130-98RC does not make integrated updates work
After playing around with DISM, i found that ALL the updates are actually not integrated, and they ALL give the following error: 0x80070005 An error occurred applying the Unattend.xml file from the .msu package Any ideas? Cheers,
Disable Unnatended installators verification on USB
HI There, i wanted to request a function to disable the verification that windows makes when one is installing the unnatended setups, since it requires manual "Ok" prompts if one installs a Windows 7 Image from a Pendrive, as its flagged by windows as an unsecure installation file source. (one way could be that after windows installs, the W7T copies the unnanteded files and setups locally, and runs them from there, this of course could be a "tick" option added on the W7T Settings). Cheers,
130-98RC does not make integrated updates work
Hi There, I'm having a problem with version 130-98RC, which by every tested way (3 diferent corporate ISOS, 2 different updates sources, 6 tries) i cant find a way to make integrated updates work. As far as the tool tells me, the updates are integrated though, wehn checking WU if it worked, it finds that the installation is lacking the same updates I integrated (All), If i open the image with the WAIK, i can see the updates themselves, but before, with old versions, i didnt had any problems, Any ideas on why does it do this? (to add a little info, i did try on 3 different physical machines, 2 virtual, and 3 different installation mediums, including a USB Pen, a double layer disk and Deployment services). Thanks!
USB Based Install - Security Warnings
nice Oh, btw, if you need help with testing X functionality, im all day blowing up different built images.
USB Based Install - Security Warnings
Hey, now i understand that ssomething because of windows security, maybe a "tick" box in the options just for those who "understand" the risk of diabling such thing, or maybe disabling it when the runonce start, and re-enabling it when it finishes.
USB Based Install - Security Warnings
HI there, i dunno if someone has run across this problem, but i know it happens when you try to install applications from a USB Windows 7 Install Pendrive. everytime the silent installer app tries to launch an exe, even with the /qn switch if applicable, it gives you on applications that are not from microsoft, the "open File Security warning", asking the common "are you sure you want to install/open this file". has anybody found a solution for this? Cheers. Edit: I Also found out that most drivers also didnt install by using a USB Pendrive. and the drivers are signed and compatible.
Driver Architecture Detection on add
Hey, i think i've seen it before running on DISM once, or inside System Center Configuration manager, there's a way for a program that uses DISM, or maybe it needs to be programmed to detect, when youre adding a driver different from the architecture of the source.wim. I'll explain further in an example: A.- If you try to add a x64 driver to an x86 source.wim, it will throw you an error, and vice versa. B.- If the driver is multi-architecture, let the user know, it runs on both. is this possible for WT7 ? Cheers,
Windows 7 Toolkit v1.3.0 ALPHA
Hey, a quickie question, did you remove the "name" field for adding silent installers applications for some reason in particular? Im still pushing W7T to find bugs around Keep up the good work man! PS: your new laptop that you order looks badass! Cheers
Windows 7 Toolkit v1.3.0 ALPHA
Hey Sorry, i didnt answer your posts sooner, was on a bussiness trip, Nice! its quite nice how it changed man!
Windows 7 Toolkit v1.0.2 FINAL
/old/ Hey there, found a bug (or misuse/error?), when you try to open the HKLM\System hive of the wim image, it actually opens the local computer registry! /old/ Edit: Nevermind me, i found it, its on HKLM\\WIM_Software\\W7T (Still it actually opens the local registry). Also, weird stuff, the x86 ISO has the Wow6432Node. Cheers
Windows 7 Toolkit v1.0.2 FINAL
Hey Lego, just a quick question, where does W7T saves the list of applications going to be installed? in the WIM file, or directly on a folder in the root? Im asking because for example, i want to change an Application name that i added as a silent installer, but to do that i have to recreate everything. got any ideas? Thanks!
W7T Changes History and Profiles
Nice!. Yes yes, Ii think itll be a good idea, to have everything "Add" related into the AIO, maybe change the name to "Applications" for example Anything you need im at your disposal, Cheers!
W7T Changes History and Profiles
Hi, i thought it would be a good idea to have a "Change History" management inside W7T, for example, if one finishes up an AIO image, and the one closes W7T, one can reopen it, and list everything thats already there (modified by W7T), so that later new things can be modified, deleted or added. (Gets a little frustrating when one's silent test application crashes the instalation because of bad switches, and one has to redo the image =P). The history could include: A.- AIO. B.- Unnatended files. C.- Silent Applications. - In All-In-One Tool D.- Registry modifications. - NO Too Complicated E.- etc. Also it'll be nice to have a "profile manager" section. by having the mentioned history, one could have several profiles, like for example: Profile 1: Windows 7 Home With Office 2007. Profile 2: Winodws 7 Enteprise with office 2010 and Adobe Reader. Profile N: N operating system, with N applications, with N modifications. Lego: Last_Session.ini is created in AIO Tool. Cheers!
Windows 7 Toolkit v1.0.2 FINAL
Done, it should have uploaded a log. Cheers
Windows 7 Toolkit v1.0.2 FINAL
Hey Lego, thanks! thatll be much useful! Cheers!