Everything posted by sirtex
FreeRAM Tool
I'm assuming what this little app does is remove from memory all the silly little DDLs & resources that do not get auto-removed when you close a program?
- Win7Tk on OEM install disks?
Minimum paging file please?
Greets! I'm buying laptops for 2 ladies to help them write their books. They will run at same time: + anti-virus + web browser with Facebook & video + word processor (likely Libre Office, unless I can find something free & lighter that allows offline editing...) The models are Aspire AS5349-2899 15.6" Laptop Computer, specs: Intel® Celeron® Processor B815 (lowest end Sandy CPU, about a C2D T5870 or AMD Turion X2 ZM-86) 4Mb DDR 1333MHz 320GB 5,400RPM Hard Drive (which I'm trying to avoid to use) What I want to do is make a RAM Drive for a small paging file & browser cache. What is the smallest paging file I can use? I'm trying to resist buying more RAM for them (systems come with a single 2Gb stick, & I plan to give a hand-me-down 2nd 2Gb), but if I have to splurge $40 for to bring total RAM to 6Gb, I will. I'd prefer to tell them don't use many tabs & don't run anything in background except anti-virus. cheers!
Sandboxie 1/2 off today
Windows 8 Developer Preview downloads
I like the idea of faster boot times, but I'm not willing to shell out another $100 for it. http://blog.gsmarena.com/windows-8-to-have-a-hybrid-shutdown-boot-times-as-fast-as-8-seconds/ http://www.dailytech.com/Windows+8+Hybrid+Boot+Promises+Drastically+Faster+Cold+Boots/article22673.htm
Windows 8 Developer Preview downloads
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/br229516 No Win8 sub-forum yet, so there you go
Windows 8 Developer Preview downloads
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/br229516 No Win8 sub-forum yet, so there you go
Compilr online IDE C++, C#, Ruby, Java, etc
Disable Auto System Sounds Leveling
That would be an annoying service when playing games, but useful when I have my audio editing apps open.
Windows 7 Toolkit News [IMPORTANT]
I never would have guessed! :graduated:Thanks for all your hard work! Just let us know please what is the last file before you leave for Uni!
I think it is better to use external anyway, since the keyboard &/or track pad (& the stuff that falls from your fingers into the keyboard to what is underneath it) it more often what goes bad first it seems. Plus, you can learn just 1 keyboard for all your computers.. Just plug the keyboard, mouse, backup HD & printer into a hub & away you can go in one USB plug.
Oh, I thought you were going to use your SSD as an OS drive?
Hey, that is an hour North of where I live! Where did you buy it from? Exactly. Rick, you will spend 1/2 of the price of a brand new laptop that is more powerful than what you have. And you will still end up with an old laptop. (I also expect your mobo is used, so it is old old & random). Plus, when you bought your new laptop, you can re-use the drive, & sell off the rest as parts, so you'll end up spending the same anyhow. A new dual core is going for about $300, less if you can really shop.Not as bad as a girl I know; she spent $200+ on getting a new keyboard on a 6-7 year old laptop. Then Wondered why she couldn't use Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 that she just bought on it. :doh:
Guide: Creating addons
Thanks! But what about where all those files go?
I've seen i3 laptops go for <$400 USD...
I hope you didn't pay full price for that HP; last news report I read is that HP is pulling out of the PC business! Plus, I would not ever recommend an HP with out an in-house computer geek; their Indian tech support is awful. I spent 4 hours one day getting them to admit their FireWire connection stinks, & 3 hours to admit to tweak their OS install you had to buy another retail Win7 copy. Very poor customer service.
Or maybe I could just sell you mine... I got it for mobile DJing, but from what I hear some booths might not have room for it... she's a monster!
What? I thought it was a Dell? Sounds like a scammer. This is how I found my laptop: http://slickdeals.ne...+%28i3|i5|i7%29 & have Mr Pants get it via APO. I live nearish a Micro Center if the best deal is there.
dv8t quad edition • Intel® Core™ i7-720QM Quad Core processor (1.6GHz, 6MB L3 Cache) with Turbo Boost up to 2.8 GHz • 4GB DDR3 System Memory (2 Dimm) • 500GB 7200RPM SATA Hard Drive with HP ProtectSmart Hard Drive Protection + added SSD: Intel 40 GB X25-V (slower but cheap at the time) • 1GB Nvidia GeForce GT 230M • 18.4" diagonal High Definition HP Ultra BrightView Infinity Display (1920x1080p) (biggest laptop screen) I haven't used it really yet; once I get all the software on it for studio/web design, that is all I will use it for. I use my Core Duo desktop for web surfing, gaming, & light programming.
Hey that is close to what I have! So now you have a good reason to have a minimal Win7 instal also
- Some problems with W7T
Guide: Creating addons
Since it seems not only is InstallWatch not in development, but their website is down, I'd prefer to find new developments (& more Win7+ compatible) file/registry change finders. Here is what I found: WhatChanged by Vista Software / vTaskStudio free, portable, track only 1 drive?, not updated in a year http://netbooknetwork.net/2011/track-file-registry-whatchanged/ http://www.vtaskstudio.com/support.php TrackInstall by Matthias Withopf free, track multiple folders & drives, updated once in the past 2 years http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/track-change-in-registry-file-system-with-trackwinstall/ http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.withopf.com%2Ftools%2Ftrackwinstall%2F&langpair=de%7Cen Integra System Monitor beta, nice GUI, track different drives at once, might be slower, updated yesterday http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/monitor-and-compare-windows-system-state-files-registry-changes/ http://www.moosoft.com/integrabeta I'll test one or more of these to see if they work. If anyone has experience in these, please let me know!
Ramdisk/virtual drives to use with W7Tk?
(board admin, if too OT, feel free to bump down to Win7 forum plz) I've been playing around with the idea to use a Ramdisk or virtual DVD drive to build my Win7_64 image. I don't intend to put much more on my new image other than Win7_64 Home Premium &a few utilities/small apps, & some file reduction like removing wallpapers, language packs etc. not likely to install even browsers past IE9, since those things are upgraded every few weeks. Will I have enough room on my 4Gb laptop to do this, considering the technet ISO is 3Gb? (perhaps this will be a good excuse to drop $50 on a 4Gb*2 upgrade). I guess one can just use a Ramdisk util, use "create vdisk" command. Or perhaps use this virtual ISO RAM-mounter:? http://www.kernsafe.com/product/totalmounter.aspx http://reboot.pro/15170/page__pid__136753__st__25#entry136753 If anyone has any experiences/tips, please share! TIA
ISO maker option to split image over multiple DVD/CD's
"Hello, my name I Paul, & i'm an icon-aholic. I began collecting icons 12 years ago, on my old Win95 computer...."
BlackViper-ish service configuration
Well, now that you added the ability to import .REG files, I wonder if this is even needed/switch to low low priority? Users can either hand-hack a master .REG file, or use BlackVipers's handy builder:http://www.blackviper.com/Windows_7/customREG_Ultimate64.php http://www.speedyvista.com/windows7/registry.php ...then import it in W7Tk? Up to you; there are advantages to having it all in-house. Just noting to others that there are good work-arounds (& I had to use google for it anyway; might as well save the URLs here )