[Addon] Java Runtime Environment 6.0 / 7.0 x86/x64
hello user hidden good work for java. i would like to know what program do you use to create the package. I see this packed with 7-zip and has a full description of the fields in the version of the file and also has a logo. Another question in this packet is present one file Msi that must be execute but is also present a registry file; how do you start the reg file if start only the msi file? thanks Luca
[Addon] Microsoft .NET Framework V3.5 SP1 FULL - 20131008
hello great job I would say the information. what is link for download KB953595 or this patch is in another KB?- The Visual Basic compiler (Vbc.exe) may use 100 percent of the CPU resources when you build a .NET Framework 3.5-based application that has many assemblies and references i need for my integration thx Luca
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 & 3.5 SP1 - 20131008
good work i need one information what is the link for download KB953595 - The Visual Basic compiler (Vbc.exe) may use 100 percent of the CPU resources when you build a .NET Framework 3.5-based application that has many assemblies and references KB960043 - Dual Branch Servicing i need for my integration thx Luca
[Release] .NET Framework Collection 20111019(1.1/2.0/3.5/4.0)
hello i have create the packet for net4 x86 XP and have the problem. In the pannel control I check installed framework 4 client and extend but when i use the utility from Aron; in the utility is installed only client and not full . Because?
[Release] .NET Framework Collection 20111019(1.1/2.0/3.5/4.0)
the link filesonic is not function for framework 4 full e aio full. the file DNF40_Tutorial_With_UpdatedFiles.7z is not function in filesonic. I have tried to create dotnet4 full but when i install in control pannel is installed but if test with verification tolls ARON clit is installed but full is not installed because?
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