Everything posted by techbound
dism error 30 driver issues
stupid me i found the problem. nvdrsdb.bi_ was extracting without an ext. so I added .bin to the extracted file and boom no errors.
dism error 30 driver issues
i'm trying to intergrate nvidia quadro 550 and 570 x86 drivers into an install.wim file. I got the cabs via windows update catalog and have extracted the cabs into 2 folders one for 550 other for 570 when i go to add them i get the error 30 saying it can't find the files. I've tried expanding the dl_ and sy_ files and all the exe packed files but still no luck. has anyone else ran into this problem if so how did you fix it. I'd like to say away from driverpacks.net files as these are more up to date from windows update catalog.
Printer drivers
grab the universal drivers: http://h20565.www2.hp.com/portal/site/hpsc/template.PAGE/public/psi/swdHome/?sp4ts.oid=18326&spf_p.tpst=swdMain&spf_p.prp_swdMain=wsrp-navigationalState%3DswEnvOID%253D4158%257CswLang%253D%257Caction%253DlistDriver&javax.portlet.begCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken&javax.portlet.endCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken#Driver- Universal Print Driver and you can install it via command line https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/a9dfac3c-c24b-440e-a36f-d7509da5d6f2/command-line-installation-of-printer-drivers-via-printuidll?forum=w7itproinstall http://www.robvanderwoude.com/2kprintcontrol.php just add the drivers you extract to a folder make a bat file to run the commands and (i've used) winrar sfx to compress and make an exe that runs the bat file on the pc. but the printer i use this for is a networked laserjet 4200 on a jetdirect so I had to create the ports and such. heres my script. cscript %WINDIR%\System32\Printing_Admin_Scripts\en-US\Prnport.vbs -a -r IP_192.168.6.61 -h -o raw -n 9100rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /m "HP Universal Printing PCL 6" /F "M:\Printer\upd\hpcu170c.inf"rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Computer Lab Printer" /F "M:\Printer\upd\hpcu170c.inf" /r "IP_192.168.6.61" /m "HP Universal Printing PCL 6"regedit /s M:\Printer\disableprinternote.reg --this one disables hp print popupWindows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers\Computer Lab Printer\PrinterDriverData]"SSNPDriverUISetting"=dword:00000000this is the code to disable the popupkinda long and unorganized but hopefully this helps ya.
Update pack for windows 8.1?
WHDownloader is great as it has the most up to date patches, however if you use it you may still have windows update report missing updates as WHDownloader gets updates that superseed what is shown as missing. use moons suggestion to satisfy windows update without the extras
Update pack for windows 8.1?
my win8.1 gdr pack is 1.6gigs big atm. why windows 8 patches are so big no idea. I might share it once i get to a network that uploads better than my dsl does.
Office 2010/2013: Few help for unattended config.xml
mk, I've looked more into the xml part of office setup and found this website: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd630736(v=office.15).aspx and http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179195(v=office.15).aspx hope this is what your looking for broken
- MInstAll - Software Installer
Office 2010/2013: Few help for unattended config.xml
yea, oct can pass that step, hince its related to activation. it will also allow you to choose what gets installed, shortcuts, outlook profiles, etc etc. only real issue I've ran into is that for AIO setups you still have to select what product your installing (office/visio/project) as I'm still looking for a switch to fix that one. Just a side note for updates on office 2013 my folder is 1.55 gigs after downloading from WHDownloader and it adds a TON of time to install when in the updates folder. I've found it faster to install the updates after office is installed using my own batch installer.
Office 2010/2013: Few help for unattended config.xml
are you targeting volume or retail? with volume you open oct with the command line setup.exe /admin and you create a .msp file with keys(kms/mak) and other settings and then run that file by setup.exe /adminfile="path\filename.msp" for retail i'm sure you can use the same thing (not 100%) and due the setup and have a script to activate with a key the user enters. google search for activate office 2010/13 by command line. you'll find the command lines to due this.
[Solved] KB2973544 - Who has msu files?!?
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2973544 2973544 replaced 2885699, and is used to enable automatic updates from win 8 to win 8.1 but you have to have update 2871389 installed first on win 8 to see it in windows update. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2885699 is downloadable as a msu file so really its only good for online systems.
Silent Install Switches
the one thing I've noticed with collecting silent install switches in a forum is they get to be to many, couldn't you create a standalone program that lets people enter the switch and save it to a database hosted somewhere and just have the toolkit check against the database when a user adds an exe to see if there's a match (using crc/sha/md5 checksums/ver number) and auto load the switches, if no match, then ask to enter a switch if you know one and add it to the database. just a thought.
Create a batch file to install multiple *.msu files in running system
funny i'm working on a vb.net program this very moment that does what you want. well for office updates that is.
Silent Install Switches
normally I just create a bat file to run the exe with /? and it shows switches, however I found this: www.checkdevice.narod.ru/index/skf/0-36. to find the swiches.
MSP Extractor: Extract just selected languages
it still extracts just modify the config.ini file.
invalid key error using Unattended Creator
using v1 of the unattended creator if i enter a mak key i get an error and i'm unable to install windows. the workaround is that i delete the key from the xml in the winpe setup part and leave it in the specialize part. I'm wondering if adding a check box that you can check for mak keys to skip adding the key to the winpe part in v2. here is a link that shows the issue in greater detail. http://blogs.technet.com/b/askcore/archive/2009/10/05/invalid-product-key-error-specifying-mak-key-in-unattend-xml.aspx Thanks edit: opps saw the rules too late. if you want close it and i'll reopen.
Win Toolkit v2.x
you need a main forum thread, I feel your work getting buried at times. any who sorry for the derail.
- FYP: Threading Research Results
I'm Retiring
i don't say much but thanks for all the fish kel! things will get better, I've been in a tough spot for the past year myself it sucks but i've found that group councils help more than one might think. its sad that your support system (your wife) passed, I remember reading that thread. anywho, may you find what you need to carry on! techbound
- (Help) Reusing Already Updated Wim Image to Integrate new updates
Win XP-7-8 in one DVD
sorry if this is a dead thread, but have you tried WinNTSetup? pretty much you create a winpe disk and run the program point to your wim files/xp folder and set the options and install a way. you can find it on the msfn.org site.
Howto boot a Wintoolkit Image over PXE
This helped me lots: http://www.fooli****.com/tech-info/my-network-boot-setup/ I also use the D7 tool at my workplace.
[SOLVED] SAD2 without extraction?
inergrate the drivers you need into the wim file
Sandisk Extreme 3.0 32GB can't go on at install destination?
you need to add in the usb3.0 drivers from driverpacks.net to your boot.wim. its looking for drivers for a usb 3 stick reguardless of it being plugged into a usb2 port. some usb3 drives are seen as a ssd and you need the drivers to get them to work. I might be headed down the wrong path for your problem but I'd start there.
[Question] How to integrate .exe Updates from McRip's Update Pack
well i know his office updater is just a compressed exe of the msp files and a script to install all of them. Universal extractor is your friend, also a great way to get to root installers that may have adware/toolbars bundled
Running Windows installation corrupted after using Win Toolkit
for kuc to work you need to mount the image with wintoolkit then point kuc to the mounted folder once done you have wintoolkit commit changes and bam your done with that step.