latest beta has tons of options to make it silent mooms, if you think on making a silent installer and post it somewhere, please make it with your custom ''Everything.ini'' inside, as I also want to change something easily in it (reason beeing this). Thanks
  10. I've also bumped your request, and added some minor ideas in a separate thread, soon hopefully ''everything'' will be made silent in a simpler manner
  11. It's a pity you won't have time for this anymore. Hopefully somebody skillful will take over
  12. Oh, it's ok with me if it's by design, but please recheck it. If everything is ok coding wise, please mark it as solved and move it afterwards
  13. Above is a post from ~ 2 months ago, when I've heard you were working on a new version of Win Toolkit. It was in a thread named ''Update'', so I decided to bump it in a separate thread, since I consider all the above mentioned things important, especially the first two. Thanks for making a great app!
  14. I was verifying thread I posted in, to see if they can be closed / marked as fixed. This old one surely can
  15. Lego, you've said some time ago... So I'm giving this a bump PS: I consider this a very important bug, I mentioned it many times in the past, sorry for nagging you about it but please consider fixing this for Win Toolkit 2.x
  16. Please close / mark as fixed this old thread, as everything is also mentioned here.
  17. Was still a bug a couple of betas ago ( if I remember correctly), so probably it's still a problem. Again, in older builds, the app (AIO when running) prevented the monitor to be turned off (aka the pc to go to sleep) by default after a period of time.
  18. Looks like there's development going on again in the Everything forums... look here: http://www.voidtools.com/download/ Hope you're still visiting us, Geej
  19. Great work! Was looking for an alternative for yumeyao's solution (kept not-so-up-to-date by others). Thank you very much for this!!!
  20. It's great it does that. There are some apps that aren't 100% compatible with Win Toolkit's RunOnce installer, like ricktendo's vc++ installer. Running that installer ''in the background'', before the Win Toolkit interface is up, solves the issue. So I hope Lego doesn't change anything, otherwise I won't be able anymore to integrate that installer in my build.
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