Windows 7 Toolkit v1.0.2 FINAL
Hi Ricktendo64, Thanks for your reply. I have 11 Windows Seven versions. How can I proceed to do that? Correct me but should I do that :S? 1- Install a Windows 7 x86 version on a VM (for exemple: Win7 x86 Starter Edition) 2- Install .NET Framework 4 + All updates (+ language packs which is finally optional because it just changes error messages in the local language, so it doesn't matter) 3- Sysprep it 4- Capture it (That's mean: VHD => WIM ?) 5- Replace it: 5a- Remove Win7 x86 Starter Edition from my WIM master file which i installed in the step 1 5b- Extract Win7 x86 Starter Edition from my WIM 'step4' file to update my WIM master file through dism Do I have to do that for all Win7 :S? So I have to do this procedure 11 times?! Or the simplest way is to create a batch file with a silent installer command for .Net4 after Win7 installation (cons: There will be an uninstaller entry in Programs and Features panel) By "syspreping" windows, does it work for applications too? So i don't have to use silent installer? How to manage this, if you want to install application in multiple languages... In lot of sysprep tutorials, they don't talk about integrating multi-languages for 3rd party application... Do i have to install windows in each language and sysprep it ? (Example for Paint.Net: Win7+Paint.NET US > sysprep > dism update > Win7+Paint.NET FR > sysprep > dism update > Win7+Paint.Net ES > sysprep > dism update > Win7+Paint.Net ZH > ...... :S :S :S In Win7 Toolkit, we have Silent Installer menu with an option to choose which applications to install after Windows installation (That's great, i will try it to use it soon).... But how does it work for each windows 7 language? If i have paint.net_us, paint.net_fr (or others apps)... Do I have to put 2 entries for these 2 languages in Win7 Toolkit? Thanks for your help.
Windows 7 Toolkit v1.0.2 FINAL
Hi Legolash2o, Thanks for your excellent application. I use it to build my own Win7 integrating: All x86 + All x64 (Except K, N, KN edition but I included Enterprise Edition) + US, FR, KOR, ZH and ES version + SP1 and all post update until June 2011. Flash/SilverLight/7-Zip with some windows tweaks and all official theme I found a little bug in the AIO Tweaks part so I would like to inform you... In the Tweaks part, Context-Menu "Add Open CMD here" to Folder Context-Menu I checked this option for all my Win7 version I have just tried to install a Windows and there is an issue with the registry in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmd You should delete Extended and Icon entries which don't work. I don't find any difference by adding "Extended" and "Icon" doesn't really put the CMD icon but a Windows icon, so it is better to remove it too. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmd\command The main issue is on this key. You put exactly: cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\" So when i tried the context-menu, it worked but i have a warning message at the CMD opening which saying that the current path could not be find... To fix this issue i use WIM Registry Editor and i am currently removing one by one the registry entry in: HKLM\Winm_Software\Classes\Directory\shell\cmd\command by removing "\" which is useless. Then everything works fine and the cmd.exe could find the current path from the context-menu (... I don't tried with Elevated CMD prompt but you should also checked it) So the key should be like cmd.exe /s /k pushd "%V" One more thing: Is it possible to integrate .NetFramework 4 for all my Win7 version and including all local language pack for each of them...? I found a lot of things/ideas on this forum but all of them are too complicated or not applicable on my case because i have multiple languages to do or all explicationns have been out of date. I think about Silent Intallers which i use a batch cmd file with the silent command line for install on each Win7 with all languages (kr, us, fr, zh, es).... So is it possible? (WA is not a solution for me because i have multiple languages to manage) Thanks a lot for your answer... This is the best Windows 7 WIM integration/customization software that i have never used. RT7 Lite is not so fast or flexible like your application by batching all modifications in all Windows version. Your application is very flexible to do what i want. I'm looking forward the 1.2.3 to select multiple images in WIM Registry Editor and Silent Installer.... For the moment, I have to fix each Windows registry to remove "\" on them ;-( Thanks for your replies.
Dark Avenger
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