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Everything posted by Thiersee

  1. Thanks, Rick! Can you please disable this function too? I can't install over an existing version: is it because you removed the update-service? Regards, Thiersee
  2. Hi Rick, version released; .MSI-installers Thiersee
  3. You can uncheck it under "Options" (Check for new DISM)! Thiersee
  4. Only a very very small error in the x86-list: platform="x86" should be platform="SP1 x86" (the same as for x64). Thiersee
  5. XP-Mode itself is not asked too by WU and not for all user useful (Starter, Basic, HomePremium...) Exactly this I did, one extra-SFX for Windows and one for XP-Mode . This is a good idea! BTW, I found out, that it's better to extract this exe-hotfix and KBs by starting them, NOT with an external program (WinRAR, 7zip and so on): I got problems, because after I extracted them with 7zip they got a different CRC and couldn't be integrated. Thanks! Thiersee
  6. I would prefer this way: First of all, I would change the title: from "MAJ" to "Update" (it's more multilingual ) IE11: Italian: <description>Internet Explorer 11 è un browser veloce e fluido; rende il vostro sito web attraente e lo fa funzionare come le applicazioni native sul PC</description> German: <description>Internet Explorer 11 ist ein schneller und flüssiger Browser; er macht Ihre Website attraktiv und lässt sie wie native Anwendungen auf Ihrem PC arbeiten</description> XP-Mode: Italian: <description>Windows XP Mode per Windows 7 rende possibile l'esecuzione di numerosi programmi di produttività per Windows XP direttamente su un computer che esegue Windows 7.</description> German: <description>Windows XP Mode für Windows 7 macht es möglich, viele Ihrer produktiven Windows XP-Anwendungen direkt auf einem Computer zu installieren und auszuführen, auf dem Windows 7 läuft.</description> Last but not least: you could put the updates for XP-Mode in the UL... Links: <update id="KB958559" category="4" publishdate="2011-08-11"> <title>KB958559 - Windows Virtual PC</title> <description>Windows Virtual PC est la toute dernière technologie de virtualisation de Microsoft. Elle permet d'exécuter plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation simultanément sur un ordinateur, ainsi que d'exécuter un grand nombre d'applications de productivité dans un environnement Windows virtuel, d'un simple clic, directement à partir d'un PC Windows 7. </description> <filename>Windows6.1-KB958559-x64-RefreshPkg.msu</filename> <url>http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/5/5/0554AE99-785F-45CB-B1F2-0E3ED1E6117D/Windows6.1-KB958559-x64-RefreshPkg.msu</url> </update> <update id="KB2652034" category="4" publishdate="2011-08-11"> <title>KB2652034 - Additional for Virtual PC</title> <description>Windows Virtual PC est la toute dernière technologie de virtualisation de Microsoft. Elle permet d'exécuter plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation simultanément sur un ordinateur, ainsi que d'exécuter un grand nombre d'applications de productivité dans un environnement Windows virtuel, d'un simple clic, directement à partir d'un PC Windows 7. </description> <filename>Windows6.1-KB2652034-x64-zip.exe</filename> <url>http://hotfixv4.microsoft.com/Windows%207/Windows%20Server2008%20R2%20SP1/sp2/Fix392829/7600/free/443661_intl_x64_zip.exe</url> </update> <update id="KB2697737" category="4" publishdate="2011-08-11"> <title>KB2697737 - Additional for Virtual PC</title> <description>Windows Virtual PC est la toute dernière technologie de virtualisation de Microsoft. Elle permet d'exécuter plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation simultanément sur un ordinateur, ainsi que d'exécuter un grand nombre d'applications de productivité dans un environnement Windows virtuel, d'un simple clic, directement à partir d'un PC Windows 7. </description> <filename>Windows6.1-KB2697737-x64-zip.exe</filename> <url>http://hotfixv4.microsoft.com/Windows%207/Windows%20Server2008%20R2%20SP1/sp2/Fix396882/7600/free/446303_intl_x64_zip.exe</url> </update> Thiersee
  7. I don't speak spanish, sorry. For italian and german leave first the english description; with the translation from Google-Translate I'm not very happy... Thiersee
  8. MS has released KB3001554, replaces KB2709981. http://download.windowsupdate.com/d/msdownload/update/software/updt/2014/09/windows6.1-kb3001554-x86_64735252fbe96831df75b22fb0e429a9dbf30ef7.msu http://download.windowsupdate.com/d/msdownload/update/software/updt/2014/09/windows6.1-kb3001554-x64_cd3974dae38a98a8458d5926ff831b834e057fa1.msu Regards, Thiersee
  9. Not bad the concept! Good idea too! Thiersee
  10. No errors here too, Thiersee
  11. - ONLY windows updates are in the UL from rhahgleuhargh. What do you mean with binary? You can unpack the .ULZ-List with 7zip, you get the editable list in .UL-format and you can edit this list with f.e. Notepad++ Yes. Thiersee
  12. May I ask, why do you not use the exe? You can extract your cab from the exe: http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/11582-internet-explorer-11-for-windows-7-is-out/ http://forums.mydigitallife.info/archive/index.php/t-46644.html http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/11581-internet-explorer-11-pour-windows-7-est-dispo/ under the last link: Regards, Thiersee
  13. Because in the Alpha D/L are ALL the updates, hotfixes and so on MS has released for every feature Windows 7 can, for example RSAT, DCA, Active Directory and so on and you should know, which updates you download and use! The U/L from rhahgleuhargh downloads ONLY updates, hotfixes, security asked by Windows Update. WU will never ask for 600 updates... Thiersee
  14. This is a old one, you should use x17-59463 (SP1 Update Media Refresh) Windows 7 Ultimate x86 SP1 U (media refresh) Regards, Thiersee
  15. Hi Lego, I need your help. On installing Win7- Prof or HP x64 (italian) with the two versions in one ISO I get following error after installing (VM) and I don't know, if it's a mistake of mine or a bug. To the ISO:1st stepProf and HomePremium together, no errors on integrating; on making ISO date of modified install.wim selected; generated with Test5. 2nd stepProf or HomePremium (different autounattend.xml and drivers), no errors on integrating; on making ISO date of modified install.wim selected; generated with Test6. For HomePremium DE x86 and Prof DE x64, both single version-ISO, no issue. Do you have an hint, where I can begin to search? I could try with version and without changing the date on making ISO, but it's an long and annoying job, with two PCs too. Thanks a lot. Thiersee
  16. Hi auser, welcome in forum! You can use the update-list from rhahgleuhargh and the WindowsUpdateDownloader : you download with those lists ONLY the KBs asked by windows update (146) after a fresh installation with SP1; optional you can download: IE11 (french), XP-Mode, RDP. The only thing you have to do separately is to download the IE11 in your language (which one?). Regards, Thiersee
  17. Hi Lego, sorry for reporting bugs late in the night ! Hitting the delete-button under SFX-Silent-Installers-TAB brings the warning as in this thread; with hitting "NO" the element is deleted. Thiersee
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