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  1. I'm having problem with the latest update (4.8.0).. please see below.. 0:33:41 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure 20:34:16 - CabLite.dll::CabFileAsync reports failure [code=00000004] 20:34:28 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:34:29 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:34:31 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:34:44 - CabLite.dll::CabFileAsync reports failure [code=00000004] 20:35:12 - CabLite.dll::CabFileAsync reports failure [code=00000004] 20:35:58 - CabLite.dll::CabFileAsync reports failure [code=00000004] 20:36:25 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:36:28 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:36:46 - CabLite.dll::CabFileAsync reports failure [code=00000004] 20:36:59 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:38:16 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:38:24 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:38:42 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:39:13 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:39:42 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:39:48 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:39:53 - CabLite.dll::CabFileAsync reports failure [code=00000004] 20:41:36 - Processing new .CAT files found in SVCPACK 20:41:52 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:42:00 - 20:42:00 - Shifting Stuff Around 20:42:46 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:42:59 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:44:45 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:45:04 - CabLite.dll::CabFileAsync reports failure [code=00000004] 20:45:26 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004] 20:45:43 - CabLite.dll::CabFile reports failure [code=00000004]
  2. I've tried to installer it manually the .Net Framework 4.0 manually.. and successfully installed it without any problems at all.. Client profile and extended.. maybe your .net framework update doesn't match on my Windows XP Pro SP3..
  3. .Net Framework 4.0 Client Profile Error [ Click Here ] .Net Framework 4.0 Extended Error [ Click Here ]
  4. i integrate this addon + .net framework 1.1 using rvm integrator.. my copy is an Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 (clean).. the error pop-up after installation of .net framework 3.5 sp1..
  5. it doesn't work for me.. QT Address Bar is missing after installation of windows.. My Integrated Windows XP Professional Includes windows update till July 16, 2011 with .Net Framework 1.1 up to 4.0.. i already tried to go to View > Toolbars > QT Addressbar..
  6. Do you have QT Address Bar only?.. I'm having problems with the QT standard buttons when using other windows themes the standard buttons where missing.. and i don't like QT Tab Bar..
  7. Kindly fix the .net framework 4.. There is an error pop-ups regarding .net framework 4..
  8. Do you have QT Address Bar only?.. I'm having problems with the QT standard buttons when using other windows themes the standard buttons where missing.. and i don't like QT Tab Bar..
  9. Can you add/make microsoft security essentials 2.0.6547.0 addons?..
  10. do you have the final version of Microsoft Security Essentials?..
  11. my windows xp pro sp3 is untouched 2007 retail version.. .. i have already tested it w/o addons and it works fine..
  12. i wish you can create snipping tool addons for xp.. Please [ Click Here ]
  13. The problem still occurs.. the error is all about grpconv.exe.. "the error states windows cannot access specified device, path, or file, you may not appropriate permisions to access the item"..
  14. i have already download the latest windows xp sp3 update.. but i have one problem.. when i add this add on to my retail version of WinXP Pro sp3 and try it to virtual machine... there is an error pop-up by adminstrator.. then after installing my desktop became windows classic theme and some services are limited by admininstator?.. what seems to be the problem?.. I'm such a newbie.. Help me please.. I'm Using Nlite to make my unattended or integrated Windows XP OS I'm using Oracle VM Virtualbox Manager as my virtual machine.. My copy of Windows XP Professional Edition SP3 is a Retail version
  15. Mediafire (No download speed limit) and MegaUpload (I'm a premuim downloader using MegaKey) is the best link for me without premium link generator..