Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
Hi all, I am having this issue when using RVM 1.61 Beta 2.1 What is the error about: 00:41:57 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure Anyone can suggest a best method I can integrate ACHI to the BootCD? http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/107504-integration-of-intels-sata-ahci-and-raid-drivers/ Should I use RVMI to integrate the update pack and SP3 and Driverpack, then use nlite to integrate the achi driver? Or the other way round, Nlite with the ACHI first then RVMI the update and SP3 and driverpack, or just use NLITE for all processes. 00:34:56 - Checking Destination For OS Type. 00:34:56 - English - Windows XP Professional x86 - OEM SP2 Found 00:34:56 - 00:34:56 - Extracting OnePiece_Windows_XP_Post-SP3_UpdatePack_v5.5.1_ENU.7z 00:35:27 - MD5 Hash = 766bfbee9cfcb8c6ede9b849592f2587 00:35:27 - Clearing any Read Only Attributes. 00:35:29 - 00:35:29 - SP3 for Windows XP needs to be slipstreamed into the destination. 00:35:29 - Asking user for SP3 network install file... 00:35:32 - Slipstreaming SP3: WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe 00:36:10 - 00:36:10 - Verifying service pack level of destination... 00:36:10 - English - Windows XP Professional x86 - OEM SP3 Found 00:36:10 - 00:36:10 - Gathering temp files 00:36:10 - Integrating Windows XP Professional Files. 00:36:11 - 20 Files Moved in 0 Seconds 00:36:11 - Expanding driver.cab 00:36:54 - CabLite.dll::CabExtractAsync reports completion [code=00001152] 00:36:54 - Expanding SP3.cab 00:36:56 - CabLite.dll::CabExtractAsync reports completion [code=00000170] 00:37:05 - Copying/Moving files to driver.cab 00:37:06 - Copying files for driver.cab repackaging. - drivercab_copy 00:37:07 - Moving files for driver.cab repackaging. - drivercab_move 00:37:07 - Compressing Files 00:40:20 - Processing new .CAT files found in SVCPACK 00:40:27 - 00:40:27 - Shifting Stuff Around 00:41:57 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 00:42:23 - 1724 Files Moved in 115 Seconds 00:42:23 - Analyzing 1 Entry Files 00:42:23 - Processing OnePiece's Windows XP Post-SP3 Update Pack v5.5.1 Build Date: 2012/02/21 00:42:23 - Gathering Sysoc Entries 00:42:23 - Gathering Dosnet.inf [Files] Entries 00:42:23 - Gathering Dosnet.inf [Files] Entries - XP Pro Only 00:42:23 - Gathering Dosnet.inf [Files] Entries - XP Home Only 00:42:24 - Gathering txtsetup.sif [sourceDisksFiles] and [WinntDirectories] Entries 00:42:25 - Gathering txtsetup.sif [sourceDisksFiles] and [WinntDirectories] Entries - XP Pro Only 00:42:26 - Gathering ExtraFileEdits Entries 00:42:26 - 00:42:26 - Preparing System Files... 00:42:26 - sysoc.inf 00:42:26 - svcpack.inf 00:42:26 - dosnet.inf 00:42:26 - txtsetup.sif 00:42:32 - 00:42:32 - Processing ExtraFileEdits 00:42:32 - Processing Sysoc.inf 00:42:32 - Adding Components 00:42:32 - Processing svcpack.inf 00:42:32 - Processing dosnet.inf 00:42:32 - Modifying any SP?.cab areas in dosnet.inf 00:42:32 - Editing [Files] 00:42:46 - Editing [Files] - XP Pro Only 00:43:05 - Processing txtsetup.sif 00:43:05 - Editing [WinntDirectories] 00:43:07 - Editing [sourceDisksFiles] 00:43:09 - Editing [sourceDisksFiles] - XP Pro Only 00:43:09 - Modifying any SP?.cab areas in txtsetup.sif 00:43:12 - 00:43:12 - Compressing Files ASMS... 00:43:18 - 00:43:18 - Processing [EditFile] 00:43:19 - Entire .ini Processing Completed in 56 Seconds 00:43:19 - 00:43:19 - Compressing and Moving Edited Files 00:43:19 - 00:43:19 - Processing mmssetup.cab 00:43:19 - Expanding mmssetup.cab 00:43:19 - CabLite.dll::CabExtract reports completion [code=0000000A] 00:43:19 - Processing mmssetupcab_move 00:43:19 - Found and Moved new files into mmssetup.cab 00:43:19 - Rebuilding mmssetup.cab 00:43:20 - Rebuilding mmssetup.cab complete; 10 files compressed. 00:43:20 - 00:43:20 - 00:43:20 - Rebuilding driver.cab 00:46:03 - Compressed 4784 files into driver.cab [code=12B00001] 00:46:03 - 00:46:03 - Rebuilding drvindex.inf 00:46:03 - Rebuilding drvindex.inf Complete. 00:46:03 - 00:46:03 - Moving Files 00:46:03 - Replacing driver.cab 00:46:05 - Cleaning Up. 00:46:05 - Integration Completed. 00:46:05 - Total Integration Time = 669 Seconds 00:46:05 - ================================================================================== 00:46:05 -
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