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Everything posted by StopLooking

  1. There is and old word say dont give me a fish but make me learn how to get my own :noexpression: I will give it try may be later , BTW need olso some info about using the 7zip sfx builder do you have any info about it ? .
  2. Hay nit , I had problem with size og the pack any one say this work must be smaller than this , so any Idea of reduce the size of pack usually I'm using the winrar for the comperessing the packs but seem to be this need the using the 77zip olso ineed some help how to uninstall the previuse version of the software . and about the adobe shockwave I use the full version but seem to be the slim addition is good ,
  3. thanks bphlpt for your great effor with me , now I'm having serious helth situation , so this project shoul be stop for a while . Sincere greetings .
  4. XP is dead, meaningless. So you need to remove this right , For some reason I thought this project should be droped , but I hope other interactive with it .
  5. add .NET Framework 1.1 . 2.0 , 3.0 , 3.5 , 4.0 , 4.5.2 this should increse the size , but great support for xp users . any one with this addon , before uploading the new pack . :g:
  6. Just use this to creat your own DX with the manged code : http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8517
  7. Any one could provide some info about check the previous version to skip duplicate installtion , I'm think on how to add this vai cmd files , one more thing this maybe lead to add feature for more os detection in other means , The installtion will recognized the current windows version like this ' 6.2.9200.0 ' for windows 8 .
  8. Consider it added . :beerchug:
  9. Welcome oguz , Me too thinks so , but there are many people still using xp till now , by defualt most of this work properly on xp except runtime like 4.6 that not support on xp , but may I cahnge the setting to work only in 7 and above .
  10. AFIK , IE store proxy setting in the registry , you did't clarfy your question are you search for way to modify the defualt proxy setting of the IE or somthing else . here is way for doing that vai change the proxy setting in the IE option , and then you should go to the registry find this line : HKLM "SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel" "Proxy" = 1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel" "AutoConfig" = 1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" "ProxySettingsPerUser" = 0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" "DialupUseLanSettings" = 1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" "WarnOnIntranet" = 0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" "ProxyEnable" = 1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" "MigrateProxy" = 1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" "ProxyServer" = <server name> HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" "ProxyOverride" = <list of exceptions>then this setting can be saved as external .reg file youcan aolso add it to the ISo .
  11. Edited , :doh: So you agree addin this as important for xp users , or just made abranch pack that a specially for xp .
  12. Oh yah , I update It as you request , BTW if any one prefereed the NET 1.1 , 2.0 3.0 , 4.0 , 4.5 , as place holder for the 4.6 I think, maybe it is good enough for windows xp users becuase the 4.6 not work on the xp . another thing, I'm thinking on reduce some of this runtime till feature package I need to focus on the basic run time as much is so important for the users from the other extra runtime . :g:
  13. Minor Change and improvement on the installtion, change internal executable file compressing , this should Increase the installtion speed bit faster .
  14. AFAIK, this should be: - Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) including DirectX for Managed Code Support For windows Xp & above Cheers and Regards I did not notice it, but I'm going to update it .
  15. + added DirectXRuntimes For both x64 & x86 will be uploded soon
  16. Thanks really for your nice word and support , Hope to take a look again on my new update of the topic , I rewrite it again to be good as should , now I thinks is good start of the project that I which wincert been the home for it .
  17. This is not the 2015 version acctualy , it's the version '14.0.22310' . :g:
  18. I have seen a very few situations where either permissions or certain anti-virus or firewalls or sand-box apps have caused issues with DXCB. but I have not found a consistent solution. But then I haven't done much work with this in quite awhile. Fortunately, there haven't been any changes to the older DirectX code in almost 5 years, and once you are able to make a successful addon or installer they seem to work on all appropriate systems. In other words, the occasional issues I have heard of only effect running DXCB itself. I have never gotten any report of any failure or problem of any kind with the addons or switchless installers that DXCB produces. Cheers and Regards Hello bphlpt I did't say that as problem needed to fix no , the test was been on windows 8.1, so I misanderstand why widows 8.1 do this with the script , It's not big deal that need to discuus about it , just for learn propse . :punish:
  19. Oh , I Find an Issue When Run The DXCB.cmd In The Admin right then the script wont work properly , but the strange thing is when run it without any admin right work as should .
  20. Rebuild the whole Project from scratch , A new Build will be Relases soon . so any suggestion will be great .
  21. Hello nit, This Is An Auto key Stroke Installer for IDM , By Defualt IDM Uninstall The Previous version Without Need To Do It Vai the Inno Setup , You Just Need Compile This In Auot It & Add it As Main Excuter For Your Script , Hope It Clear Enough To Anderstand What I Mean :g:
  22. Great Tuotrial :prop: , I Will Try To Used This In My Pack This Will Reduce The Size Of The Pack , So Hope Give Me Promisison To Add It As Long As It Will Be Great Addon For The Pack . Wait For Your Response .
  23. Hi nit , this is way for automation the idm vai auto it script so you don't need Uinstall the Previous one any more just it, overwrite the old one by it self . :prop: and here we are : remember ot change the name as the script :beerchug:
  24. @ bphlpt yasterday I'm try using this tool but it fail to connecting to the server and w'nt download any thing for me so any sugges about this . :g: