Share folders with same name
Hi, I have 2 folders named "Logs" on the same server, Win2K8, in different locations. I need them both shared for user access. Is there a way the share name can be different than the actual folder name? Thanks
Remove/Delete printers in Win2K8
In "Devices and Printers" they delete, but come right back. In " Server Manager" it just won't delete. - Thanks
Remove/Delete printers in Win2K8
Hi, I'm unable to delete unwanted printers in Win2K8. I tried in Server Manager and Devices and Printers with no success. any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
Publisher 2007 Calendar help needed
How do I create a "one year per page calendar" with the months I choose - like Sept 2012 to June 2013 ? When you click "Set Calendar Dates" it won't let you change the month Thanks
Access 2003 Link Text Wizard bug
Hi, on a certain XP computer I'm linking a csv file as a table. At the "Field Option" box it won't allow me to change field names. It is stuck on the first field. I can click on each fields and it highlights but it won't change. I re-installed office with no change. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Server 2008 OS restore
Is there a way to create a bootable restore disk for the OS in case of hardware failure? Thanks
Hiding shares
Thanks for the info
Hiding shares
When a user browses to the server in win explorer, is it possible to have them see only shares that they have permissions to? And not see all shares. Thanks
Everyone group
Hi, in Win2k8 server I create a folder, and go to share it right click properties sharing tab advanced sharing permissions and see the "Everyone" group is added by default with Full control permissions. Does this group need to be there? Thanks
Access database slow to open on 2008 Server
In the process of moving an access database (created in Office2K) from an old Netware server to a 2008 windows server. I'm noticing that the database takes almost 30 seconds to open. Once open it seems OK. The database uses linked tables and I re-linked them thinking that was the problem but it had no effect. Any suggestions? Thanks
Basic IIS7 question
Setting up an Inranet site. In IIS manager I created a new site and uploaded a few test files. How do I get the workstation browsers to point to the new site, not the default site? Thanks
Installing Language Packs
I'll try, thanks
Installing Language Packs
When I did that it asked for the Windows XP SP3 disk which I did not have handy.
Installing Language Packs
Some of my users are getting prompted to install the Korean Language Pack when opening certain emails in Outlook 2003. Do we need to install these packs? If so where can I get them? Or should we click to never install language packs? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Domain user can't connect to Network printer
I tried this on the server but it had no effect. And on the pc I don't have permissions.