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Everything posted by Thiersee

  1. My autounattend.xml was generated by WTK at the beginning, then I begun to use WAIK on the same file: no problem at all. Thiersee
  2. It is NOT missing! Regards, Thiersee
  3. If you have already integrated some editions of Visual C++ or Silverlight, yes you need the patches; if you didn't integrate them or if you don't want to integrate them, you don't need the patsches. BTW, KB2636927 has been replaced by KB2714124.
  4. Hi Rick, here the updates windows is aking for BTW, I installed Win7 professional german, NET-FW 4.5 and german LP. Regards, Thiersee Edit: After installing those updates and restart Windows no more update request concerning FW 4.5.
  5. I found them in update-catalog, but they are not for the OS KB2467173 is for Visual C++ KB2814124 and KB2636927 are for MS Silverlight. Regards, Thiersee
  6. Hi, don't ask me how, why and so on: after the windows-update of yesterday and with the same WPI, integrates Skype without issue, my batch-file does not :censored: ! Anyway, the image is now to big for a normal DVD-R, therefore is WPI at the moment not for me. Thanks again for your efforts. Thiersee
  7. Why do people not download the IE10 directly in their language? For almost all languages, polish too: http://windows.microsoft.com/de-de/internet-explorer/ie-10-worldwide-languages Regards, Thiersee
  8. With SFX-Maker. Skype: Skype_XYZ.msi /passive /norestart Copyfile: as folder and CopyFile.bat as executable; the folder mentioned in the .bat are obviously present. CopyFile.bat: @echo off &setlocal if defined ProgramW6432 ( set "pf=%ProgramW6432%" set "cs=ClassicShell" ) else ( set "pf=%ProgramFiles%" set "cs=ClassicShell" ) if defined ProgramFiles(x86) (set "pf_x86=%ProgramFiles(x86)%") else set "pf_x86=%ProgramFiles%" :: Hier dein Code, in dem du mit folgenden Variablen arbeitest. :: ECHOs und PAUSE entfernen, wenn du siehst, dass die Pfade korrekt sind. copy "%cs%\*.dll" "%pf%\ClassicShell\" Regards, Thiersee copy "ImgBurn\*.lng" "%pf_x86%\ImgBurn\languages\" copy "MozBackup\*.lng" "%pf_x86%\MozBackup\" copy "IrfanViewLanguage\*.*" "%pf_x86%\IrfanView\Languages\" This batch, built in the same way, works fine without issues. @echo off &setlocal if defined ProgramW6432 ( set "pf=%ProgramW6432%" set "cs=ClassicShell" ) else ( set "pf=%ProgramFiles%" set "cs=ClassicShell" ) if defined ProgramFiles(x86) (set "pf_x86=%ProgramFiles(x86)%") else set "pf_x86=%ProgramFiles%" copy "AIDA64-Reg\pkey.txt" "%pf_x86%\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme Edition"
  9. There is the same error with Skype. Again: after the WPI-run, where those two program give an error 999, I start them manually (outside of WPI) and they will be installed without error!
  10. Ok, here ist it! Together with config.js I packed the WPI-log.txt and my WinToolkit.INI, so you can see what is integrated in the ISO. BTW, the two programs not running within WPI run in windows and if I put them in Wintoolkit as silent-installer. Two time tried, two time the same error; every time absolutely the same ISO and the same WPI-Package. config.7z
  11. I confirm this issue for too.
  12. I'm not allowed to upload this kind of files (.js).
  13. Hi, I got a problem with a batch file and two programs returning error code 999 in the log-file. What does this code mean? If I start the programs and the batch-file manually they works. Regards, Thiersee
  14. Hi Rick, would be possible to get the languages back again? TNX
  15. Gruezi! And you mean, there is no problems with the other HDs/partitions in the computer? I have 3 SSD/HD in my PC, 2 Win7 on SSD and an external boot-manager on a small USB-flash; the boot-manager hides all the not needed/wanted OS/partitions and has been working until now without problems. Every time I installed my multiboot OS I pulled all the HDs and leaved only my SSD, because I didn't know what would happen, if all HDs are attached... A second reason: I must send a PC (1 HD, 2 partitions) to my sister in Italy and a new installation (if needed, support by me via phone) should be "fool proof" (in german: 4 linke Hände ) and should run automatically as much as possible. Have a nice week end! Thiersee
  16. Merci! (but please NO answer in french ). I'll try it.
  17. Is there any chance to wipe only a PARTITION and not the whole disk (wipe disk in WAIK)? TNX, Thiersee
  18. KB2533552 can NOT be integrated in an image (offline), only on a running system; same for KB2603229! That's OK, they will be integrated as "Application" or "Silent-Installer"; KB2592687 integrates only if you have integrated the prerequisite KB2574819 and also on a running system.
  19. OK, this is an explanation for me too.
  20. You are right, I don' want to upgrade at any cost ! But, If I start a new integration because of windows-update, new programs and so on, why should I not try to have all the new driver in my image (if it works!)? In this case I must use the older driver to integrate. My thread was not to get a solution that works, much more to get an explanation why it doesn't work . Anyway thanks.
  21. As I wrote, from 7069 onwards, i.e. with 7072 (7.72) too.
  22. Hi people, I don't know, if this issue depends from WTK or from the Realtek Network-driver or from Motherboard; anyway I will post the same question in german Gigabyte-forum (it's a GB-board). The "story": there have been no problems until version 7.67 of the driver (integrated AND installed); from version 7.69 onwards the drivers have been integrated but NOT installed :ranting:! Updating the running system with the newest driver works without problems. I couldn't find any big differences in the .inf-file. OS: Win7 HP x64 Mainboard: GA-F2A85XM-D3H Network-controller: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller (on board). Any idea for me to solve this issue? TNX, Thiersee
  23. You can pause the download and resume it again; it's not the best solution, but it works.
  24. Oh yes, thanks! If you don't use an autounattend.xml it is during win-installation where you should put the Key. If you use an autounattend.xml it should be under "specialize" <settings pass="specialize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <ComputerName>ZUHAUSE</ComputerName> <BluetoothTaskbarIconEnabled>false</BluetoothTaskbarIconEnabled> <DoNotCleanTaskBar>true</DoNotCleanTaskBar> <TimeZone>W. Europe Standard Time</TimeZone> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-UX" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <SkipAutoActivation>true</SkipAutoActivation> </component>I install with this in my autounattend.xml I get 30 days to activate. EDIT: I must correct myself, it's not the auto-aktivation you can skip (you can select/deselect it), you can skip the whole Key-entering-procedure; I mean this one (sorry, it's german) If I use "Überspringen" (Skip) without Key and auto-activation, then I have 3 days to activate, if I use "Weiter" (Next or continue) I get 30 days. no matter if VirtualBox or real Install
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