- Win Toolkit
Wintoolkit RunOnce .....
Always boot from usb. I've just sent you a PM . Please read it.
Wintoolkit RunOnce .....
so.. i have to re-add the installers from a different location , right ?
Wintoolkit RunOnce .....
thx Lego. I'm gonna do the test tomorrow. P.S : The path to wintoolkit_apps is : E:\Driverpacks.net x64\X17-59465\WinToolkit_Apps
Wintoolkit RunOnce .....
i use a usb for the install....and the drive folder is located in E:\
Wintoolkit RunOnce .....
I'm sick and tired of this ... Wintoolkit run once doesn't RUN ... what the f*ck am i doing wrong ? I integrated the drivers...i integrated the installers with their respective switches ... NOTHING was removed from component removal , no updates were integrated, used blacks viper safe services, checked some tweaks ... can u please explain to me why the RunOnce doesn't starts running ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? AND FOR SOME REASONS , THE USB DRIVE DOESN'T GET DETECTED !!! After the desktop appears and it displays the icon , when i enter on the Computer icon to see the drive, the USB drive doesn't show up ... i used version Log.... Version: 6:32:26 PM Description: -----------------STARTING-------------- 8/24/2014 6:32:26 PM Description: IsSystem: FalseIsAdministrator: TrueUser: Sorin-PC\Sorin 8/24/2014 6:32:26 PM Description: Creating Shutdown Handle. 8/24/2014 6:32:26 PM Description: Loading... 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: Detecting Drives 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: Detecting Paths 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: Detecting Sources 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: Entry Found: 00000|ymsgr_instValue: |%DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\ymsgr_inst\ymsgr_inst.exe*/s 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: Drive Found: C:\ Fixed 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: Drive Found: D:\ Fixed 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: Drive Found: E:\ Fixed 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: Drive Found: F:\ Fixed 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: File Found P1: %DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\ymsgr_inst\ymsgr_inst.exeP2: /s 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: ERROR REG P1: %DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\ymsgr_inst\ymsgr_inst.exeP2: /s 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: Entry Found: 00001|firefoxValue: |%DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\firefox\firefox.exe*-ms -ira 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: File Found P1: %DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\firefox\firefox.exeP2: -ms -ira 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: ERROR REG P1: %DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\firefox\firefox.exeP2: -ms -ira 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: Entry Found: 00002|ChromeStandaloneSetupValue: |%DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\ChromeStandaloneSetup\ChromeStandaloneSetup.exe*/silent /install 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: File Found P1: %DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\ChromeStandaloneSetup\ChromeStandaloneSetup.exeP2: /silent /install 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: ERROR REG P1: %DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\ChromeStandaloneSetup\ChromeStandaloneSetup.exeP2: /silent /install 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: Entry Found: 00003|LoaderValue: |%DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\Loader\Loader.exe*/VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP- /TASKS="desktopicon" 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: Entry Found: 00004|yusetup7Value: |%DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\yusetup7\yusetup7.exe*/VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP- /TASKS="desktopicon" 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: File Found P1: %DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\yusetup7\yusetup7.exeP2: /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP- /TASKS="desktopicon" 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: ERROR REG P1: %DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\yusetup7\yusetup7.exeP2: /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP- /TASKS="desktopicon" 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: Detecting Drivers 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: x64: True 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: Removing Duplicates. 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: No Installations. 8/24/2014 6:32:27 PM Description: No installation Paths 8/24/2014 6:32:38 PM Description: Starting 8/24/2014 6:32:38 PM Description: Manual: 0 | Driver: 0 | Auto: 0 8/24/2014 6:32:38 PM Description: InstallPaths: 0 8/24/2014 6:32:38 PM Description: Deleting dpinst.exe 8/24/2014 6:32:38 PM Description: Removing Shutdown Handle.
WTK: Archive for earlier versions?
Can u please make visible version ? Thanks Liam!
Problem starting RunOnce in Win7 x64
------------------- Did i live test with version , and it didn't worked. RunOnce didn't started. And i don't know why , but, after i access Computer , the usb didn't shows up as a drive. I have to pull the usb out , and plug in again to get it recognized. Otherwise, like i said, it doesn't show up . Am i the only one having this problem ? Forgot to state something : On a virtual machine it runs smoothly and gets the job done..RunOnce start , installs everything....but live test...that's another story I think i found the problem....Integrate USB Drivers...That was unchecked....Be back later with an answer. the same thing. Performed a live install...nothing. RunOnce doesn't get executed. The log : (Looking for CommandLineArgs...)CommandLineArg: C:\Windows\System32\W7TRunOnce.exe (Looking for CommandLineArgs...)Found Drive: C:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)Found Drive: D:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)Found Drive: E:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)Found Drive: F:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)Found Drive: G:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)Found Drive: H:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)Found Drive: C:\ (Looking for alternatives...)Found Drive: D:\ (Looking for alternatives...)Found Drive: E:\ (Looking for alternatives...)Found Drive: F:\ (Looking for alternatives...)Found Drive: G:\ (Looking for alternatives...)Found Drive: H:\ (Looking for alternatives...)IDrive: (Looking for alternatives...)No IDrive Found: (Aborting: No installation files found...)
Problem starting RunOnce in Win7 x64
so...the problem is solved in the latest build or not ?
[Solved] RunOnce Issues
Problem starting RunOnce in Win7 x64
@KEiGHT, nice for you to found that....still, waiting for Lego to release a new version.
WinToolkit RunOnce
i will look into that.
WinToolkit RunOnce
at the services tab i checked the tweaked button...and that's all. i didn't removed a thing.
WinToolkit RunOnce
yesterday. i tried with different versions of win toolkit even with the latest i've tried and nothing
WinToolkit RunOnce
no, i didn't. the usb was at all times present in the slot.