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    StopLooking got a reaction from VanCee in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Welcome everyone :tired:
    This Days it is not so difficult to install windows form scratch, However it is can be time consuming becuase after installing windows , and one of the process that can take along time to complete is the downlaoad and insatlling of runtime Package and the third party
    such as .NET Framework , Java plugin , Flash palyer , silverlight , DirectX , adobe air , and etc.
    Although this runtime  consider to be optional software , but they are becoming a necssity today due the larg number of software that
    requires to run Properly ,In Our ' AiO Runtime Pack ' that contains all this Kind of runtime , without need to download each runtime or software separately , all what you need to do is download the ' AiO Runtime Pack ' , and run the " Package_xxx.exe" file that will start the Installtion Process , A really nice Feature on ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is ability to automatically choose the right components that are compatible with the system architecture , and the ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is offline installer which mean all the runtime are already included in the setup file without an internet connection required also offline Package will get outdated after sometimes due the constant update of the runtime wich is updated continuously so make sure you have the latest version of the package .
     What is Included :

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    credits :

    So any suggestion & idea will be great to support this project .
    Hope  all of  you enjoy this work
  2. Like
    StopLooking got a reaction from jjamez in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Welcome everyone :tired:
    This Days it is not so difficult to install windows form scratch, However it is can be time consuming becuase after installing windows , and one of the process that can take along time to complete is the downlaoad and insatlling of runtime Package and the third party
    such as .NET Framework , Java plugin , Flash palyer , silverlight , DirectX , adobe air , and etc.
    Although this runtime  consider to be optional software , but they are becoming a necssity today due the larg number of software that
    requires to run Properly ,In Our ' AiO Runtime Pack ' that contains all this Kind of runtime , without need to download each runtime or software separately , all what you need to do is download the ' AiO Runtime Pack ' , and run the " Package_xxx.exe" file that will start the Installtion Process , A really nice Feature on ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is ability to automatically choose the right components that are compatible with the system architecture , and the ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is offline installer which mean all the runtime are already included in the setup file without an internet connection required also offline Package will get outdated after sometimes due the constant update of the runtime wich is updated continuously so make sure you have the latest version of the package .
     What is Included :

    Supported System :

    Screen shot :

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    credits :

    So any suggestion & idea will be great to support this project .
    Hope  all of  you enjoy this work
  3. Like
    StopLooking got a reaction from Nr717 in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Welcome everyone :tired:
    This Days it is not so difficult to install windows form scratch, However it is can be time consuming becuase after installing windows , and one of the process that can take along time to complete is the downlaoad and insatlling of runtime Package and the third party
    such as .NET Framework , Java plugin , Flash palyer , silverlight , DirectX , adobe air , and etc.
    Although this runtime  consider to be optional software , but they are becoming a necssity today due the larg number of software that
    requires to run Properly ,In Our ' AiO Runtime Pack ' that contains all this Kind of runtime , without need to download each runtime or software separately , all what you need to do is download the ' AiO Runtime Pack ' , and run the " Package_xxx.exe" file that will start the Installtion Process , A really nice Feature on ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is ability to automatically choose the right components that are compatible with the system architecture , and the ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is offline installer which mean all the runtime are already included in the setup file without an internet connection required also offline Package will get outdated after sometimes due the constant update of the runtime wich is updated continuously so make sure you have the latest version of the package .
     What is Included :

    Supported System :

    Screen shot :

    Download :

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    credits :

    So any suggestion & idea will be great to support this project .
    Hope  all of  you enjoy this work
  4. Like
    StopLooking got a reaction from bYHexadecimal in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Welcome everyone :tired:
    This Days it is not so difficult to install windows form scratch, However it is can be time consuming becuase after installing windows , and one of the process that can take along time to complete is the downlaoad and insatlling of runtime Package and the third party
    such as .NET Framework , Java plugin , Flash palyer , silverlight , DirectX , adobe air , and etc.
    Although this runtime  consider to be optional software , but they are becoming a necssity today due the larg number of software that
    requires to run Properly ,In Our ' AiO Runtime Pack ' that contains all this Kind of runtime , without need to download each runtime or software separately , all what you need to do is download the ' AiO Runtime Pack ' , and run the " Package_xxx.exe" file that will start the Installtion Process , A really nice Feature on ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is ability to automatically choose the right components that are compatible with the system architecture , and the ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is offline installer which mean all the runtime are already included in the setup file without an internet connection required also offline Package will get outdated after sometimes due the constant update of the runtime wich is updated continuously so make sure you have the latest version of the package .
     What is Included :

    Supported System :

    Screen shot :

    Download :

    Change log :

    credits :

    So any suggestion & idea will be great to support this project .
    Hope  all of  you enjoy this work
  5. Like
    StopLooking got a reaction from 12stones in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Welcome everyone :tired:
    This Days it is not so difficult to install windows form scratch, However it is can be time consuming becuase after installing windows , and one of the process that can take along time to complete is the downlaoad and insatlling of runtime Package and the third party
    such as .NET Framework , Java plugin , Flash palyer , silverlight , DirectX , adobe air , and etc.
    Although this runtime  consider to be optional software , but they are becoming a necssity today due the larg number of software that
    requires to run Properly ,In Our ' AiO Runtime Pack ' that contains all this Kind of runtime , without need to download each runtime or software separately , all what you need to do is download the ' AiO Runtime Pack ' , and run the " Package_xxx.exe" file that will start the Installtion Process , A really nice Feature on ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is ability to automatically choose the right components that are compatible with the system architecture , and the ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is offline installer which mean all the runtime are already included in the setup file without an internet connection required also offline Package will get outdated after sometimes due the constant update of the runtime wich is updated continuously so make sure you have the latest version of the package .
     What is Included :

    Supported System :

    Screen shot :

    Download :

    Change log :

    credits :

    So any suggestion & idea will be great to support this project .
    Hope  all of  you enjoy this work
  6. Like
    StopLooking got a reaction from im1989 in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Welcome everyone :tired:
    This Days it is not so difficult to install windows form scratch, However it is can be time consuming becuase after installing windows , and one of the process that can take along time to complete is the downlaoad and insatlling of runtime Package and the third party
    such as .NET Framework , Java plugin , Flash palyer , silverlight , DirectX , adobe air , and etc.
    Although this runtime  consider to be optional software , but they are becoming a necssity today due the larg number of software that
    requires to run Properly ,In Our ' AiO Runtime Pack ' that contains all this Kind of runtime , without need to download each runtime or software separately , all what you need to do is download the ' AiO Runtime Pack ' , and run the " Package_xxx.exe" file that will start the Installtion Process , A really nice Feature on ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is ability to automatically choose the right components that are compatible with the system architecture , and the ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is offline installer which mean all the runtime are already included in the setup file without an internet connection required also offline Package will get outdated after sometimes due the constant update of the runtime wich is updated continuously so make sure you have the latest version of the package .
     What is Included :

    Supported System :

    Screen shot :

    Download :

    Change log :

    credits :

    So any suggestion & idea will be great to support this project .
    Hope  all of  you enjoy this work
  7. Like
    StopLooking got a reaction from no11337 in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Welcome everyone :tired:
    This Days it is not so difficult to install windows form scratch, However it is can be time consuming becuase after installing windows , and one of the process that can take along time to complete is the downlaoad and insatlling of runtime Package and the third party
    such as .NET Framework , Java plugin , Flash palyer , silverlight , DirectX , adobe air , and etc.
    Although this runtime  consider to be optional software , but they are becoming a necssity today due the larg number of software that
    requires to run Properly ,In Our ' AiO Runtime Pack ' that contains all this Kind of runtime , without need to download each runtime or software separately , all what you need to do is download the ' AiO Runtime Pack ' , and run the " Package_xxx.exe" file that will start the Installtion Process , A really nice Feature on ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is ability to automatically choose the right components that are compatible with the system architecture , and the ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is offline installer which mean all the runtime are already included in the setup file without an internet connection required also offline Package will get outdated after sometimes due the constant update of the runtime wich is updated continuously so make sure you have the latest version of the package .
     What is Included :

    Supported System :

    Screen shot :

    Download :

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    credits :

    So any suggestion & idea will be great to support this project .
    Hope  all of  you enjoy this work
  8. Like
    StopLooking got a reaction from malakoulis in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Welcome everyone :tired:
    This Days it is not so difficult to install windows form scratch, However it is can be time consuming becuase after installing windows , and one of the process that can take along time to complete is the downlaoad and insatlling of runtime Package and the third party
    such as .NET Framework , Java plugin , Flash palyer , silverlight , DirectX , adobe air , and etc.
    Although this runtime  consider to be optional software , but they are becoming a necssity today due the larg number of software that
    requires to run Properly ,In Our ' AiO Runtime Pack ' that contains all this Kind of runtime , without need to download each runtime or software separately , all what you need to do is download the ' AiO Runtime Pack ' , and run the " Package_xxx.exe" file that will start the Installtion Process , A really nice Feature on ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is ability to automatically choose the right components that are compatible with the system architecture , and the ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is offline installer which mean all the runtime are already included in the setup file without an internet connection required also offline Package will get outdated after sometimes due the constant update of the runtime wich is updated continuously so make sure you have the latest version of the package .
     What is Included :

    Supported System :

    Screen shot :

    Download :

    Change log :

    credits :

    So any suggestion & idea will be great to support this project .
    Hope  all of  you enjoy this work
  9. Like
    StopLooking got a reaction from niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Welcome everyone :tired:
    This Days it is not so difficult to install windows form scratch, However it is can be time consuming becuase after installing windows , and one of the process that can take along time to complete is the downlaoad and insatlling of runtime Package and the third party
    such as .NET Framework , Java plugin , Flash palyer , silverlight , DirectX , adobe air , and etc.
    Although this runtime  consider to be optional software , but they are becoming a necssity today due the larg number of software that
    requires to run Properly ,In Our ' AiO Runtime Pack ' that contains all this Kind of runtime , without need to download each runtime or software separately , all what you need to do is download the ' AiO Runtime Pack ' , and run the " Package_xxx.exe" file that will start the Installtion Process , A really nice Feature on ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is ability to automatically choose the right components that are compatible with the system architecture , and the ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is offline installer which mean all the runtime are already included in the setup file without an internet connection required also offline Package will get outdated after sometimes due the constant update of the runtime wich is updated continuously so make sure you have the latest version of the package .
     What is Included :

    Supported System :

    Screen shot :

    Download :

    Change log :

    credits :

    So any suggestion & idea will be great to support this project .
    Hope  all of  you enjoy this work
  10. Like
    Hey, thanks but I dont need your script now. I have added the capability to uninstall any existing version of IDM installed using the original installer, in my new release (gonna upload)
    See this:

    Cheers & regards.
  11. Like
    StopLooking reacted to bphlpt in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    AFAIK, 4.5 does not work on XP either.  I think that 4.0 is the last one that works in XP
    [ OT ]
    Please do not bold everything you post.  It's impolite board posting.
    [ /OT ]
    Cheers and Regards
  12. Like
    StopLooking reacted to bphlpt in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    This is inside the "What is included spoiler".
    Cheers and Regards
  13. Like
    StopLooking reacted to bphlpt in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    AFAIK, this should be:
    - Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) including DirectX for Managed Code
    Support For Windows Xp & above
    Cheers and Regards
  14. Like
    StopLooking reacted to bphlpt in Repack installer request?   
    No problem.  I've never tried Windows 8.x+, and have never known anyone who has run DXCB on Windows 8.x+, so I'm glad you were able to get it to work for you.
    Cheers and Regards
  15. Like
    StopLooking reacted to NIM in Change forum user name?   
  16. Like
    StopLooking reacted to oguz in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Very interesting and good idea
  17. Like
    StopLooking reacted to bphlpt in Repack installer request?   
    It seems MS has changed the structure of the download page, so neither of the included downloaders currently work.  But, no problem.  Go here - http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=56511&clcid=0x409 - and manually download the latest DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010). The file should be "directx_Jun2010_redist.exe".  Place the file in the same folder where "DXCB.cmd" is located.  I just ran it that way myself, so it should work for you, too.  If you don't enter any options, when you then run "DXCB.cmd" it should produce these files as output, which will include DirectX for managed code, and should be located in the same folder as "DXCB.cmd":
    DirectXRuntimes-201006-AddOn-32.7z -- (13,676,451 bytes) -- 32-bit addon
    DirectXRuntimes-201006-AddOn-64.7z -- (29,363,280 bytes) -- 64-bit addon which includes the 32-bit addon as well
    DirectXRuntimes-201006-Switchless-32.exe -- (13,676,076 bytes) -- 32-bit switchless installer -\
    DirectXRuntimes-201006-Switchless-64.exe -- (15,686,796 bytes) -- 64-bit switchless installer --\ for 64-bit use you need to use both 32-bit and 64-bit
    DXUnInst.cmd -- (15,803 bytes) -- Uninstaller which should uninstall DirectX completely from any Windows OS no matter how it was installed
    So since directx_Jun2010_redist.exe is (100,271,992 bytes), you can see how much smaller any of these options are, and yet they will install the same files as the original redist.
    Cheers and Regards
  18. Like
    This is nice script, but this is or the silent install, not for uninstalling.My repack btw closes all the IDM processes before installing.
    Cheers & regards.
  19. Like
    StopLooking got a reaction from lerch in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Welcome everyone :tired:
    This Days it is not so difficult to install windows form scratch, However it is can be time consuming becuase after installing windows , and one of the process that can take along time to complete is the downlaoad and insatlling of runtime Package and the third party
    such as .NET Framework , Java plugin , Flash palyer , silverlight , DirectX , adobe air , and etc.
    Although this runtime  consider to be optional software , but they are becoming a necssity today due the larg number of software that
    requires to run Properly ,In Our ' AiO Runtime Pack ' that contains all this Kind of runtime , without need to download each runtime or software separately , all what you need to do is download the ' AiO Runtime Pack ' , and run the " Package_xxx.exe" file that will start the Installtion Process , A really nice Feature on ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is ability to automatically choose the right components that are compatible with the system architecture , and the ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is offline installer which mean all the runtime are already included in the setup file without an internet connection required also offline Package will get outdated after sometimes due the constant update of the runtime wich is updated continuously so make sure you have the latest version of the package .
     What is Included :

    Supported System :

    Screen shot :

    Download :

    Change log :

    credits :

    So any suggestion & idea will be great to support this project .
    Hope  all of  you enjoy this work
  20. Like
    StopLooking got a reaction from alfreire in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Welcome everyone :tired:
    This Days it is not so difficult to install windows form scratch, However it is can be time consuming becuase after installing windows , and one of the process that can take along time to complete is the downlaoad and insatlling of runtime Package and the third party
    such as .NET Framework , Java plugin , Flash palyer , silverlight , DirectX , adobe air , and etc.
    Although this runtime  consider to be optional software , but they are becoming a necssity today due the larg number of software that
    requires to run Properly ,In Our ' AiO Runtime Pack ' that contains all this Kind of runtime , without need to download each runtime or software separately , all what you need to do is download the ' AiO Runtime Pack ' , and run the " Package_xxx.exe" file that will start the Installtion Process , A really nice Feature on ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is ability to automatically choose the right components that are compatible with the system architecture , and the ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is offline installer which mean all the runtime are already included in the setup file without an internet connection required also offline Package will get outdated after sometimes due the constant update of the runtime wich is updated continuously so make sure you have the latest version of the package .
     What is Included :

    Supported System :

    Screen shot :

    Download :

    Change log :

    credits :

    So any suggestion & idea will be great to support this project .
    Hope  all of  you enjoy this work
  21. Like
    StopLooking got a reaction from compstuff in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Welcome everyone :tired:
    This Days it is not so difficult to install windows form scratch, However it is can be time consuming becuase after installing windows , and one of the process that can take along time to complete is the downlaoad and insatlling of runtime Package and the third party
    such as .NET Framework , Java plugin , Flash palyer , silverlight , DirectX , adobe air , and etc.
    Although this runtime  consider to be optional software , but they are becoming a necssity today due the larg number of software that
    requires to run Properly ,In Our ' AiO Runtime Pack ' that contains all this Kind of runtime , without need to download each runtime or software separately , all what you need to do is download the ' AiO Runtime Pack ' , and run the " Package_xxx.exe" file that will start the Installtion Process , A really nice Feature on ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is ability to automatically choose the right components that are compatible with the system architecture , and the ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is offline installer which mean all the runtime are already included in the setup file without an internet connection required also offline Package will get outdated after sometimes due the constant update of the runtime wich is updated continuously so make sure you have the latest version of the package .
     What is Included :

    Supported System :

    Screen shot :

    Download :

    Change log :

    credits :

    So any suggestion & idea will be great to support this project .
    Hope  all of  you enjoy this work
  22. Like
    StopLooking got a reaction from saper1972 in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64   
    Welcome everyone :tired:
    This Days it is not so difficult to install windows form scratch, However it is can be time consuming becuase after installing windows , and one of the process that can take along time to complete is the downlaoad and insatlling of runtime Package and the third party
    such as .NET Framework , Java plugin , Flash palyer , silverlight , DirectX , adobe air , and etc.
    Although this runtime  consider to be optional software , but they are becoming a necssity today due the larg number of software that
    requires to run Properly ,In Our ' AiO Runtime Pack ' that contains all this Kind of runtime , without need to download each runtime or software separately , all what you need to do is download the ' AiO Runtime Pack ' , and run the " Package_xxx.exe" file that will start the Installtion Process , A really nice Feature on ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is ability to automatically choose the right components that are compatible with the system architecture , and the ' Aio Runtime Pack ' is offline installer which mean all the runtime are already included in the setup file without an internet connection required also offline Package will get outdated after sometimes due the constant update of the runtime wich is updated continuously so make sure you have the latest version of the package .
     What is Included :

    Supported System :

    Screen shot :

    Download :

    Change log :

    credits :

    So any suggestion & idea will be great to support this project .
    Hope  all of  you enjoy this work
  23. Like
    Is not entirely correct
    System memory is separated from 2GB to head 2 GB OS and 2GB for the User (in poor words any exe or process may not seek or use more than 2GB), but in Programming Languages for example like the C++ that most used in Windows limit the required memory in 32-bit systems is 4 GB (sizeof(DWORD))
    // Maximum heap request the heap manager will attempt#ifdef _WIN64   #define _HEAP_MAXREQ 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE0#else   #define _HEAP_MAXREQ 0xFFFFFFE0#endifso obvious question of programmers how to use more memory, and Microsoft satisfied them (that is the famous modification BCDEdit and boot. ini) as always everything well explained in Microsoft.com (where everyone will have to go for strength before asking opinions in the forum of third parties)
    4-Gigabyte Tuning: BCDEdit and Boot.ini
    Physical Address Extension
    Address Windowing Extensions
    Large-Page Support
    in poor words you can run a modification in x32 systems to tell the system to give an application up to 3GB of RAM, but the point is just that many do not understand that application itself must be written and compiled to support a certain thing, that is the famous LARGEADDRESSAWARE so in 99% of cases a specific change has no the impact that many believes, in the archives of the MSDN articles are always\very interesting discussions as in this case for example Using /LARGEADDRESSAWARE on 64-bit Windows for 32-bit programs however it seems the LARGEADDRESSAWARE gives an x32 application in X64 systems the right to ask\use full 4GB of Ram so is really helpful
    all this because not for ignorance how to say, but was always easy for everyone (including itself programmers) make mistakes and get confused between the physical memory and virtual memory etc etc
    Regarding the memory limits Memory Limits for Windows and Windows Server Releases
    Ciao a tutti.
  24. Like
    StopLooking reacted to Legolash2o in weird iso maker progress bar   
    Oh it's fine, I've already done it and it's now working
    Thanks anyway!
  25. Like
    StopLooking reacted to Legolash2o in FREE / HOME / PRO Editions   
    The ESD converter will let you convert esd to wim and wim to esd The ISO Maker will function work with either.