Windows 8.1 and LDR
I am pretty sure that i am checked installed updates, and none showed _BF, while i am use KUC and after integrating i see some updates had _BF. I use almost all updates from VHDownloader so i suppose that some will be installed in LDR, but none of them show BF. So is there specific update who have LDR just for testing purposes ? because i am sure will not integrate as LDR
Windows 8.1 and LDR
I noticed that if i checked LDR-QFE mode in options of AIO integrator, updates will be integrated only in GDR mode. Did i missed something? or there is special reason for that ? I use last updates from WHDownloader and many updates can be installed in LDR mode... On windows 7 everything works just fine. Also can i suggest some option, if we look readme of updates from WHDownloader, we see that some updates need to be install in only GDR, so would be nice if we can select something for example force GDR install, to can choose what update(s) will install in what mode(s). Thanks...
- Program updating
Program updating
I did, but i just want to see is something on my side..
Program updating
Hello, I never have this problem before, but now somehow auto-update of WinToolkit not working, when i manuali click on update i get this message Mine internet connection works normally and wincert is obviously avaible
[AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64
@Rick, the link on first page dosen't seem correct, it not follow correctly to download, adf.ly will not start to count EDIT: it work if i remove http://
- [AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64
- McRip Updates
Win Toolkit+KUC
+1 for supporting KUC updater, since solor not active in past. Also will be good integrate McRip server.
Little more enhancing SoLoR updates downloader
One more req if possible for solor downloader, when i select some group ie additions, and select all updates to download, can W7T automaticly make subfolders like are on server to make not conflict files with duplicate names, that will overwritte in download. Thanks
Little more enhancing SoLoR updates downloader
Thanks I am very appreciative
- Error popup
Error popup
Done testing on mine laptop and successfuly produce same error, but with different setup, on laptop i have Home Premium x64 with only C: and D: partition, i use all default settings, except i ticked on LDR/QFE in option before integrating process start. I also tryed to extract all MSU to CAB and integrate CABS instead MSU, but produce same error in integtation. Also i notice in integration process that when apear some hotfix name in W7T statusbar some of them are showing twice like for example Integrating update 23/313 (KB2541014) then show same Integrating update 23/313 (KB2541014 QFE) but this time when i look in cInst folder i found one and only update-bf.mum. Btw did anybody else can also test and confirm? For now i will stick with normal integration+LDR placeholders. Lego if you need something, I will gladly help.
Error popup
Yes i am on v96 since you second post in this thread. One thing i can notice is that not always on same hotfix, but is definitely related to QFE branch. I am prety sure that something wrong with LDR/QFE mode. I am doing another test without LDR/QFE option and again integration process passes fine. Btw i am always disable Eset Smart Security first to eliminate possible problem which AV can made. I am thinking now to record video of integration as proof, but i would like to somebody also test and confirm this. I can also test on mine laptop, but i need day or two.
Error popup
Currently ~30GB before mount. Is that low? I had same space last month i didn't have issues with ~82a revision. It's interesting that without LDR/QFE mode everything work great. I can do same again to recheck.
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