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Everything posted by Thiersee

  1. Does somebody know, which switches are necessary to silent install the McRip-files (bottom left)? TnX, Thiersee
  2. Put it at the end on your SFX-list! Just a question: why did you put KB2603229 twice for integration? exactly this update could be the reason for your problem, see MS-Infohttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/2603229/en-us Thiersee
  3. http://www.microsoft.com/de-de/download/details.aspx?id=5753 http://www.microsoft.com/de-de/download/details.aspx?id=5188 http://technet.microsoft.com/de-DE/library/dd349350%28WS.10%29.aspx#Updates http://www.win-lite.de/wbb/board195-windows-7/board196-win7-tools-zur-image-bearbeitung/3028-programme-per-autounattend-xml-mit-unver%C3%A4nderter-windows7-dvd-installieren/ http://wiki.win-lite.de/index.php?title=Allgemein:Unbeaufsichtigte_Installation/Programme_in_Vista_mitinstallieren http://blogs.itacs.de/HS/Lists/Beitraege/Post.aspx?ID=46 Thiersee
  4. Did you install KB2574819 first? A I told you in the other thread, this KB MUST be installed before KB2592687! It's not enough, to integrate it in the ISO. Thiersee P.S.: I installed yesterday an WinToolkit-ISO with "mixed" configuration (20 prompt install, 55 always installed), 145 updates and many Files/Theme/Background/Tweaks: NO issue!
  5. I needed a long time before I got the right autounattend.xml for my purposes: a lot of work "try and pray" is necessary... I worked with the WAIK and some links. If you want can I give you those links (a couple of them in german). For this I think you should use an Win7-Pro-ISO without removing the ei.cfg. I think (but I'm not sure), if you give only the parameters "DiskID"=0, "Partition"=1 and no size, only 1 partition on the first HDD and over the complete HDD will be generated. <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <UserData> <ProductKey> <WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> <Key>XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX</Key> </ProductKey> <AcceptEula>true</AcceptEula> </UserData> <EnableFirewall>true</EnableFirewall> <ImageInstall> <OSImage> <WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> <InstallToAvailablePartition>false</InstallToAvailablePartition> <InstallTo> <DiskID>0</DiskID> <PartitionID>1</PartitionID> </InstallTo> </OSImage> </ImageInstall> <EnableNetwork>true</EnableNetwork> <DiskConfiguration> <Disk wcm:action="add"> <CreatePartitions> <CreatePartition wcm:action="add"> <Order>1</Order> <Type>Primary</Type> </CreatePartition> </CreatePartitions> <ModifyPartitions> <ModifyPartition wcm:action="add"> <Active>true</Active> <Extend>false</Extend> <Format>NTFS</Format> <Label>Example</Label> <Letter>C</Letter> <Order>1</Order> <PartitionID>1</PartitionID> </ModifyPartition> </ModifyPartitions> <DiskID>0</DiskID> <WillWipeDisk>true</WillWipeDisk> </Disk> <WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> </DiskConfiguration> It should be in the section "specialize" (but I don't have experience with joining domain) <component name="Microsoft-Windows-UnattendedJoin" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <Identification> <JoinWorkgroup>ARBEITSGRUPPE</JoinWorkgroup> <Credentials> <Domain>Test</Domain> <Password>Password</Password> <Username>X23piracy</Username> </Credentials> <JoinDomain>Test</JoinDomain> </Identification> </component> Regards, Thiersee
  6. Have a look to this threads: http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/10936-wintoolkit-install-apps-too-early/?hl=thiersee#entry95281 and http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/10550-wrong-start-of-wintoolkit-installer-if-kb2529687kb2574819-integrated/. Thiersee
  7. Good idea :thumbsup_anim: ! Thiersee
  8. is working, the issue with the installer has gone! Only a small bug is still present within prompt-install: the buttons up, down, check, uncheck are NOT selectable, like in version (screenshot of TNX, Thiersee
  9. Thanks a lot, Sir! I didn't see it. :thumbsup_anim:
  10. What for screenshot? X23piracy provided a screen shot in post #8; during my tests I got only on version a list from installer, where I could select a single or all the SFXs. Whitin the other tested versions I got only the the same as in post #8 and no menu to select SFX.
  11. Yes Sir! Have a look to post #8, #14, #18: I repeated the test three times each version (I installed Win7 in a VirtualBox), always with the same INI, a fresh ISO (x17-59885) and Professional x64.
  12. You can build up a silent installer with this program (installation in english too!) you put all the files (setup.exe and your Classic.xml) in a folder and give the silent-switches in the SFX-field (SFX-Schalter). In this way your setup.exe find the classic.xml. Thiersee
  13. Interesting, but with only one (big) disadvantage of this program: the are no update-list in other languages, only english. Thiersee
  14. Here am I again! Yesterday and today I tried a lot of WinToolkit versions because of the issue with the installer and this was the result: older versions: (installer version 4.6.3) works fine (installer version 4.8.1) does NOT work newer versions: (installer version 4.8.1) does NOT work (installer version does NOT work @X23piracy If you want can you try version @legolash2o You are now asked for a solution ! Regards, Thiersee
  15. No, I have a ready silent-installer for every program (in this case I leave the switch-field empty) or I use the original executable with silent-switches in the switch-field. It would be nice for me too. Thiersee
  16. @X23piracy I tried an integration with the same silent-installer (7zip, Flash, AdobeReader) like you and with both modes, prompt-Install and auto: in prompt-install mode I have exactly the same issue, in auto-mode NOT :ranting:! Fresh ISO (X17-59885) Win7 Professional x64 (integration) and working-environment WinToolkit (Installer is Thiersee
  17. Put KB2533552 manually in the Silent-Installers.
  18. It's OK! Where did you get this version from? The actual test is 14; only the nstaller is version (withou t15). Did you try with automatic install (always)? I ask only, because I do the same and I have no problem: a couple of driver, addon, and silent-installers (always install). Thiersee
  19. I noticed you have a "bang" (!) in the path: I would NOT use special characters in the path; I got problems with special (german) characters).
  20. Did you integrated first KB2574819? This is a prerequisite for KB2592687! MfG, Thiersee
  21. I know it. May be I didn't explain it clearly. I have an ISO with removed ei.cfg If I mount this ISO with VirtualCloneDrive and look in the sources-folder, there is wether ei.cfg nor ei.cfg.bak. If I extract the same ISO within WinToolkit and look in the sources-folder, there is an ei.cfg.
  22. This is not a problem, I only want to know, why. I saw this difference on loading an install.wim (allways the same ISO!): 1) If I manually mount the ISO and then copy the content in my working-folder, I don't have the button to remove the ei.cfg (it's OK, I removed it) 2) If I "browse for ISO" and extract the content into the same working-folder (within WinToolkit), I get the button for the ei.cfg. Do WinToolkit write the ei.cfg in \sources\ again? TNX, Thiersee
  23. I can confirm the issue. The oldest version I have is and with this version too is KB2533552 NOT going automatically to "Silent-Install", the same error (not compatible) comes; I have to put it manually in the "Silent-Install". But it will be downloaded by Windows Update anyway after installation, no matter if the patch has been installed or not. For KB971033 no issue, it will be integrated, but it will be automatically downloaded and installed on enabling update for other MS-products. Regards, Thiersee
  24. Sorry for asking, but why do you not use the Microsoft-Tool? It works! Regards, Thiersee
  25. I find out the reason for the issue (I've reproduced it) in my post #30: again a german character in the path! with Test12 is OK, with german characters too. Thiersee
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